Wednesday 24 August 2022


 Good morning all!

This week I have been mostly trying to sort out plumbing issues!!

 My washer sprang a leak and I am still waiting for the repair man to fix it. 

Then, yesterday my kitchen tap broke and a fountain squirts out every time I use it so we are sorting that little issue too. I'm just hoping things don't really come in threes!

Over the weekend I did manage to make a little card. I think I am out of practice but I enjoyed doing it.

Then, I had an email from a friend who I have supported in the past with items for their Autumn Craft Sale.

 So, I delved into my stash of knitted dollies etc and came up with a few goodies to parcel up for them. I might have time for a few more items when I get my head around it.

That's me for this week.

I seem to have missed out on a few WOYWW posts just lately.

I will try to do better this week.

xx Jo


  1. I do hope your plumbing problems stop at 2! and that they are fixed soon. Love the goodies you've parcelled up for your friend's craft sale. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  2. Love the card Jo and really hope the plumbing problems soon get sorted for you.
    Annie x

  3. Besides your home issues, your little goodies for the Autumn craft sale are so cute. Here if you have something break and need's a real challenge to find them. NO supplies available. My hubby is in turmoil once or twice a week. Getting machinery read for harvest and PARTS have doubled/tripled in price or are unavailable. Such frustrations for our farmers. BUT it is with all of us. Crafting/paint/food/paper products, things are just not available PLus road construction everywhere, most bridges are being replaced so detours on gravel. It was all left go to long in the Northern part of our state. HELP to work is hard to find. Wishing you good luck and happiness this week.

  4. Hello Jo. Hope you get the plumbing problems sorted soon, my worse nightmare! Love the items for the Craft sale. Cute card as well.
    Anne x 13

  5. I love your little knitted dolls. I say knitted and they could be crocheted. Love the medic ones and do I espy fairy nuff's sister?
    Have a lovely week and weekend.
    hugs, Neet 2 xx

  6. I’m just happy to see you on the desks again! The little card is gorgeous as are all the bits you’ve put together for your friend, you are such a generous soul. Hope your plumbing issues are soon resolved and a third doesn’t appear!!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  7. Hope all the plumbing issues are sorted now.
    I love that card - and that's a fair stash to send to the craft sale!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    I am determined to call and comment on all of you this week!
    Susan #14
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  8. Hope the plumbing issues stop at two and that they are fixed soon Jo. Loving the card and the knitted goodies. Trying to visit as many desks as possible before we head up to Scarborough for three nights. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #15

  9. That’s a lovely card. I hope the plumbing faults get fixed soon and If that third problem happens it’s a very minor one. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

  10. Hi Jo, I'm here just been a bit distracted today. Sorry because I'm sure I've used that excuse before Lol! Loving the card and hope your plumbing gets sorted soon. Keep smiling and wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x11x

  11. What a super little card, love it and especially love the little dollies, the lilac one and the tiny one, really lovely. BJ#10

  12. Lawks, I hope the machine is repaired soon, it’s not till you don’t have one that you realise quite how much washing you do! and as for the tap, well, just don’t take it personally! How amazing a gift you are, having a stash of bits you can contribute is wonderful. When Annie’s finished gadding about, we must chat xxxx

  13. That is a lovely card, so bright and cheerful.
    Hope the plumbing issues get sorted quickly.

  14. Those little people at the end of your post are really cute!!. Happy VERY late WOYWW ((Lyn))


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.