Wednesday 28 July 2021



Good morning all.

It's been far too hot for knitting this week so this is one I made earlier in the month, after I made the one for Jan's friend. She sent a lovely thank you card saying how much the recipient liked it, so that's lovely isn't it.

I love the rainbow colours and a few rainbow trimmings.

I think I will make an Olympic colours one next.

It's been great watching all the amazing sports folk excelling in Tokyo.

I loved the synchro diving  - well done to Tom Daley and Matt Lee. Also Adam Peatey's amazing swim.

Our male gymnasts did well in the team event. Such strength, grace and fitness.

This week I will be playing "tennis" again with Ben - he has improved a lot and now has me chasing the ball all over the place. (It's not real tennis but we both have lots of fun!)

That's it for this week.

Enjoy your week.

xx Jo


  1. Gorgeous rainbow twiddler today Jo. Will put a smile on any face.
    Annie x

  2. Ah it you need to practice a Twiglet, because it might turn into real tennis and you’ll definitely want to be the one on the baseline making your opponent do all the running! How fun, such great memories for you both. Love the rainbow twiddled, who can resist those colours. I think an Olympics one is a great idea, will be a super prompt for a chat, too.

  3. She really was made up by the twiddler you made Jo and I know the recipient loved it too, so thank you again. I’m crocheting little squares now the weather’s cooler but anything with acrylic yarn isn’t good at the moment. Have a wonderful time with Ben, I’ll have to start calling you Steffi Graf!!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  4. At least this week is a little cooler for knitting and tennis Jo. Love the rainbow colours too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  5. Love that rainbow twiddler - such fun colours and interesting little twiddles on it. This cooler weather should be perfect for playing tennis with Ben - sounds like a lot of fun.
    Have a good week,
    Diana xx #13

  6. Glad you are enjoying the Olympics. We have hardly had the TV on this holiday, most unusual. I have to admit it is not that comfortable to sit watching the TV with four people in the caravan. Another beautiful twiddler mit. Have a great week Angela #9

  7. What a delightful twiddler! I haven't been following the Olympics - I didn't even realise it was on this year LOL until it had started. I used to watch it avidly when I was a kid - remember the one in 1980 in Moscow that the USA boycotted? That's the earliest I can remember. Have a lovely week, Jo. xx zsuzsa #16

  8. great twiddler, I am not surprised you can't knit in the heat - Mum was forever stopping to wash her hands. I've watched some of the Olympics, but work gets in the way and then having to sleep during the night when it's on!! I did manage to listen to the diving on the radio on my way to work, (hard to imagine the shapes of the dives but at least I got the excitement of the gold medal!!) have a good week. helen #2

  9. Wow-that twiddler jumped right off the page. Enjoy your tennis-it’s lovely to have fun with Ben.

  10. Hi Jo, it's always good to see what you're up to and loving the new Twiddler. Wishing you a happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x14x

  11. Good late Thursday Jo! Sorry I am getting around late to everyone, I'm been so busy today! As usual, LOVE the muff! Those rainbow vibrants are so yummy and I love the little bobble you put on there! I haven't been watching the olympics, we don't have conventional TV so I have to watch playbacks on YouTube. I need to get cracking, I'm behind!! Blessings for the rest of your week! Felicia #17

  12. I love the rainbow colours too... Look forward to seeing the Olympic one...
    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Susan #7
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  13. I didn't play tennis with Oliver, my grandson, but we did get to play 'Piggy in the Middle!' on our outing to a park near where they live last week. Kiddiewinks grow so fast! Your twiddler is fabulous. love the rainbow colours. I still have my window painted in a rainbow and was wondering, is it time to wash it off... I took the stick on snowflakes off last week and the Christmas toys...but haven't the heart to take down the Mr Men! Have a great week! Stay Safe! Happy WOYWW ((Lyn))#15

  14. What a lovely bright rainbow twiddler, Jo. I seem to have missed out on the Olympics this time around - not sure why! I am usually glued to it. Other things on my mind, I suppose!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #12

  15. Hi Jo, your twiddler is lovely - the rainbow colours are beautiful. I've not been able to do much knitting recently, not just because it's been too hot but because the kitten is too fascinated by balls of wool and knitting needles - she thinks they are for playing with. I enjoyed the swimming and diving too but was so disappointed when first Jamie and then Andy Murray didn't do so well in the tennis doubles. Never mind, there's always the next Olympics. And you've got your Ben to play 'tennis' with - great fun. Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie x #22


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.