Wednesday 4 May 2022



Good morning all!
My lead photo is a sneaky peek at some of my ATCs for our 13th anniversary.
I can't get to see Julia's blog (my computer won't let me in!), so Annie reports back to me.
As the theme is "Connections" I thought I would extend my Ukraine brooch theme.

If you would like to swap with me, just leave a comment and I will see what I can do.
I think 13 years of WOYWW friendship and connection is well worth celebrating and we are forever grateful to Julia and her buddy Jan for keeping us going all these years. I know we all really value the friendship and sharing of all things crafty!

We are still hoping to have a gathering at some point this year and we wondered if September might be a possibility - perhaps a bit of feedback from everyone on that might help. Of course it would depend on the availability of our hall if we are to do it here in Shrewsbury. What do you think Julia,/Jan and all??

My latest twiddler is a more masculine Jubilee themed one this time.
I want to get a few of these made so they can be in use for the Jubilee so, I need to keep going.
I have nearly finished five so far.

Well that's me for this week.
If you read this Jan - would you kindly link me to the Queen of Snoop, our lovely Julia as I don't think Annie is able to blog this week.
Thanks lots.

Have a good week.
xx Jo


  1. I love the idea of an atc swap but haven't done any prep yet! hold the thought. a get together sounds good too, it's been too long! I love the latest Jubilee themed twiddler. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  2. Saw you on my phone this morning, so you are now Linked! Its my VPN that stops me, it turns itself of and on for no seeable reason! We are clearing out Lady Pam's little house and under loads of papers dated decades ago I found a twiddler! Not so lovely as yours but still a find I will keep safe... not picture yet on my blog but there will be one later. Your Jubilee Twiddler is fabulous! Happy WOYWW! ((Lyn)) #5 at the moment... (ps you're #4)

  3. You know my opinion on the crop Jo lol. It was so good to see you and Annie on Saturday. Love the ATCs but no time to make for a swap this time so will save up my tags for the crop and swap then. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

  4. Another fantastic twiddler, Jo! You are well anead with your ATCs-I would love to swap with you and Annie please. X

  5. I think your Jubilee Twiddlers are amazing and i am sure her Maj would love one.
    In the meantime I continue to sport my `Ukraine badge on my handbag and make sure it is the right way around when out so people see itI'll swap with you and I will be at Shrewsbury in September all being well.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  6. Wow, you are so good getting the ATCs under way, I haven’t had any inspiration whatsoever but when I do (!) I’d very much like to swap with you xx. I’d love to come to a crop, it would be marvellous but September is a no go for me, my band is at the National Finals in Cheltenham and I know we’ll be rehearsing so hard plus then we’re due to go on holiday. But if Sept is good for everyone else then carry on regardless, I’ll catch up with you and Annie later, no probs!
    Love the twiddler as always!
    Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

  7. Hi Jan, of course I want to swap. I have thought about an idea but that's as far as it's gone yet but I'm sure I'll get there. Meeting up is something I've always wanted to do but it depends on how my mum is. Maybe I can join in on-line. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x11x

  8. Sorry forgotten to say, the Twiddler is amazing xXx

  9. Hellooo Jo, adore your twiddlers, stunning they are especially the Jubilee ones ... they always makes me smile as I read "Twiddlers". I wish I lived closer, would be lovely to meet up ... hopefully one day. Wishing you a beautiful week ahead in all you do, love and hugs Tracy #8 xxx

  10. Another fabulous twiddler. I would love to sway with you again, I won’t be ble to start my ATC’s till we get to our first site on Monday, but I am doing a lot of thinking! Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

  11. Hi Jo, I have to agree with you, 13 years of friendship is well worth celebrating. I'm only catching up today so thinking about whether I can make a few ATCs or not. As you can imagine, Alan needs a lot of care and assistance right now so time is scarce so I won't put my name forward for one of yours. For the same reason, I regret we will not be able to attend the crop this year. Sadly, Alan can no longer drive and, in fact, he sold his car this week rather than leave it parked on the drive to remind him of happier days. Your jubilee twiddler is fabulous. Love the guards legs! Have a lovely week. Hugs, Ellie x #9

  12. I would love to swap an ATC with you if possible - yours look lovely and bright. I also love the idea of a crop in September - it would be soo good to see you and everyone else again. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#10)

  13. Hi Jo, that looks awesome :) ~Stacy #17

  14. Great ATC's and twiddle muff.
    Sounds great to have a meet at some point,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #12

  15. I am totally late. no post this week, but would like to swap with you. I love your theme, I'm big into the Blue/Yellow Ukraine prayers daily. And again I always love the twiddlers !! ENJOY

  16. Happy Belated WOYWW. Firstly, very impressed you have made a start with ATCs. I would love to swap with you. Secondly, a meet up in September would be ok for me at the moment. Nothing in my calendar for weekends so far. Ali x. #16

  17. Would love to swap with you!
    That is a gorgeous twiddler!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #15

  18. I sent you an email- would love to swap! email me if you dont get it


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.