Wednesday 29 September 2021



I chuckled at how many folk said they were looking forward to seeing the cake last week.

Well here it is - Minecraft is Ben's favourite thing at the moment. I cheated and bought the toppers on line but nevertheless he was delighted with it. It was value for money because after his party with his best buddy the week before, I then re used the toppers for his own little cake/candles event on his actual birthday.

This week I made a little card for a friend's niece...

It's just a little fabric collage with some free machined detail and her name in free machining too.

It's been cold and wet this week but we did mange a lovely walk at Attingham Park on Monday. There were definite signs of Autumn - trees almost on the turn and lots of sweet chestnut and conkers.
It's a lovely spot for a walk.

Well that's it for this week.

Enjoy your week.

xx Jo


  1. What a great cake! the card is pretty too. There are lots of conkers here too, there is a big tree at the end of the road down from me and most of them are squashed in the road.... Have a good week and happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. What a fab cake and such a prettying card...I guess I’ve got to plan a card for a big birthday coming soon 😀😀😀
    Annie x
    Ps you’re linked x

  3. My boys would love that cake even now so I’m not surprised that Ben was over the moon, it’s great! The little card is so pretty, I love the lace skirt and free machining, you’re so clever. I’m loving the autumn weather at the moment, even the rain yesterday, My fav time of year.
    HUgs LLJ 6 xxx

  4. Cake triumph again, honestly, Ben must think you’re the most accomplished grown up ever! Yep, the weather has definitely turned here too, am going to have to file the flip flops and get out the slippers, my feet are definitely suffering when I’m sitting still now! Love the way you explain the free machining and fabric collage as ‘just’…you so underestimate your skill.


  5. Hi Jo, yes we crafters do remake reuse well and Ben’s cake looks spectacular. Whoever owns minecrafter is making kizillions.
    Love free machining … that takes real skill well done… send some rain over here!
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, prayer hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  6. Lovely cake and lovely card too. The latter would make a great keepsake put into a frame and I am sure she would enjoy seeing it on her bedroom wall.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  7. What a brilliant cake. I am sure the children were delighted with it. My grandchild love minecraft too. Have a great week Angela #7

  8. Love the cake and well done for using the decorations twice! The wee card is beautiful too.

  9. What an awesome cake! Were the toppers edible, I wonder? And such an incredibly cute card. I like Autumn much more than I like summer! Great for walks indeed! Have a happy week, Jo! xx zsuzsa #21

  10. Loving them both, cake and card are brilliant. I love autumn, much more my time of the year. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x14x

  11. That’s a great cake. I love the detail on your pretty card too.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 11

  12. Such a great cake Jo - my boys were all into Minecraft too and would have loved it too. Looking forward to trying to get to one of Maxine's workshops now she has started them up again but I work on Fridays so will have to try for a school holiday. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  13. Love the cake, my grandson used to play minecraft a few years ago, personally I couldn't see the point of it, but then video games aren't my thing. Love the birthday card. Even here in Spain it is beginning to feel like autumn after a few days of heavy rain. Ani

  14. That cake is incredible! Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#16)


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.