Wednesday 27 April 2022


 Hi folks!

I am back sooner than I thought.

I was summoned for jury duty but they didn't need me so I am free!

Thanks to all you lovely folk who, when I said I was on a secret mission, hoped I would be having a fun time. no - just had to set aside 10 days or more in case I was called to court. Thankfully I wasn't - it would have been interesting but I am happy to forego the experience.

So - here are the lovely bits and bobs I have been busy with....

Birthday cards and a new baby card..

These two are a bit retro. Max used to make little free-machined cards like this and sell them - she was about 12 at the time - a sign of things to come I guess.

A little hang over bin for my SIL....

And last but not least my Jubilee twiddler.....

This week I have a little visitor here for a few days so I am up with the lark doing the school run.

Last night he stretched out in his big bed and said "Ah, this is the life!" 

I assume he is happy to spend time with us!!

Have a good week all.

xx Jo


  1. I had a chuckle at your final comment! how sweet. Love the Jubilee twiddler, it's gorgeous. Glad you escaped jury duty; I wouldn't be keen (luckily not been called to date!) Happy WOYWW and enjoy the school run Helen #1

  2. Lovely to see you back from your secret mission. Fab cards etc and what a lovely comment from Ben 🥰
    Annie x

  3. Secret Mission aborted! Good.
    Love the little cards you are showing us today and of course, the Twiddler. What a glorious idea to make a Jubilee one - it actually does look like "Her Maj".
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  4. Pleased you managed to escape the jury service, they let me off as we are registered carers for my mum and if they do use you it can take weeks depending on what's going on. Beautiful cards and loving the new Twiddler. Yes I think your visitor does sound happy Lol! Happy WOYWW with hugs, Angela x9x

  5. Thank goodness I have now reached the age when I can decline jury service. Your little embroidered cards are lovely and I’ve been expecting to see a jubilee twiddler and you didn’t disappoint. How lovely to have a you g visitor with you for a few days. X

  6. Goood morning 💛💕 Jo and to your little visitor 🤗 though I expect he will be at school now. Glad you got let off jury duty! Beautiful cards 💕toooo your Jubilee Twiddler ... stunning in every way! Wishing you joy in your days. Love and hugs Tracy #10 xxx

  7. Thank goodness you didn’t have to do the jury duty! I thought you were on a secret mission, you’d be a shoo-in for M after Julio Dench moved on, lol! Though not for Daniel Craig, it’ll always be Pierce Brosnan for me….dreams…anyway, moving on, the Jubilee twiddled is stunning, one of my all time favs and the cards are fab too. Clever gal!
    HUgs LLJ 4 xx

  8. How lucky you weren't needed for jury service after all - many years ago I was called and sent to the Coroner's court - ridiculous really as I'm the most squeamish person you would ever meet and I had to discreetly close my eyes when photos of injuries were passed along the line! You have certainly made good use of your free time - the cards are beautiful and I love the the little desk bin - such a clever and useful idea. The twiddler mitt is fabulous and I do love your Queen - it really does look like her.
    Hope you have a lovely week,
    Diana xx #12

  9. Well, I'll see if this posts. LLJ didn't so far. LOVE the cards your shared, How blessed to have your little one so close. Fun times for sure. Your twiddler is adorable. Our town has a July 150 yr celebration this year. Have a fun week and I'd love to do ATC's if you are interested.

  10. Well I had to have a little laugh at your comment about a little crafty stuff, because if you saw what I take with me each year….. so far I have packed my little easel, my watercolours, watercolour pencils, colouring pencils, pencils, sketch book, watercolour pad, collage book, large assortment of stuff to collage with, gesso, Matt medium, texture paste, stencils, guillotine:). I might leave the ink pads at home, but maybe not - decision decions! Love your Jubilee twiddler and your daughter’s work at 12 is amazing. Happy WOYWW . Angela #16

  11. Hope the school run isn't too tiring Jo but glad you escaped jury duty early. Loving the latest twiddler - very patriotic and the free sewn cards. Hope to see you at the workshop as well. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  12. Out of the mouths of babes….love the thought of your young man being so droll! And hey, triumph! The jubilee twiddler is just lovely! I love those cards, always love the way you choose the fabrics, and was a bit staggered that Maxine was doing it successfully enough for sales at the age of 12, wow…took me years to get the confidence to mix patterns and colours!

  13. Great cards! Cool bin and twiddler!
    And love the little one's comment!
    Have a great week!
    Carol N #17

  14. Great cards and hope your little visitor enjoys his stay,
    Have a good week

    Lilian B #14

  15. Good morning, Jo
    Lovely pieces. you've been busy. I would say he is quite content to be with you. Like you, I think jury duty would be interesting but really don't have any more hours in my day. Creative BLessings! ~Kelly #20

  16. It had to be a Jubilee Twiddler! As always it's fabulous! Love the card too! Keep on Crafting.
    Happy late WOYWW!?


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.