Wednesday 29 June 2022


 Good morning all.

My sewing room has seen very little action for a week or two.

Last week we had a few days away with old school friends.

We visited Skipton Castle

 and East Riddlesden Hall NT

and The Bronte Parsonage at Haworth.

The weather was perfect and we had 3 lovely days.

This week I am helping Tilly with some admin. I have been putting together workshop packs and mounting some of her stunning, felted and  embroidered  mini landscapes.

Heather Hills - felted wool and embroidered landscape picture | t-dance-web-site (

My latest twelve twiddlers are all set for the hospital...

So that's it for this week.

I shall probably be enjoying the tennis for the next week or so!

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. Skipton castle looks fab, never visited there and looks as if you had a great time catching up with your friend. Like you I will be mostly watching the tennis - after the daily work of course (boo!) Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  2. Your trip away pics are lovely as are your latest twiddlers.
    Annie x

  3. Beautiful twiddlers Jo, did you see Serena’s match last night? Sad to see her out but Harmony Tan was fantastic.
    I wonder if you’ll be tempted to make a Wimbledon 2022 twiddler while watching the tennis?
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 6

  4. That is some awesome places you have been visiting. WOW. - Great twiddlers, those who receive them are going to be very happy. Have a superb week

    Mariane #19

  5. What fun your trip away must have been, good friends and great places, brilliant. Loving the new Twiddlers too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x12x

  6. The castle looks lovely you visited lots of lovely places.

    Lovely colors on the twiddle muffs,

    Take care and stay safe ,

    Lilian b #15

  7. We are near Leyburn at the moment. Also near to Middleham Castle. We haven’t been round it yet, it was a bit rainy yesterday. I was amazed how close the houses are to it. Love the latest twiddlers. A belated happy WOYWW. Angela #10

  8. Those twiddlers are little pieces of art, love it! Hug from Holland. Marit #4

  9. I'm soooo late for last week, but we were away House sitting dogs! I'm waiting to see if I'll be the same number as I've been for the last two weeks. #16. Love all your twiddlers as always. I was wondering if you'd be making a tennis twidder too...or ice skatting!? or zip flying! Can't think what to do with those red and black squares though, but you probably have already thought of something by now! Have a grrat week, see you on WOYWW later! ))Lyn#16


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.