Wednesday 8 September 2021


 Yesterday I dropped off a parcel with 10 more twiddlers for the hospital dementia team.

Here are my two latest...

I am just hoping that the tiny moths that I have found in my lounge this week are nothing to do with my wool stock! I took myself off to Lakeland for one of their carpet sprays so I hope that's the last I see of them.

Short and sweet today.

I am busy making birthday cakes ready for Ben's party later in the week. just my luck to be baking on one of the hottest days of the year.

I hope you are enjoying the sunshine.

xx Jo


  1. Your imagination is endless for making those twiddlers, Jo. Two more beautiful mitts for people to enjoy. Happy baking !

  2. Love the latest twiddlers. Hope you get rid of any unwanted visitors before any damage is done.
    Annie x

  3. Loving the new Twiddlers. There seems to be quite a few moths around at the moment so I know how you feel and so do my Teddy Bears you can see they are looking worried. The sun is shining and it looks like being a lovely woyww day so hope yours is happy and full of smiles x19x

  4. Two more gorgeous twiddlers for us to drool over - beautiful the pair of them.
    Hope the moths are few and far between, remember us having moths in abundance a couple of years ago - turned out they were pantry moths and must have come in on some packet food as eggs or larvae. Was a Dickens of a job getting rid of them.
    keep watching out.
    Hugs, Neet 17 xx

  5. Are the twiddlers cotton lined as I was thinking that in this heat they would be very hot . . . . but then again, how many hot days do we have? lol
    Hope your baking turns out ok.
    Christine #18

  6. The twiddler S wouldn’t look out of place in a gallery, much more interesting than any of Tracey Emin’s so called art (can you tell I’m not a fan? Lol) I love the seaside ones best of all obvs. I don’t envy you baking today, it’s too hot - hope Ben has a wonderful birthday!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  7. You're a star ! Good luck baking , I don't envy you. Helen #1

  8. Happy birthday to Ben - you're right, its not ideal to have the oven on in this heat, but it's not as bad as it was back in July - and the nights are definitely cooler. 10 + 2 twiddlers sound like a lot to make in such a short period of time. It's not like you're knitting scarves (the only think I could knit!) - they are a lot more complicated an detailed! Thanks for your visit Jo. Happy WOYWW! xx zsuzsa #22

  9. Your twiddlers are, as usual, fabulous. Knitting seashells must take a special kind of patience. They look so fiddly to knit to me. It's hot here too so I'm feeling for you baking today. Happy Birthday Greetings to Ben - have a great party. Hugs, Ellie x #27

  10. Fabulous twiddlers ad usual. I do hope that there is someone to knit a twiddler for me when I need one x Angela #11

  11. Love the latest mitts Jo especially those adorable tiny sheep. I do hope you manage to sort the moths and they don't get at your yarn! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

  12. I love the latest twiddlers, Jo. You certainly have a wealth of ideas to draw upon - all so different and so imaginative! I do hope the moths are not going to be a problem. They can wreak havoc...

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #15

  13. The twiddlers are simply gorgeous! Take care and stay safe, With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#13)

  14. Love these Twidders they look more fluffy than they usually do some one will be very pleased with those. Happy baking! Keep on Crafting! Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) #24

  15. Love the person in the boat!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Susan #23
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  16. Oh dear, moths are the last visitors you want! The new Twiddlers are gorgeous and fun, as usual! You have such a knack for them! Have a great week, Lindart #29

  17. Oh I do hope Lakeland’s remedy is effective, moths is a piggy problem. Specially in the lounge, you don’t want to have to make that out of bounds for a few days! I hope the baking went well, I know it will be worth it, but am glad it wasn’t me! The year between Ben’s birthdays seems to have been compressed somehow, don’t you think? Bet the hospital were delighted to see you with so many more fantastically interesting matter how short lived, anything that sparks an interest is a real gift Jo.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.