Wednesday 22 September 2021


 We spent last week in the Lakes.........

Early morning mist in the valley.

The mountains from Coniston.

                                                         The steam boat ride on Coniston.


Crummock water

The weather was perfect and we were so lucky to see the Lakes and the Mountains at their best.

We walked every day and really enjoyed the fresh air and company.

I might be back to normal service next week but this week I have lots of jobs to catch up on. Max needs some admin and Ben needs a birthday cake!

Have a great week all.

xx Jo


  1. How lovely Jo-thanks for sharing your photos. Looking forward to seeing the birthday cake. X

  2. I’m so pleased you got away for a break, I love the Lakes! Bet Ben’s cake will be a masterpiece!
    Have linked you up, you’re no 16.
    Hugs LLJ 8 xx

  3. Hi Jo. Beautiful photos. We stayed in that area a few years ago - just gorgeous. Can't wait to see the cake. Anne x 17

  4. I've only been to the Lake District once, and would love to go again. How beautiful your week was - fantastic photos. Hope you catch up on your jobs!! Helen #4

  5. You were so close to us - a cock stride away as they say up north. Well, us in our caravan and we were there at the same time. Glorious weather wasn't it. You have some lovely photos there - so glad you had a good time.
    Now back to being the Domestic Goddess.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  6. What lovely photos - I do love the Lake District and your photos make me long to go there again. I'm so glad you had a lovely holiday.
    Happy cake baking and I hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #15

  7. Looks like you had a great break Jo. I can't believe Ben needs another birthday cake already - the last year has flown by. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  8. Beautiful views, glad you had a good time Angela #7

  9. Beautiful photographs, looks like you had a good time. Have a lovely woyww, Angela x14x

  10. Beautiful pictures of the Lakes, Jo. Enjoy your break
    Lynnecrafts 11

  11. Beautiful shots Twiglet. Any get away is a good one, but these first post-lockdown are really a tonic. And you choose a beautiful place, I bet you walked miles. Good luck with the admin….I’m a little more excited about the birthday cake to be honest!

  12. What beautiful photographs!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    I am hoping to visit everyone this week – unfortunately last week I just couldn’t make it…
    Susan #20
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.