Wednesday 9 February 2022



A cheery good morning to everyone who pops in to see what has kept me busy over the last week.

Well, at last, I managed to use up those lovely little beach huts!
I made seven A5 book covers and a little draw string bag.
They will be winging their way to to Jan and Julia over the next few days - so look out for your Postie you two lovely ladies.
I really enjoyed spending time with my sewing machine and was quite pleased with the results.

Below is my latest twiddler.
It's a bright pink colour way with a few bits and bobs added for interest and twiddling.
(Maybe for a female twiddler but who knows!)

Last week I managed to pick up a nasty head cold but it has now dried up and I am back to normal thank goodness.
Thank you to you lovely folk for commenting on my scalded hand. I have to report that the cold water did the trick and I don't have a mark on me which is remarkable considering a whole cup of boiling water went over the back of my hand. I feel very lucky and am being much more careful this week!

I hope you are all well and enjoying getting out and about to view the snowdrops.
We saw them at Attingham last week but I didn't manage to take a snap.

Have a great week.
 xx Jo


  1. Glad to hear the hand is better and your cold has cleared up Jo. Loving the lovely book bags and the twiddler. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  2. Glad the hand is ok and the cold gone. Love the drawstring bag, great use of the beach huts. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

  3. Was so glad to see the lack of damage with the hot water and that your cold hadn’t lasted but normal? I’m not sure I would go that far hehehe
    Annie x

  4. I smiled as soon as your post opened up, it’s so bright and cheery, apart from the scalded hand bit, which I hope is on the mend now.
    Have a good week. Sending hugs from a wet and windy Whitworth
    Lynn xx 7

  5. Your beach huts and little bag are adorable, and I love the twiddler this week, such gorgeous colours. I'm glad your hand is better now and you are over your cold - there have been some nasty ones around.
    Have a great week,
    Diana xx #8

  6. I’m excited to have something beautiful to store my needlework in, thanks Twiglet. When it arrives, we’ll talk. Meanwhile, the book covers look splendid and I don’t expect they’ll last long at the RNLI shop! Love the saucy suspender clip on the twiddler, it’s a brilliant idea, such a familiar motion for lots of people. Bart made up a couple of boards with locks and doorbells and latches and hooks and things some time ago and they are very popular on Memory Lane, which is why your twiddlers are so perfect in name and make!

  7. Another gorgeous Twiddler and loving the way you've used the beach huts too. Pleased to hear your hand is better too. Take care and happy woyww, Angela x10x

  8. Your beach huts are wonderful Jo. Beware, I predict Jan will get requests for more when they sell out! Your pink twiddler is very cheery.
    Glad your cold is better
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 13

  9. A white suspender!! Where on earth did you find that? What memories that brought back . . . teenagers!!
    Glad your hand is ok now . . .
    Love those book covers
    have a good week
    Christine #17

  10. Love your book covers and brilliant twiddlers. Glad your hand is okay. Happy WOYWW Angela #9

  11. How did I miss the accident? So glad you are ok now and not scarred too. Also glad the cold has gone, worrying times when you start with colds these days.
    I love the book coers and the bag to put them in. What a wonderful idea. You could make a business out of selling those I am sure.
    Have a great week and stay safe and well
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  12. Very cool bags! Love the beach huts. Pretty twiddler.
    Glad your hand is healing!
    Have a great week!
    Carol N #17

  13. Hi Jo, lovely book covers, and twiddler - great colours! Sorry to hear you scalded your hand, but glad that you are recovered! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #2

  14. Beautiful work. I am glad your hand healed well and that you are over your cold. Have a great week. Sharon #25

  15. Hello Jo, glad to hear your hand is doing so well. I did much the same in my early teens, was making tea, and had to have a trip to hospital. I remember my mother did the same, hand straight under cold water. The little book covers are lovely, as is the bag and your pink twiddler is gorgeous. Have a great week. Ellie x #22

  16. Such gorgeous makes!
    Hope your hand is better...

    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    I am determined to call and comment on all of you this week!
    Susan #10
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.