Wednesday 25 May 2022



Good morning all!
Just look at this lovely little work of art.
I know anyone who swapped ATCs with us received a print of this, but, Annie gave lucky old me the original! I love it and will be framing it to hang in my sewing room. She is such a talented, crafty person.

Below are the ATCs we have received so far....

Always such different ideas and clever ways to present the theme of "Connection".

I know Annie has one or two more so I will show and tell those next week when she has shared them with me. Thanks to everyone who swapped with us - we love to see them and I will display them in my sewing room.

Below is my "garden" themed twiddler.
I just hope the beetroot and carrots don't look to temptingly realistic!

That's it for this week - except for these lovely pictures of the gardens at Dudmaston Hall NT....

We had a glorious day there last week.

Let's hope we get a little more of that sunshine this week.

xx Jo


  1. ATC mail is the best kind of mail!! So many different interpretations. Happy WOYWW xx Helen #2

  2. Love the latest twiggler Jo. What an imagination you’ve got.
    Annie x

  3. Gorgeous ATCs! I loved my sunflowers from you Jo, so pretty, thank you so much xx. That veg twiddler is another brilliant make, I love all the detail you manage to pack in, it’s genius!!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  4. Dudmaston looks a lovely place. Lovely ATC’s on display and of course, another great twiddler. Annie’s ATC is fabulous. Happy WOYWW. Angela #16

  5. Love the broccoli heads on the Twiddler - what fab. ideas you come up with.
    lovely atc's too, and thanks for yours.
    Love the look of Dudmaston, well worth a visit.
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx

  6. Thank you so much for the beautiful ATC - it was a delight to receive - what a great week it was for happy mail! I do love the twiddler this week - I often wonder if you will run out of ideas but I never cease to be amazed at your wonderful creations and different themes - that garden twiddler would suit so many people I know, it's just gorgeous. Dudmaston Hall looks a beautiful place to visit.
    Hope you have a lovely week,
    Diana xx #17

  7. The ATC's are so lovely. Hope I can manage to join in the next time. I only just linked up this week. Did it all last night and then forgot to link this morning! Love the twiddle muffins. Anne x 28

  8. Gorgeous ATC collection and thank you so much for mine too. The Twiddler is brilliant, another great design. I wonder how many of these you've made. Look forward to meeting you all, can't wait. Have a great woyww, hugs Angela x14x

  9. Hi Jo, thanks so much for your visit. Oooh, I do live Annie's stitched ATC! Super cute as is your latest twiddler. You ladies are so good with at these things! Dudmaston looks lovely - I've bookmarked it for a family day out - it's well within striking distance for us! Thanks for the tip! Enjoy your week! xx zsuzsa #19

  10. I owe you so many thank yous, the beautiful ATC, I love it and the Ukrainian feel…thoughtful and lovely. And of course, for handling the Crop…seems to have caused some lovely excitement, we are actually fairly easy to please aren’t we! The anniversary was super, am so glad you’re enjoying so much happy Mail!

  11. Ooh! Another beautiful Twiddler! Dudmaston Hall looks fabulous. Hugs, Chrisx #27

  12. Beautiful original ATC from Annie, Jo and a lovely crop of ATCs. Your twiddle is beautiful
    Take care
    Lynnecrafts 7

  13. Oh isn't that lovely! Great twiddler too! Happy WOYWW Cindy #17

  14. Love twiddle muff and pictures

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #13

  15. Is this your 678 post? dates are different. but I love your photos.


  16. I LOVE the twiddler and the pictures and of course seeing the ATC;s all fantastic and glad mine got to you okay, I started thinking I hadn't posted it!
    Thank you to both of you for my ATcs -love them! Happy Late WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #15

    Happy Late WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #15

  17. Super ATC love green and purple. Twiddler is scrummy too. BJ#12

  18. What a lot of lovely ATCs!! LOVE the garden twiddler - it would have been perfect for my Dad...
    Dudmaston Hall looks beautiful!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #16


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.