Friday 23 July 2021

Friday smile

 One "Happy Birthday" clematis - 3 smiles!

I thought you would love this Annie.

The clematis you gave me is planted in the border at the front of the house...

However, it is a wonderfully profuse bloomer and has popped over the fence to the area where we keep the gardening stuff - wheel barrow etc....

But then, not satisfied with that, it has also crept over the fence into the veg corner...


Don't you just love how nature can make a place its own!

Thanks Annie - I love it.

xx Jo


  1. That plant is looking amazing. Well done Jo. Take care, keep cool and have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

  2. That’s simply gorgeous Johugs,
    Annie x

  3. That clematis had a mind of its own. It is beautiful. I LOVE that color, too. You are so lucky to have it.

  4. How lovely. I love clematis. This one is certainly thriving. Kate x

  5. Your clematis is beautiful! Such a lovely deep purple. I love it that it has crept into different areas.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  6. That’s a stunning clematis, Jo. All our have been very prolific this year too and will need cut back really hard. Happy weekend-still too hot for me!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.