Wednesday 1 June 2022


Good morning all.
Just a little bit of twiddle mitt fun to share with you today.
Shrewsbury hosts a wonderful Flower Show in August so I thought an appropriate twiddler would be in order. (Front and back here)

The other twiddler is an" Under the sea" one.

I hope the jelly fish isn't too scary - I just thought its wispy texture might be fun.

Last but not least..

My lovely ATCs from Sylvia,

Our Queen of Snoop, Julia. Robyn and Tracy.
Thanks lots to everyone. They are a fab depiction of our "Connection".

I think I will buy a little cork board like Jan, to display them all. They deserve pride of place in my sewing room.

That's it for this WOYWW.

Have a happy Platinum Jubilee.

xx Jo


  1. the twiddle muffs are beautiful! Love the atcs too. Have a great week and Jubilee weekend. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

  2. Good Morning, O Twiddler Supremo! Love the newest addition, the flowers are so pretty but it’s the seaside one that made me smile, the jellyfish is very happy to be there! We get all sorts of them washed up on our beaches from the alien coloured (but very tiny) Portuguese Men of War to the more benign (but dustbin lid sized) barrel jellyfish. Sometimes there’s a mass stranding and there are thousands along the timeline! Like aliens out of Dr Who….
    I love my cork board, it has made such a different to the JanCave!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  3. I think my keyboard has gremlins, first Mary Ann sent me to a post long ago and now yours sent me to last week. Ah well, wonder how many more it will mess with.
    Love the twiddlers as always, you do think up some great ones and I am sure the wispy bit will be twiddled and twisted and even stroked on the chin for a tickle.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  4. The twiddlers are gorgeous, the flowers are so tiny and beautiful and I love the sea themed one - the octopus is great and gives them something extra to twiddle!
    Hope you have a great jubilee weekend,
    Diana xx #14

  5. Hellooo Jo πŸ€— your twiddlers are gorrrgeous, every week such a joy to pop along for a lookie πŸ’•πŸ’›πŸŒΈπŸŒΈ they must take a while to create, so much detail. Beautiful collection of ATC's , I'm so happy mine arrived safely. Have a gorgeous week ahead, love and hugs Tracy #11 xxx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.