Wednesday 8 June 2022



Good morning all!

The last little ATC and card to arrive came from Susan in Australia. Thanks lots Susan - they are perfect and all so beautifully finished. 

Yesterday I was sorting out the wool boucle yarn ready to dye for Tilly Tea Dance. She has been very busy wet felting fibres to create background pieces for her pictures. If you are on Facebook you will be able to see some of her little videos here.

We bought this boring beige as a job lot at the Wonderwool event in Builth Wells before all the lockdowns. It will look much, much nicer when I have dyed it in a variety of greens. Max chops it up to use as foreground herbage in her pictures.

My latest twiddlers have been simple ones with lots of textures and shades.

These take a lot less thinking and planning time and are easy to do - just not quite as much fun for me but I am sure they will come in useful up at the hospital.

So that's it for this week.

I hope you enjoyed your Jubilee celebrations. It was lovely to watch all the events over the weekend but I think Paddington and Her Majesty stole the show!

xx Jo 


  1. I loved HM with Paddington too - she certainly has an epic sense of humour. I have been enjoying Max's videos too Jo. Hope the dye session goes weel. Fab last ATC - worth the wait. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  2. Hope you have fun dyeing. Love the latest sort of colours.
    Annie x

  3. Goood morning Jo 🤗 I agree HM and Paddington most definitely stole the show ⭐ Beautiful ATC's from Susan 💕 Looking forward to seeing the yarn from dyeing to the finished art 🌈⭐I don't think any of your Twiddlers can be called boring Jo,each one so beautiful and unique. Wishing you a beautiful week ahead with love and hugs Tracy #11 xxx

  4. I loved the Queen with Paddington, I even recorded it on my phone 🤗. It’s still a lovely twiddler even though you haven’t used you artistic talents to make a scene and is sure to be appreciated. Happy WOYWW. Angela #15

  5. Most definitely the best part of the celebrations was HM with Paddington. Loving the new Twiddler too but then they are all gorgeous. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x13x

  6. One of your lovely twiddlers wouldn’t have gone amiss over the past weeks Jo haha xx

  7. Have fun dyeing Jo. What do you use as a mordant? That’s a lovely twiddler
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 19

  8. I agree about Paddington and Her Majesty, what a wonderfully well kept secret! Love the texture of the boring beige, and your foresight, it makes perfect herbage, clever! I’ve been watching Max’s videos and marvelling at the size of the backing pieces she makes…they are astonishing in such size aren’t they. I think the twiddlers are as lovely however you do them, the colours alone must make them attractive, I bet the residents are attracted to them in every form.

  9. I had to fuibnd what you were talking about with the Queen and Paddington. It was a very funny clip and I found her sense of humor quite good, too.

    Love the colors on that Twiddler. The texture is fabulous.

    I wanted to let everyone know, I am the most unlucky person on WOYWW today. After linking, I was kicked offline due to an electricity outage. When it came back on, I saw my entire city is now required to boil water for the next 24 hours due to a water break. I wanted to quickly explain so everyone didn't think I had forgotten to visit. Storms still raging overhead, so I am copying and pasting this message in case I get caught offline again. Happy WOYWW from # 1.

  10. I really like the strong colours and simple pattern of the twiddlers today, it’s really striking and the hospital will love them. The bobbly herbage will look great when it’s dyed, you are a good sort doing that for Max!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  11. My niece sent me the video link of the Queen and Paddington but it wouldn't open here. I was pleased to find it later on you tube - brilliant! Lovely twiddler!
    Glad my envelope arrived!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #16

  12. Hope the dyeing goes well and you get the greens you need, Love you latest Twiddle muff,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #17

  13. oh yes I think you were right about Paddnigton and the Queen! The overall spectacle was great, just wish I had felt well enough to go into town for some of it. Hey ho them's the breaks. Lovely twiddlers as always. Such a vibrant blue! Have a good week, love n hugs, Cindy #22


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.