Wednesday 15 June 2022



Good morning all.

Do you remember the beige boucle yarn that I showed you last week?

Well, here it is hanging out to dry.

I used a variety of acid dyes to get shades of greens and purply pinks as requested by Tilly.

She was really pleased with the end results and I think they will work well in her wet felting and for use on her workshops.

The other thing I want to share is this..

Years ago I was given lots of polyester flags. I have cut the logos off and now I am left with yards of thin fabric and have no idea what it can be used for.

If anyone has any clever ideas I would be grateful. It seems a shame just to scrap it but I really can't think of any purpose for it. What do you think?

Well that's me for this week.

I hope you are all enjoying the lovely weather with more to come I think.

This week I am watching the tennis at Queen's (only on tv not the real thing!)

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. the dyed yarn looks so completely different - what gorgeous colours! I am sure Tilly will put them to great use. I hope someone comes up with some ideas for the flags, there appears to be lots of them!! Happy WOYWW Helen #?

  2. Wow. The yarn looks amazing...dye another day! I’m sure Max loves it...who wouldn’t? As for the flags?...maybe put them to good use with my buttons lol.
    Annie x

  3. I wondered why, looking at your first pic, you had a load of furry monsters hanging on your washing line!! (I know, I’m weird…) but it didn’t half make me smile this morning!! I have no idea what to use those flags for, inspiration has failed me…think it’s the heat, need more gin, lolol!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xx

  4. Fabulous dye colours! Would the fabric make tote/ drawstring bags? You know me-the bag lady!

  5. I love the colours of the boucle yarn - how satisfying to see it all drying after all the work of dying it - I'm sure it will look amazing in Tilly's beautiful creations. I can't for the life of me think of anything to do with the flags, but like you I would definitely keep them for 'one day'! The only thing I could think of was PE/swimming bags!
    Hope you have a lovely week,
    Diana xx #14

  6. great colours that are very different from what they were last week ..

    Happy woywdw

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #9

  7. Who would have thought it! (or as they'd say up here "ooh wud a thow't it". Gorgeous colours now for Maxine.
    The flag fabric - not a clue - if it is really thin a tutu dress for a child?
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  8. Hellooo Jo, loooving your burst of colour hanging out to dry, lush colours they are now πŸŒˆπŸ’›πŸ’•❤ All I can think about is mini checker boards for noughts and crosses ... all sewn up into a handy roll to pop in a bag until it's needed for the bairns 😊 best I can do lol. Have a fabulous week with love and hugs Tracy #12 xxx

  9. Two comments gone missingπŸ™„, oh well 3rd time lucky. Love the colours of that yarn Ostia wool mix or 100% wool I wonder. I picked up some variegated blue yarn today from Aldi of all places. I wanted it for weaving. They have good stuff sometimes, but it’s unpredictable. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

  10. What beautiful colours. I'm afraid I have no ideas re the fabric. I can imagine though that should you discard it you will need it!!!
    It's what usually happens to me lol. Anne x 19

  11. Gorgeous colours of the yarn, well done. The fabric flags look interesting and would make great fun cushion covers. Wishing you a very happy belated woyww. Hugs, Angela x10x

  12. Those greens look fabulous, great job dying that yarn! I love the pattern of the flags but have no idea what you could use it for either... Have a great week, love from the Netherlands! Marit #3

  13. I know so little about yarn that I’m going to guess you use acid dyes so that they don’t run once wet again….I do know what I like though, and those colours are great aren’t they, how nice to have happy washing line! Last summer my sister and I were on Bognor seafront, chatting to the kite man….he said that he makes a lot of his kites from rip stop flag fabrics. would they sew together to make a useful shade sail? I dunno…I’m admiring your never say die attitude to them though!

  14. Fabulously dyed yarn Jo. I’m enjoying the tennis at Queens as well though Berrettini is currently having a bit of a mare. Is the fabric something a school could use for sports bibs or something?.
    Take care
    Lynnecrafts 16

  15. Love love lopve those yarn colours!! The fabric? Tabards? Bunting? Sure you'll think of something!! Happy WOYWW, love n hugs, Cindyxx #17


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.