Wednesday 18 May 2022

WOYWW 13th anniversary!

 Who would have thought that we would still be sharing our work desks with bloggers around the globe 13 years on! WOYWW, organised and maintained by Julia at "Stamping Ground", has kept us all together, sharing our desks and crafty activity, all that time. We have made wonderful friendships and supported each other over the years. A big thank you to Julia and Jan for keeping us all going. It means a lot.

So, today I am sharing one of my little ATCs. The rest of them will be winging their way to you if you have said you wanted to swap. I have most addresses but if Ali and Susan still want to swap please email me your addresses and Annie and I will join up and send you our ATCs.

My sunflower celebration cake has a tiny Ukraine flag included on it to show our global support and connection. Maxine has a Ukrainian friend and it has been very hard for them to cope with all that has been happening.

AND finally....( I can never add that to the end of my blog without remembering our lovely friend Shaz. So, on our 13th anniversary, I felt I needed to add it and include her in our thoughts and celebrations.)

My crafty activity for this week...

This is the back and the front of my latest seaside twiddler.

I needed a short lighthouse to fit in the space and thankfully LLJ had a lovely photo of her local one on her blog!

Best wishes to all on our Blogiversary!

xx Jo


  1. what a gorgeous atc - mine are on the way to you and Annie as we speak as i got them off early. What a lovely thing to include Shaz, we all remember her fondly and miss her. Thrilled to see the date for the crop has been fixed Yay!! Happy WOYWW and here's to the next year of friendship. Helen #4 (or 3 when the wrong one gets deleted!!)

  2. What a glorious day for our celebrations today. I’m just waiting a little while to link you today so you’re not my PIF. Love the latest twiddler.
    Annie x

  3. Loving the latest Twiddler...the sea or ocean are just perfect! As is that lighthouse! Always up for a swap. Happy 13th WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #21

  4. The twiddle mitt is just fabulous - what wonderful little embellishments and I love the lighthouse. The ATC is gorgeous - I love the colours. I'm posting mine today and have put Annie's in the envelope with yours.
    Hope you have a lovely week, Happy WOYWW anniversary,
    Diana xx #18

  5. Goooood morning Jo 💕🥰🤗 Happpy 13th to you 🤸‍♀️🥳🥰 In love ❤ with your Twiddlers, so special they are in every way ... adore the wee lighthouse. Gorgeous bright ATC too. Wishing yooou a beautiful day ahead in all you do. Love and hugs Tracy #10 xxx


  6. Gorgeous Twiddler - love the seaside theme.
    What a lovely idea to have the Ukraine featuring on your atc's, the perfect picture for the theme. Heartbreaking to see the news each night and know what they are going through over there. The men are being so brave and I must include the news reporters who risk themselves to bring us footage of what is going on. My friend continues to do some runs with her husband to the war torn areas and I now have a place to send cards to which can be sent on to named men fighting this war.
    ATC's for you two are in the mail.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  7. What a beautiful way to honor Ukraine. Those twiddlers are beautiful. I understand you are the one responsible for the next crop. Wish I could join, but I will be there in spirit. Happy WOYWW 13th anniversary from #1.

  8. A beautiful ATC and seaside twiddler Jo. Happy lace anniversary!
    Lynnecrafts 19

  9. Hi Jo, I have your ATC finished and ready to go and I'm presuming you've not moved house. The ATC is beautiful and you're right Shaz will always be missed, such a lovely lady. Wishing you a very happy woyww anniversary. Hugs Angela x15x

  10. Happy WOYWW Anniversary. What a gorgeous ATC - mine will be in the post to you both tomorrow. I have put 1st October in the diary - so exciting! Take care. With Love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#11)

  11. It is indeed at times like this that we miss Shaz Jo. The crop will be hard I know although I hope Doug will be able to make it. Love your fabulous ATCs I have one schoolfriend whose late parents were Ukranian and a second whose adopted children are all Ukranian and they are also finding things particularly hard at present. The twiddlers are fab too. Looking forward to 1st October! Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  12. Wow Jo, if you just need a photo to copy in a knotty turn, you are definitely the genius I had you down as! Love the twiddler, it’s such a good theme too, so many people have happy seaside memories. Your ATC design is beautiful, and as usual, super thoughtful.thanks again for the work on the Crop, we all appreciate it and as you have probably seen by now, we’re all excited!

  13. Hi Jo long time no see but had to say hello today!!! The ATC is brilliant and the twiddle muff is gorgeous. Take care. Anne x 29

  14. I love the AtC and the way you have honored the Ukraine, and the twiddle muff is amazing,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #23

  15. I love your ATC design- what a lovely idea to include the Ukraine flag. Those seaside twiddlers look fabulous! Your 'and finally' immediately made me think of Shaz! I came across a lovely photo of her the other day - glad you included her in your post! Hope I can come to the crop, hugs, Chrisx 27

  16. Gorgeous ATC, yes mine had a Ukraine element too.
    Sorry I'm so late, I seem to get busy Wednesday's through the weekend....
    Happy very belated WOYWW Anniversary BJ#18


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.