Wednesday 25 August 2021



Happy WOYWW everyone!

This week I have been mostly quilting.

I am not a great quilter but was asked to make another little puff quilt play mat for a friend of Maxine's.

I always enjoy making them but glad when they are finished.

In the evenings I have been knitting my second Olympic themed twiddle mitt.

Swimming, boxing, gymnastics, skate boarding and diving feature on this one.

Lastly, look what I found in my garden.....

I thought it looked a bit like a dragon so I added a daisy eye and crocosmia flames ( you might need to click on the picture to get the full benefit!)

My friends and family have left me home alone this week - I even cleaned my oven yesterday - I need to get out more!!!

Well that's my nutty nonsense for this week.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. Yes-I can see your dragon! I love the padded quiltie and children enjoy them so much! I hope you are keeping the Olympic twiddle mitts for yourself as a reminder of the Olympics which took place a year late. Happy making.x

  2. Linked you up, you’re lucky 13! That’s a great puffy quilt, great fun and perfect as a play mat but your twiddler is amazing, I love all the different sports on it. But cleaning your oven instead of crafting? You need to get in your craft room instead!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  3. What a lovely quilt Jo and I am sure the recipient will love it. How suitable that diving should feature on your second Olympic themed twiddle mitt given Tom Daley's love of knitting too. Love the 'dragon'. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  4. It's a definite dragon! The quilt is beautiful. Enjoy your you tine ! Helen #3

  5. You poor darling!!!! cleaning the oven are you feeling okay now or shall we send help! Love the dragon and the Twiddlers anyway, at least they show signs that you may have got over this silliness! Have a lovely and creative woyww. Hugs Angela x9x

  6. Cleaning the oven!! You definitely need to get out more - as far away as you can!! I have read that dishwasher tablets help but haven't got round to trying them yet . . . . I still close the door and make a cup of coffee!!
    Love the twiddler and the quilt.
    Have a good week
    Christine #14

  7. Oh my goodness, Jo, cleaning the oven??!! That's serious. Definitely time to get out more lol!

    Love the dragon who has taken up residence in your garden. Your quilt and twiddle mitt are gorgeous - again, very clever to do the interlocking circles. I went to a craft exhibition at church yesterday and someone had made some twiddle muffs. It's the first time I've seen anyone else apart from you doing this sort of thing. They were nice, but not half as imaginative as yours!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #11

  8. How fabulous are your pom pom quilts! Extremely fabulous!
    Love the Twiddler - but then I love all the things that you do. So much work has gone into this one so some lucky person will enjoy looking and twiddling with it.
    You are a star!
    Hugs, Neet 8 xx

  9. Love the dragon - to start off with I thought unicorn, but it suits dragon better! The twiddle mitt is amazing as ever. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#15)

  10. Love your dragon, Jo! The puff quilt is beautiful. I imagine the puffs are a bit fiddly to make but well worth the effort. The twiddle muff is as spectacular as the games themselves, and very clever. I keep looking at my oven but, so far, resisted doing anything about it. It would take more than being left home alone for me to give in and clean the wretched thing. Hope you have lots of company in the coming week. Hugs, Ellie x #24

  11. Jo, you have tickled me today!! Sorry I am getting around pays! LOLOL LOVE your dragon in the garden, toooo cute!! And yes....pleeeez get out more....I can find MANY MORE things to do than the oven!! LOLOL I do the same though, who am I kidding! :) I think your little puff quilts are the bees' knees! You sell yourself too short!! and the Olympic mitts are soooooo sooooo precious! Brilliant!! Thanks for stopping in at my desk and as always, so sweet! Blessings! Felicia #21

  12. Great dragon!
    Love the Olympic twiddler - the rings will be lovely to twiddle with!
    Very impressed with the puff ball quilt - I maybe should try one...
    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Susan #5
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.