Wednesday 27 October 2021

I spent a little bit of happy, crafting time making cards for friends and family this week.

The above is the flowery collage I made for my much younger sister!

Below is the little seascape that I made for a friend who loves the Isle of Man.

They are just made from tiny scraps from my fabric stash.

I have drawers full of colour sorted fabric and it's fun just to dip in and use some of it.

I use Bondaweb to secure the fabric to the backing piece and then machine in place.

A few hand stitches here and there and that's it. Probably an afternoon's work though.

My latest twiddler is intended as a Halloween themed one but, of course, I can't make them scary, so I went for a suitable colour scheme, pumpkin face, cats, buttons etc and a few twiddly knitty/crochet bits.

So, that's it for this week.

Hopefully, I am meeting up with Sarah B at Tilly's workshop in Shrewsbury on Friday - really looking forward to it.
Have a good week all.

xx Jo


  1. I really loved my card Jo and I’m sure Roz will love hers too. The latest twiddler is perfect.
    Annie x
    Ps you’re linked x

  2. So looking forward to Friday and seeing you at the workshop Jo. The latest twiddler is great and those cards are amazing. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

  3. The little fabric scenes are wonderful, you have such patience piecing all the scraps together with that flair you have! Likewise with he twiddlers, it’s the care and thought that goes into each one that makes it so special. Hope you have a lovely time on Friday, give Sarah a big old socially distanced hug from me!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  4. Gorgeous cards and fabulous twiddler. I’m very impressed with the cards I bet Annie was thrilled with it.
    Have a super time at the workshop. How nice to be out and about again
    Lynn x 14

  5. Your collage cards are gorgeous Jo and I love the colours of your Halloween twiddle mitt.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 12

  6. Fabulous twiddler and lovely fabric scenes. I want to do some fabric collage and think bonaweb may be a good solution. Happy WOYWW Angela #9

  7. Oh WOW, to receive a card like either of these two is a special thing - what gorgeous cards Jo. And such a lovely colourful twiddlemitt too - you worked Halloween beautifully in this latest offering.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx
    ps I have not had my booster yet, you read it wrongly

  8. Great cards and adore the twiddler. Have a fab time on Friday #3 Helen

  9. Your cards are absolutely beautiful, and I love your twiddler - the colours are so bright and cheerful.
    Hope you have a great week and a lovely time meeting up with Sarah at the workshop.
    Diana xx #16

  10. I am loving your fabric cards but they make me feel guilty as I hardly do any sewing now but a change is as good as a rest so they say. Loving the Halloween Twiddler too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x15x

  11. Oh love the colorful twiddler Purr-fect ! I've go to try the fabric card idea, Have some set aside so will have to get the Bondaweb and DO IT. Enjoy a great WOYWW day.

  12. Lovely cards, Jo, and they will be enjoyed by the people who receive them.Enjoy your meet up with Sarah B and the workshop.💕

  13. Your cards are beautiful and a lovely way to use up the tiniest scraps too. Very inspirational. I have a box of scraps that could be put to good use. I just need to find my lost mojo. I'm always impressed with your twiddle muffs - your designs are spot on. Enjoy your time with Sarah B at the workshop. Hugs, Ellie x #23

  14. Your picures are gorgeous, Jo, with so much detail. Well done!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #13

  15. Your stitched pictures are beautiful! Love the colours of this weeks twiddler!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Susan #17
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  16. Oh what a marvellous way to use fabric scraps, I love the way you say how you do it…’and that’s it really’. I think you’re making it look simple. I know the pleasure of an afternoon spent making lovely stuff, I hope you can fit a few more into your busy weeks!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.