Wednesday 26 January 2022


 Good morning all.

Thank you for all your lovely comments last week.

I worked hard with Tilly's admin and created packs for her "Shropshire Hills" needle felted picture workshop on Saturday. She said it all went well and the packs were fine. I popped over to help her clear away tables/chairs at the local venue. It's a great space and she has everything so well organised that it goes like clockwork.

I will be busy this week making packs for her "Bluebell woods" workshop this week. It keeps me out of mischief!

My latest twiddler is a Spring/countryside one...

I have partly finished a seaside one so that will be four made so far this year.

I didn't really count last year's but I am sure it was well over one hundred.

And finally....
Here is the latest crazy cake from my kitchen!

Ben said we must make a cake for his Grandad's birthday. So here it is.

His idea for decoration was a "Where's Grandad" cake.

This is what I rustled up with my left over Christmas fondant icing.

Ben will love it - not sure about Grandad when he realises which one he is!!
The yummy, rich, fruit cake will go down well with all of them.

So that's it for this week.

Have a great week all.

xx Jo


  1. Ben sure comes up with some great cake ideas Jo - your execution is fantastic! Glad the workshop went well. I will have to look out for the next Saturday workshop (I think there is one in November) and bring Eva along to it too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

  2. Ben's a master of cake ideas - that's great!! It is wonderful that Tilly is doing the workshops again and that you are on hand to help pack up!! have a good week Helen #4

  3. Love the cake and the latest twiddler is fab. I have a feeling Ben will like the cake more than his Grandad lol I’m not sure which one he is.
    Annie x

  4. Look at that gorgeous cake. I’m clapping my hands with glee, it fabulous. Happy birthday grandad
    Lynn xx 13

  5. That cake is genius! Well done Ben for an awesome idea and from Grandma for executing it so brilliantly! Look at that twiddler, it’s so pretty, I hope that brings joy and comfort to someone.
    Hugs LLJ 11 xx

  6. How good did I feel when you said they all love fruit cake. it is rare people like them these days but there is nothing nicer. My Christmas cake is untouched and now will be my birthday cake. Your cake reminds me of a tin I once decorated with a friend who made a clock (enormous) with faces all over it. Love your cake.
    Love the Twiddler, especially the rainbow.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  7. What a fun cake and truly one of a kind! The whole family will love it, I'm sure! The twiddler makes me yearn for Spring - can't be far off now. Take care, Jo xx zsuzsa #17

  8. Love the cake. They’ll have fun guessing! Your springtime twiddler is beautiful Jo.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 12

  9. Morning Jo. Oh my... what a great cake. I know Ben will love it, and so I'm sure will Grandad! Lovely Spring and countryside twiddler - four already this year, and over 100 last... you just never stop - and people reckon I keep busy! Glad last week's workshop went so well - one of these days I really must try and get to one of Maxine's workshops. I know I did a small piece with her the other year - but a whole workshop would be such fun...
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7

  10. Well what a spectacular cake - I love it and such a great idea from Ben - I hope Grandad doesn't feel too old on his birthday! The twiddler is beautiful and will really brighten up someone's day, especially with the grey, damp days we've been having lately!
    Hope you have a great week
    Diana xx #18

  11. What a great idea for a cake, I am sure it will taste delicious. Happy WOYWW Angela #2

  12. Cake is fabulous and I hope everyone enjoys eating it. The springlike twiddler is so bright and will bring comfort to someond who needs it. Happy making!

  13. Hi Twigs, another late one for me but really wanted to get round. Loving the Twiddler and gorgeous cake too. Sending hugs, Angela x16x

  14. I wonder which one is Grandad!!
    I have missed seeing your twiddlers over the last few weeks. I hope to get around to everyone today!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #8

  15. That is one amazing cake, Jo! Ben has quite the imagination but I think your input is essential too. Hope grandad enjoys the joke too. Your newest twiddle muff is lovely and bound to provide hours of occupation. Glad the workshop went so well and enjoy your 'bluebell kit' packing. Hugs, Ellie x #28

  16. That cake looks yummy and really fun! Who wouldn't smile at seeing that!!and I love Ben's idea of 'where's grandad'! Your springtime twiddler is of course, amazing!!Happy Late WOYWW, Stay safe ((Lyn)) #1

  17. I think the cake looks fab, what a brilliant idea for a them, seems that Ben is as creative as his Mum and Grandma! And to really make it a corker, a rich fruit cake underneath…birthday perfection if you ask me! Although there’s always a lot to do, I quite like the count repeat and pack dynamic of making up kits, so I hope you do too, Maxine is very lucky to have a packer who understand the product so well too…makes for great quantity and spares understandings!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.