Wednesday 31 August 2022



This week I have spent a few hours sorting and tidying in my sewing room.

I found lots of little works of art that Maxine has made, as cards, for me over the last year or two.

I love her needle felted pictures but she also likes to make tiny hand stitched collages and that little pink/lilac one is really cute.

I haven't done much crafting myself this week as I have been in charge of Tilly's Etsy shop while she has been on her hols. So, much of my time has been spent packing and posting lovely little parcels of goodies!

The lovely weather has tempted me to sit in my garden reading in my free time.

I seem to get hooked and have read about a dozen books over the last few weeks.

I should have taken a photo but I have left them for Max when she gets back.

I have enjoyed a couple of Anne Cleeves and Elly Griffiths as well as Carol Kirkwood's first book. I noticed her latest is now out in hardback.

I hope you have enjoyed the sunshine. Let's hope it lasts a little bit longer.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. Glad you've been able to help Max with her Etsy shop; they are lucky to have you to help out! Sitting reading in the garden sounds a great way to spend your spare time. Have a great week Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. All the cards and collages are lovely, Jo. Well done to you for running the etsy shop while Max has a well deserved holiday. I’m stuck just now as my mojo has gone AWOL and I’m hoping the cooler weather may help it return. CatrionaX

  3. Glad you have been enjoying some relaxation in the sunshine Jo. Maxine's work is great. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #15

  4. Lovely little finds from your tidying up session! Well done for looking after Max’s business and for taking time out just to chill and read, we’re very bad at scheduling time for ourselves. I’ve linked you in and you’re no 20!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  5. Glad you managed to get some free time. I love reading. You found some lovely samples of your daughter’s work. Happy WOYWW. Angela #17

  6. Those are really lovely little pieces and so delicate! I enjoy reading too but I haven't done much lately. I have hundreds of books lined up on my Kindle - I'm glad if I manage one a month! At this rate, I won't live long enough to read all of them LOL! Thanks for the recommendations. I'll look them up (not that I need any more to buy but that never stopped me! My favourite contemporary author is Kate Morton and she will have a new book out soon. I've read all of hers. She only publishes one every few years - they're always worth the wait though! Enjoy the end of the summer reading in your garden! xx zsuzsa #19

  7. You are a talented family, there is you and Annie and Maxine is carrying on the tradition and I bet Ben has lots of artistic talent in him too.
    Chas bought me a felted picture on Sunday at a Prom-Art in Grange - I must put it on my blog but it is at the 'van.
    Hugs, `neet 1 xx

  8. I love the bright days but not the heat and pleased now it's cooled down. I always enjpy reading a book but don't seem to get much chance to do it right now. Loving the needle felted pictures and the sewn piece too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x12x

  9. Those cards really are tiny works of art!! The temperature has been much nicer for sitting in the garden in this week. Coincidence - have just ordered the first of the Brighton series by Ellie Griffiths to take on holiday!! Do love a good read. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #16

  10. I bet its quite fun playing shop keep, even an on line one! Take care! Have a great week! Happy Late WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #23 last again!

  11. Those cards you’ve found are beautiful. I love needle felted landscapes. Enjoy your reading, Jo
    Take care
    Lynnecrafts 14

  12. I envy you! I usually feel guilty if I read during the day. I feel there should be something else more productive I should be doing! I guess I should try it...Have a great week, Lindart #22


  13. How nice to find such beautiful crafting while sorting and tidying. The felt landscapes and tiny stitching are lovely.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.