Wednesday 1 September 2021



Another week another Wednesday! Where does the time go?

I had a few little sewing jobs this week. Some not so much fun - repairing the rear of my hubby's gardening jeans so that he isn't exposing himself whilst trimming the shrubs.

Then, my friend asked if I could use some stretchy fabric and make a little swimming costume for this rag doll. She made 3 dolls for her grand daughters but her machine doesn't sew stretchy very well.

So I adapted the pattern and had a trial run - it's quite cute isn't it.

Below are the colour bags for all my twiddler yarn. My SIL gave me a bin sack full of yarn this week so I sorted it and really was quite overwhelmed by the quantity! It will last a good long while and I won't need to buy any for ages, so that's good.

Here are the last two bobbly twiddlers that I knitted last week.

So, that's me for this week.

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. Glad you have plenty of yarn to keep you going Jo. Love the twiddle mitts and the doll's swimming costume is cute too. STay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  2. Being exposed whilst bush trimming sounds dangerous, better keep the secateurs under control 😳 The little costume is perfect, clever gal and you could almost open up your own shop with all that donated ya4n, marvellous!
    Hugs LLJ 1 xx

  3. I had to chuckle at Jan's comment :-) Love the new stash of wool....that should keep you busy for a night or two lol
    Annie x
    ps I've linked you

  4. At first glance I thought you had made a fancy mask but couldn't figure out how the elastic would fit! It's a cute little swimming costume! I love the twiddle mitts and what a gorgeous load of colourful yarn - that will certainly keep you busy!
    Happy WOYWW
    Diana xx #8

  5. Swimming costumes! Now there's a thought on a chilly autumn morning!!
    Love all your wools, never can have too much seriously . . . never too much!
    Have a good week
    Christine #19

  6. Great projects this week, all in the pink.

  7. Lovely and colourful twiddler mitts. Always nice to receive a bag of wool to keep you going. Happy WOYWW and have a great week Angela #10

  8. I had to go back and read slowly. That LLJ is a gal eh ?!! Great twiddlers. Have a good week . Helen #3

  9. You've just reminded me that I have to repair my son's school trousers for tomorrow - they still have to wear a uniform in sixth form, sigh. Love the little doll bathing suit and the twiddlers. Great collection of yarn - you can never have enough supplies, if you ask me! Have a lovely week, Jo. xx zsuzsa #20

  10. I have mended my friends work trousers so much think there is not much of the original trousers left! Love those twiddle muffs are they the ones for just slipping over the hand, as most I seen are quite long.Think yours are better. Have a good week.Ani

  11. Your remarks about your hubby's rear end amused me no end, Jo, as did LLJ's hilarious comment! (I wonder what he thinks about his bottom being exposed on the Internet? Lol!!) Really pretty twiddle mitts this week with the bobbles on them. I love your bags of coloured yarns. I have several banana boxes full of my yarn bits and lots of cones, as I love working with lots of colours. I can't remember when I last made anything of just one colour!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #17

  12. Where indeed does the time go! Loving your new Twiddlers. Wishing you a lovely and creative woyww, Angela x6x

  13. Oh my goodness, it's seeing lovely little knitted dolls like this that makes me wanna knit! She's soooo cute! And your twiddlers are fabulous as always! Garden jeans or any of Hubby's trousers or shorts are a "wash em first!" and then I try and patch them up as best I can! Did you know that even Naza space suits can withstand anything except...farts...rots them down in no time!)
    Didn't make last week and wasn't going to do this week as still couldn't get into stamp ground but, I'd done the pictures anyway so here I am. I'll just be a sad Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) with no number!

  14. I visited a friend in her new home this week, she’s an avid knitter and I chuckled at how the walls of her bedroom look like a wool shop.
    You’d get plenty of twiddle stock there heehee
    Lynn xx

  15. Found a way in! ((Lyn)) #22 I've got hubby on the trail!

  16. The little swimsuit is so cute! I've also been doing a lot of mending this week, I don't know if it's cats, or big moths, but problably cats lol. Happy WOYWW! Elle #11, EOTC

  17. How cute is that little swimmer!
    Hope that yarn will last you a while...
    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Susan #7
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  18. Gotta love a bobbly twiddler! They are so cheerful, and that amount of wool made me smile too, would make me pass out, and there you are calmly sorting it into colour groups. Very glad you’ve managed to mend the jeans, wouldn’t do for satellites to be picking up moons in a random garden in shrewsburyville!!

  19. I remeber I had a ragdoll when I was a child.
    My neighbour, a firl in my own age gave it to me,
    best birthday gift ever!

    Your knitted twiddlers are beutiful. :)

    Have a nice weekend!
    Susan nr 23


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.