Wednesday 2 February 2022



My blog post has a seaside theme this week...

Firstly my latest twiddler - I like making these as they are bright and cheery and everyone has probably got memories of a seaside trip. I put knitted seaweed twiddly bits and bobs and buttons etc to discover in the flotsam and jetsam!

Below is a little crafty project. If you remember the beach huts that I had on Ben's old cot bumper - well I removed them all and thought maybe a little collage on the cover of a notebook might be a way of using them. 

It would be simple to do and I thought maybe LLJ might be able to flog them in the shop to raise a few pennies for RNLI.
What do you think?
So that's it for this week.

I am nursing a slightly stinging hand. I accidentally spilled a small cup of boiling water over the back of it. It's fine as I put it straight under the cold tap but it could have been nasty. Note to self - take more care when pouring boiling water in future!!

Have a good week

xx Jo


  1. Those beach huts are definitely worth trying to save for something! hope your hand is ok - take care!! good job you got straight to the cold water. Have a great week, happy twiddling! Helen #5

  2. Love the latest twiddler and that little book cover is a great idea. Hope your hand heals quickly for you.
    Annie x

  3. The beach hut gets a big tick from me Jo and I’m sure Jan will think the same.
    Your latest twiddler brought a smile to my face too. You are very talented missus.
    Have a good week
    Lynn xx 14

  4. Morning Jo. Ouch! That spill sounds horrid. Glad you were able to get your hand straight into cold water, though. That will have saved a lot of pain and damage. Lovely twiddler - as usual. They are such fun for folks. Notebook covers - what an idea. Have fun.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7

  5. That is absolutely a great idea as I was searching for something a bit different to put in the display…everything with a nautical theme goes well down here! Ouch, poor you, burns are so easily done and so blinking painful afterwards, I’m glad you caught it with the cold water, it could have been so much worse.
    Love the twiddler as always, the little stripy lighthouse made me smile!
    Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

  6. Your beach hut notebook cover looks great. Lovely to think of Han’s RNLI sales! The twiddler is lovely and cheery as well. The trick with cold water after a scald is to keep it under cold running water for TEN MINUTES. The cold hurts but you’ll have no sting from the scald after. As you say, the best thing is not to spill it in the first place. Hope it feels better soon
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 6

  7. Good Morning...well it's early here, but wishing you well with that burn.
    Great idea for repurposing, I have done that many times with thingw Mom made most were of fabric nowinto ornaments for grandkids. Enjoy a good week

  8. Snap Jo, I just burned myself too, leaning my wrist against the edge of the air fryer pan as I flipped some chicken over - lots of cold water but it's still stinging! I am just generally clumsy and a note to self won't stop me doing it again I'm sure!! I love the twiddler this week, as you say most people will have memories of the beach - the lighthouse is fabulous. I also love the beach themed notebook cover - looks like warmer, sunnier days are on your mind at the moment!
    Hope you have a lovely week,
    Diana xx #16

  9. The beach hut idea is a good one, sorry to hear about your hand, I don’t know how we do these things sometimes. I dropped a jar I had just washed Monday, the glass went everywhere! Take care Angela #9

  10. Hope the hand is fully healed soon Jo. Love the beachhut notebook cover idea. The twiddler is fab too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  11. Yes, take care of that burn. I recently spill hot tea down my front, and it was bad, even going through my top, it turned nasty for several months. Love the idea of seashore items in your knitting, as it could warm someone who is experiencing our snowy blizzardy weather! Good to be back to WOYWW after several years. Happy Day!

  12. Even small burns can be really painful. Hope the stinging clears soon. Loving the Twiddler and the little Beach hut, very sweet. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x15x

  13. Ouch! Easily done.
    Brill idea with the cot bumper, love recycling or changing up as I call it.
    Have a good week
    Christine #18

  14. OOh Jo, that stinging from a burn is a horrid feeling. I totally recommend Sudocrem if you have any knocking about, it works a treat on burns and sunburn, it only take a fraction of a blink to injure yourself with boiling water, you have my sympathy for sure. Love the idea of re-using the beach huts, they’ll make smashing book covers and I’m sure that They’ll sell like hot cakes!

  15. Oh yes! Save the beach nuts, they are always loved...down here the real ones sell for silly money!! and as always, I love the twiddler! so sorry about your hand, hope thats feeling a lot better so you cane keep on knitting, sewing,Crafting and have a Happy WOYWW!? Stay Safe! ! ((Lyn)) #23...last!

  16. I hope your hand is better now, Jo, and that you are being more careful with hot water. Love your seaside themed twiddler - it's going to be enjoyed by whoever receives it. And I like the way your recycling the beach huts. I'm sure they will be snapped up. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Ellie x #21

  17. Eeeeeekk, hope the hand is healing well. Adore the beach huts, so pretty and the seaside twiddler too. Dreams of sunny warm days. BJ#13


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.