Wednesday 3 August 2022


 Just a quick post today.

I have been busy with Ben for the last two days and I am worn out. I really hope I get my "bounce" back soon. 

He came here last week with this furry friend that he had bought with his pocket money. It is called Huggy Wuggy. I think it's scary but it seems to appeal to this seven year old! He was hankering for a friend for Huggy so I said I would see what I could do.

Ben said if I could do it in a week I would get a treat - but if it took 2 weeks I wouldn't!! Cheeky monkey!

So, I raided Annie's fur fabric stash and came up with a friendlier version as a pal for Huggy....

Needless to say Ben was really pleased and had to take him home to show the family tonight

Apart from a few mending jobs and some admin for Maxine, I haven't really found much energy or time to craft.

Apologies and thank you to to all those kind folks who visited and left comments last week - I only managed to get round a few of you but will try a bit harder this week.

xx Jo


  1. Morning Jo, happy WOYWW Sorry you are struggling to get your energy back! I love Huggy, and his new friend too! Lucky Ben!! Take care and have a good week. Helen #2

  2. Well done you with the Huggy Wuggy. I an see why he’d be thrilled.
    Annie x

  3. Don’t push yourself Jo, I’ve heard that the fatigue is very hard to shift and takes longer than you think. It’s worth easing off and getting properly better. The new less scary friend for Huggy is fab, clever you!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  4. I agree your friend for Huggy is much friendlier looking! Take it easy.

  5. Huggy’s friend looks a bit Kermit-like, Jo and much friendlier than his mate.
    Ben is cheeky with such a deadline; Adults have so many ways to turn that back on him, he should be careful!
    I hope you feel more energetic soon.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 10

  6. Sorry to near you are still feeling the effects of Covid-my daughter has been unlucky too and now back on steroid. Love Ben’s little green friend. Take care and rest-Leanne has spent a good part of her summer break napping on the sofa under her Harry Potter quilt. X

  7. Hope you have more energy soon Jo - the virus certainly takes its time! Loving your version of Huggy - far more friendly looking. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #15

  8. Sorry you are still short on energy, but we’ll done on the new monster. He looks more cuddly that the first one - all those teeth 😱
    Happy WOYWW. Angela #13

  9. Happy WOYWW, sorry I'm a bit late. I thought Huggy Wuggy was a bit scary too!! What's the friendly version called? A ewlll sound like you made y0u made Ben happy. Hope your va va voom is back soon. Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx


  10. Huggy and friend look great together. Well done for meeting Ben's deadline.
    Hope the energy levels start to improve after your bout of Covid.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.