Wednesday 11 May 2022



Good morning all!

Just a quick post today.

I need to pop these little beauties up to the hospital this week.

I have made six Jubilee twiddlers altogether.

I might add a royal personage to the two plainer ones but it depends how busy I am as they are a bit time consuming.

They certainly look bright and cheerful and quite regal, I think!

Don't forget if you want to swap ATCs with me then leave a comment below - you can get a sneaky peek here if you didn't see my last week's post.

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. your jubilee inspired twiddlers are fabulous! still not sure how many atcs I am going to get done - I only have a couple started so far and no ideas for finishing them!! Happy WOYWW Helen #?

  2. What a fab collection of celebration twiddlers...well done you.
    Annie x

  3. I had to zoom in to have a closer look at the twiddlers and am so glad I did, the detail is phenomenal! The tiny bunting (blimey, you have such patience), the guards with their bearskin hats to the Queen’s curls, all amazing! I’d love to swap with you and Wilson, will probably double up to save a stamp, lol!!
    Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

  4. Lovely jubilee twiddlers Jo. Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 5

  5. Super Royal twiddlers. I forgot to say Shrewsbury would be great last week. Happy WOYWW. Angela #13

  6. Of course I want to swap but think I might have already told you last week, sorry! The Twiddlers are amazing. I'm thinking I might try and make something like this for my mum. She's 94 and always feeling cold especially her hands and feet and maybe something like this would be good for her. Wishing you a lovely creative and happy woyww, Angela x10x

  7. Oh my goodness how gorgeous are these twiddlers - perfect for the Jubilee and I love the intricate details - just amazing work. I would love to swap an ATC with you and will let you have my details.
    Have a great week,
    Diana xx #14

  8. Love your Jubilee Twiddlers and I could not choose a favourite between Her Maj and the Busby Boys.
    Would love to swap with you and Annie - it would be silly not to as I would break the chain of swaps with you two sisters. Please.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  9. Loving the twiddlers Jo - especially the guardsmen. I haven't got time to make ATCs so won't be swapping this year but look forward to swapping my tags at the crop if it gets off the ground. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  10. Oh I love these, a bit of red white and blue is good for the patriotic soul! and doubt they will be really well received of course, the royal personages are lovely, I really understand how they can consume time though.

  11. Ooh!Those jubilee twiddlers will get folk talking - brilliant! Take care Hugs, Chrisx

  12. Got my atcs made so definitely up for swapping with you and Annie xx Helen


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.