Wednesday 13 April 2022



Good morning all.

Just a little update on the brooches for Ukraine funds.

I made 5 more of them and they have little brooch pins on the back. I have sold two more so the total raised so far is £95.

If anyone wants one. Just let me know. Then, make a donation to any of the funds for Ukraine - Red Cross, DEC, Unicef  etc - tell me that you have done that and then I will pop one in the post for you.
First come first served.

Below are my latest little twiddle mitts...

"Gone Fishing"

And "Springtime"

This may be the last post from me for about 3 weeks as I am on a special mission that I can't talk about.

So, stay well everyone and enjoy the lovely Spring weather.

xx Jo


  1. Well done on raising the funds for Ukraine. I do love the latest twiddle mitts, they are both beautiful. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. Well, they did say the next James Bond is going to be a woman!! How intriguing, whatever it is, hope you have a grand time! Love those twiddlers, the fisherman made me smile a lot!
    Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

  3. Instantly the theme tune to Mission:Impossible leapt into my head! I hope the special mission is one that brings you pleasure! Loving the twiddle kits, my word even now after seeing you do them for some years, the work and detail sounds me!

  4. So glad that the lovely brooches raised a good sum of money. Will wait to see what your intriguing mission is with great expectations. 💕

  5. Fabulous twiddle mitts. Everyone is now speculating on your secret mission! Well done on the fund raising. Happy WOYWW.Angela #6

  6. Great fundraising Jo. Good luck with your secret mission. The latest twiddlers look fab. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #12

  7. Wearing my Ukraine badge with pride.
    Love the two Twiddlemitts, hard to choose a favourite as they are both so lovely.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  8. Wow, absolutely gorgeous twiddlemitts - the spring flowers are just so rich and colourful and the fisherman looks so happy to be fishing - the details are exquisite. Well done on the fundraising, the brooches are beautiful and that's quite a sum to raise.
    I hope your secret mission is enjoyable, I'll look forward to seeing you in a few weeks!
    Diana xx #9

  9. I think every time I see your twiddlies that they can't get any better but they do and I so love the new ones they are gorgeous. Well done with the fund raising too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x10x

  10. I thought of Mission Impossible as well! Will look forward to hearing about it. Love your badge and your twiddler
    Take care
    Hugs Lynnecrafts 8

  11. Well done on raising do much for Ukraine, your brooches are beautiful 🌻 looooving your twiddle mitts ... swoooon!! Ohhhh now I'm wondering tooo, what will you be up tooo ... whatever it is I hope you find much joy, look forward to hearing all about it when you can. Love and hugs Tracy #14 xxx

  12. Oooh, have fun in your special mission Jo, God bless you in it, you’re in my thoughts and prayers, love the brooches and as always love the twiddle mitts esp the gone fishing, how clever, you really put so much detail in them!
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  13. Happy Easter!
    What a lovely thing to do for Ukraine. Cute mits. Be safe on your mission & Creative Blessings! ~ Kelly

  14. So good of you to raise money for Ukraine. Those mittens are adorable
    Bridget #20


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.