Wednesday 20 October 2021



Good morning all.

This week I have been knitting tiny spooky monster dolls. I made one for Ben and he loves it - I guess zombie style is his thing! He loves all the fun of Halloween and last year the whole family went for the pale ghostly look!

At the weekend I had a get together with an old school friend and we went for a snack lunch at Battlefield cafe/farm shop and museum. Whilst we there we spotted this beauty - a European Eagle Owl. I was even allowed to stroke his feathers. His tufty "ear" feathers were a bit messy but then he was called Boris!!

Thank you for all your kind comments about Annie - I am pleased to say she is on the mend. It's a slow process. She will take a while to be her normal bouncy self but is taking it one day at a time. 

And lastly for those who look forward to my latest twiddler unveiling.....



That's it for this week.
I am really busy with admin for Max's workshops and exhibition at Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre in November. I enjoy all the jobs that I do and it's so nice to be back helping out.

Have a good week all.

xx Jo


  1. I love Ben's monster! the owl is simply majestic - what a treat to see him up close. Glad Annie is recovering. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

  2. Love the latest knotty toy....I can see why Ben loves it. I’ve linked you and written a brief post to make the best of a bit of normality amongst friends.
    Annie x

  3. That little Monster is rather cute, I can see why Ben likes him so much better than the store bought stuff. Those twiddlers are amazing, I love the underwater scene, so much fun! I bet your new rose has been well watered in by now, i fully expect Noah and the animals to drift past our window soon!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  4. That is the cutest spooky monster I’ve ever seen Jo, and I love the colours of the twiddlemitt
    Lynn xx

  5. Your spooky monster is very cute! Great twiddle mitts
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 13

  6. You have been busy and creative! I love the little monster... xxx

  7. Spooky toy indeed! Great twiddler. I thought the owl being called Boris and untidy feathers was a real hoot! Angela #10

  8. Oh how fab, a pocketful of fun scaries! I love that there’s so much fun to be had for Halloween. The twiddles are marvellous Jo, the first one reminded me of how fab the yarn bombing looks at Jan’s harbour, all the mermaids and fishes hanging off the rails, a lovely theme. So pleased that Max has been able to get so busy so quickly after the long lockdowns, very e#citing.

  9. loving the monster. and the very impressive owl my favourite birds

    Hope you all feel better real soon,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B # 18 was #16

  10. I am so in love with your little monster it reminds me of the Prims. Your new friend is a sweetie too and the twiddlers are gorgeous. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x12x

  11. Some interesting photos today and I love the owl especially. Glad to know you are able to help Max again-it’s a teacher thing enjoying the organisation parts of Tilly Tea Dance. 💕

  12. Oh I am looking forward to Max's workshop Jo. Glad that Annie is slowly on the mend too. Love the latest twiddlers and the zombie too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  13. I absolutely love that spooky monster doll - just the sort of thing that Alex loves as well! The owl is beautiful, how lovely to be able to meet him. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#14)

  14. I'm not into Halloween at all, but I had to say your little critter at the beginning of the post made me laugh! The twiddlers are great as always (love the octopus tentacles and the sea anemones) and isn't Boris a handsome chappie, despite his messy hair!

    I am very pleased to hear that Annie is on the mend.

    Thank you for your visit. I am so glad you enjoyed following the progress of my butterfly project. I was pleased with how it turned out, especially as stamping and colouring are new to me!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #9

  15. Gorgeous little monster - and twiddler too!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #5

  16. Sorry I missed this kast week, Iwas and still having problems getting into Julia's blog! Love the new twiddlers they are really lovely! Happy last weeks woyww! ((Lyn))#

  17. Love your monster and Halloween Twiddlers, they are brilliant! I'm thinking...even I could make a moster, it wouldn't matter if I got the stictching wrong! On a wizz round, as it took me ages to get into Julia's today, and the link might close! Stay Safe, Keep on Crafting! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#20

  18. Sorry for not answering straight away. Thank you thank you for the little monster pattern!! I will hunt out knitting needles and have a go! Thank you again! ((Lyn))


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.