Wednesday 6 October 2021



Just gorgeous birthday plant and flowers to share with you today!

I had a lovely day yesterday with visits from friends and family.
It was so good to spend time with them all and as we are all doing Grandparent duties we were all weekly tested! What a strange world we are living in.

My only crafty activity has been a little bit of twiddler knitting which I will show you next week.

I hope you didn't get flooded out on Monday with all that heavy rain - I noticed Pembrey Sands had about 36mm of rain overnight.  Raincoat, sou'wester and wellies Jan??

Have a great week all!

xx Jo


  1. happy birthday for yesterday Jo - the flowers look stunning. Helen #2

  2. Attempt 2! Happy belated big birthday Jo. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  3. Glad you had a lovely day’s just what you deserve. Love you lots.
    Annie x

  4. What beautiful flowers, happy birthday for yesterday.
    Yes, it certainly rained a lot here but thankfully today is a siun shiny day - typical, it is the day we head for home.
    Hugs, Neet 9 xx

  5. You kept that quiet missus. Happy belated birthday Jo. You have some stunning flowers
    Love Lynn xxx

  6. Happy Belated Birthday you gorgeous gal, the date is now in my diary for future reference! Hope you had a wonderful time with the family, those flowers are gorgeous! We had so much rain on Monday night, it sounded like someone was tipping up a bucket of water over us!! But we were fine and our house is in no danger of flooding, though they had problems in Kidwelly, three miles away. Pembrey Sands normally gets on the weather regarding wind speeds, it can be wild but very beautiful!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  7. Beautiful plants for your BIRTHDAY. Hope your year ahead is filled with lots of laughter and love. The times we are living in we all need it. The weather here too is so unpredictable and unsettled. It's been a great harvest season, so hope they can finish up before heavy rains. Enjoy a good week and HAPPY WOYWW

  8. A very happy belated birthday, Jo. What gorgeous flowers.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #13

  9. Happy birthday! Beautiful flowers. Happy WOYWW! Elle #21, EOTC

  10. Belated good wishes for your birthday yesterday. I hope you're making the most of it - I recommend a week of celebrations :) Didn't you do well for flowers? Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Ellie x 24

  11. Oh many happy returns Jo, richly deserved flowers and aren’t they all a feast for your senses!

  12. Happy birthday for yesterday, glad you had a lovely day. The flowers are beautiful. Angela #8

  13. Happy Belated WOYWW and Happy Belated Birthday. Beautiful flowers. Glad you were able to spend time with family for your special day. Ali x #4


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.