Wednesday 13 October 2021


 Thank you for all your good wishes for my birthday last week

I had a lovely time and even managed a weekend away with friends which was a treat.

My lovely girl made me the most gorgeous felted picture for my wall.....

It seems to be more lovely every time I look at it and I am so thrilled with it.
She is starting up her workshops next week so I have been helping get her roving packs organised.
Look at this beautiful range of purples that I have to dip into.

Then she asked if I could make her an extra bluebell woods sample piece.
She is really busy producing work for an exhibition so I was happy to help out.

It's only a small piece about 4 inches square but was fun to do.

Now you will notice Annie hasn't blogged today - she has Covid and is feeling really under the weather so we are all hoping she soon feels better. There seems to be so much virus about. We are all being really sensible but somehow the little "bug..." gets through!!

I hope you are all keeping clear of it and have enjoyed our lovely Autumn weather.

This was where I went at the weekend...

We walked across the aqueduct at Pontcysylite near Llangollen. We went over in in a canal boat with Ben in the summer but you don't appreciate how high it is until you walk over it on the tow path! Quite a feat of engineering for 1805.

(LLJ - if Annie hasn't linked me to Julia please could you do it for me?)

Have a great week

xx Jo


  1. I hope Annie recovers quickly and fully, we've had a couple of people at work with it too (luckily not in the actual office I work in so I've stayed safe) Do send her my love.

    I hope Max's exhibition and workshops go well - I just love all those purples!! The picture she has made you is just beautiful! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. The picture Max made you stunning - what a wonderful gift. I'm glad you had a lovely birthday. The different shades of wool are beautiful and just make me want to start needle felting right away! I am sorry to hear Annie is unwell, I hope she makes a speedy recovery, please send her my love and best wishes.
    Hope you have a good week, stay safe and well,
    Diana xx #7

  3. Oh dear, that's not good news about Annie. I trust hubby is looking after her, sending love to her.
    What a beautiful picture Maxine made for you. It looks huge! You must be so proud of what she does and it was lovely to see the various packs you were putting together but what happened to the Twiddlers?
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx

  4. I’m so glad you had a wonderful birthday, that picture from Tilly is amazing, she’s such a talented gal. I’m truly sorry to hear that Annie has COVID, it just shows how easy it is to get it even when you’ve been so careful. I’ll message her.
    And I’m very pleased that your husband’s equipment is in good working order!!!!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  5. Hoping Annie recovers quickly. Your present is so beautiful. Where is your daughter going to do her classes? I would love to do one. Happy WOYWW Angela #9

  6. I hope Annie gets better quickly.
    Your picture is lovely and I adore all those purples and your bluebell sample
    take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 10

  7. Hello Jo not joining on this week but wanted to say Belated Happy Birthday. The picture is gorgeous. I am so sorry to hear about Annie. I do hope she recovers quickly. Please give her my love. Xxx
    We heard yesterday our youngest grandson has it. :-(

  8. Poor Annie. Sadly I don't see people being careful. I think a lot of people think Covid has gone away. We still wear our masks when we go shopping to the supermarket but we don't see many other people doing the same. I just wish they would encourage children in schools to wear masks as they know that they are some of the main carriers right now. Nearly all the teachers that I know that are still teaching have got it or had it and they are still sending pupils home. One headmaster in the county has ignored instructions from the government and insists that pupils wear masks. Obviously a very sensible headmaster. Wishing you a very happy and safe woyww, Angela x13x

  9. Belated Birthday wishes! I may not have linked last week as we were away...and as every week now, I still can't link to Julia's unless I turn something off on my laptop...and after a while the laptop turns it back on again! The bridge is amazing and so is your bluebell wood! Happy WOYWW? Keep Crafting! Stay Safe. ((Lyn))#18

  10. What a stunning gift made by Maxine for you-so personal and made with love. Sending good wishes to Annie and hope she recovers soon.πŸ’•

  11. That picture is beautiful and I love your little felted sample.
    I did the Pontcysylite years ago in a canal boat - and more recently just walked over...
    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Susan #16
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  12. Please send healing wishes to Annie from me Jo. I really hope she recovers fully soon. Maxine's picture is absolutely stunning. I am so looking forward to her workshop at half term. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  13. Oh dear Jo, I am sorry to hear Annie has C. I will def pray for her swift recovery in it all, I do pray fir you both reach say anyway but will add that, thankfully the Lord through His Holy Spirit’s work makes up our shortfall in praying.

    Love your birthday pressie ( a VERY HAPPY Belayed birthday ) and love your wee bluebell wood that’s soooo lovely. I can’t recall if I send you return thanks for your lovely dumfling, I’ve been bit topsy turvy. I know I meant to do so..
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, prayer hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  14. PS I’ve been over on the canal boat to on Llangollen, didn’t realise it would have a towpath, guess they all do, frankly I think your country is amazing I’m glad I’ve seen what I have.. even meeting you dear Jo, a true miracle.❤️❤️πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  15. I really hope Annie is feeling better soon, What a lovely picture and love all those colours and the little 4 inch square is lovely well done,

    Take care and stay safe, Lilian B #11

  16. Sorry to hear that Annie is unwell, and I hope she recovers soon. Please send love! I love the felty things this week. What a gorgeous picture, and that little bluebell wood piece has my vote 100 percent - one of my absolute favourite things is a beech wood in spring with a carpet of bluebells beneath. You have captured it so well!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #15

  17. ooooh, look at all that lovely soft wool.........


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.