Wednesday 27 July 2022


 I'm back!

In case you were missing me... life just takes over sometimes doesn't it.

We had a wonderful week in Scotland and unfortunately I came home with Covid, testing positive on the day I got back. So - even though I didn't feel too poorly with it, it seems to have taken my "bounce" away! I have struggled to find the energy needed to do all that I love doing.

This week I am feeling a bit better but seem shattered by the end of the day - I hope it goes away sometime soon.

I have managed some picture mounting and brooch finishing off for Tilly Tea Dance.

I love doing these tasks for Max but must admit it took a lot longer than usual!

Her bestie asked if I would make bunting for her little girl's party table so I have enjoyed a bit of fabric craft this week - well it took me all morning really.

So that's about it.

I did manage to climb "Arthur's Seat" on our last day in Edinburgh. The views were amazing.

I hope you are all well and have enjoyed our wonderful (if a bit hot) summer weather.

xx Jo


  1. Glad you managed to enjoy your holiday before coming down with Covid! great views over Edinburgh - I've never been. Hope you feel fully fighting fit soon - I'm back at work now (worked from home last week) and feeling ok luckily. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. I’m so glad you’re eventually bouncing takes longer than you think. Lovely view from the top of the hill.
    Annie x

  3. I was so happy to see your name on the list this morning! It does seem to take an enormous amount of time to shift the weariness of Covid, so be good and listen to your body! Great pics of Arthurs Seat, we’re off up to Edinburgh for our special anniversary trip away, can’t wait, there’s a long list of things we want to do!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  4. Oh what fun going to Scotland, on my list Glad you were good to go. Covid is everywhere, summer sinus/allergy etc. We had it in June, not tested (results are up and down with that) but we stayed home, he was worse than me with high fever. LOTS of Sleep/water Best Wishes on soon to normal.

  5. Welcome back from the trip ... I suppose it has been a great vacation? I would love to visit Scotland too. But it has to wait til all this covid thingy is over I guess. Sad to hear you catched it. What you can do is rest in any moment you have to do it. I have had a bit of it and it took me a month to be myself again.

    You make such a great art with your hands.

    Thank you for sharing

    Have a great week !!
    Mariane #12

  6. Hi Jo, lovely work on your holiday in bonnie Scotland.. do live Scotland.. and England too. Might be biased. Beautiful work by Tilly Tea dance too.. caught up on some of your posts and saw her FB page.
    Also was telling my nephew who works in dementia age care about your twiddle mitts he was very taken with the lighthouse one too. He's the son of my sister who your owl and poppy dumfing went to...

    Better go - its late, I'm late, said the white rabbit.. glad you weren't too sick if tired a lot. I can relate to that!

    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  7. Hi Twiglet, I'm back too! I love your photos, and sorry about the Covid!
    Hope you are feeling better fast!
    Have a great week, Ginny M

  8. Oh I’m very sorry that you’ve succumbed, and deeply grateful that you aren’t more poorly. It seems to make everyone very tired, you just have to go with the flow, huh. Frustrating for you busy gals! Glad though, that you got a lovely holiday first, looks as if you had great weather too, that view from Arthur’s Seat is quite amazing isn’t it!

  9. Sorry to hear you caught Covid at least you had a good holiday. We're still wearing masks whenever we go shopping or know there will be lots of people about and when I do mum's cleaning. Hope you feel more like yourself soon. Have a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x9x

  10. It’s good you got the chance to enjoy Scotland before you came down with the lurgy. Hope you feel better soon. Sorry I’m late - been writing a big report on what the council and developer should have done
    Take care
    Lynnecrafts 4


  11. Hope you get over your bout of covid quickly and are able to do all the things you enjoy.
    We went to Scotland last year and stayed at Falkirk. We did spend a day in Edinburgh as well. Great holiday :)


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.