Wednesday 21 July 2021



Good morning all!

I have been helping Tilly Tea Dance to get some stock ready for one of her local outlets.

All her little printed coasters needed pricing and labelling.

It's an easy job and I love all her colourful coasters - each one printed from one of her hand felted and embroidered pictures. I think McFelty, the Highland coo, is still one of my favourites.

Below is my latest twiddler - just a nice textural scene.
It's been too hot to do much knitting this week and I still have 6 more to get me to 100.

I hope you are manging to keep cool. The sunshine is wonderful but just too hot for me to spend much time out in it. It's just nice to find a cool spot and put my feet up with a good book.

However, I will be busy for the next few days as Ben is coming for a sleepover.

So - it will be "fun in the sun" for a bit and then a few "keeping cool" activities in the shade. We will be collecting pebbles to paint, planting a few seeds and doing a butterfly count.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. Have a fab time with Ben but do keep cool. Love the latest twiddler.
    Annie x

  2. Enjoy your time with Ben Jo - I am sure he will enjoy the activities you have planned. Hope it cools down soon so you can manage the last 6 twiddle mitts. Keep cool, stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

  3. OMG! YOu continue to amaze me with your knitting, PJ always said that I unpick more than knit!! YOur latest is gorgeous.
    Enjoy your sleepover guest!!
    Stay cool
    Christine #11

  4. How lovely having Ben for a sleepover - wonder who is most excited you or him.
    Love that bright and colourful Twiddlemitt, what a lovely set of colours for someone to look at and so much to touch and fiddle about with. Brilliant!
    Likewise those coasters of Maxines. Love the sunset ones and yes the highland cattle is gorgeous but I love the sheepsies too. I might just have to spend a penny or two. Which one though?
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  5. Enjoy your time with Ben, we’re going to do the butterfly count too! The twiddler is fantastic, the recipient of the one you made for my friend is cherished very much, she loves it so thank you again! 9hope the card arrived ok btw) I can only crochet early and late in the day, though CraftyAni’s tip about talcum powder is a good one, I may try it!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  6. Love all those coasters, my favourites are the cow and the pink one in the second picture. Love the colours in your latest twiddler too. Yes I prefer somewhere cool and A good book too. Enjoy your time with Ben. Angela #12

  7. Not sure I can remember feeling cool! I have one of Max's coasters and it is so pretty I can't bear to put hot drinks on it for fear of damaging it although I know that's silly! your latest twiddler is beautiful too. Have a good week. Helen #2

  8. Lovely twiddler and the coasters are fab. Enjoy your time with Ben and look forward to seeing what you do when he’s with you.

  9. The coasters are lovely and your Twiddler is a perfect interpretation of summer, beautiful. Hope we get to see your painted pebbles. love this but not done any for ages. Keep cool and wishing you a very productive woyww, Angela x13x

  10. Lovely coasters she's done! Sounds like you and Ben will have great fun. Remember to drink lots of water.. Playful Creative Blessings! Kelly #19

  11. What a great idea for the coasters. I think I'd put a magnet on them and display them on my fridge! I can't do anything in this heat, five minutes out side means 10 minutes in the shower! I'm Late again, and this weeks twindlers are fabulous, rainbows and flowers, so summery! Stay save, keep cool. Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #16

  12. What beautiful coasters!
    Love this twiddler too...

    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Susan #5
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  13. Those coasters are just gorgeous, Jo, and I agree with you, I love McFelty! Highland coos have always been my favourites! I used to love seeing them every time we were N of the Border and my grandfather used to send me postcards of them often. I've still got some of them. Your latest twiddler is a textured delight! I hope when you've completed the 100 (what a lot!) you will treat us to a grand finale photo montage of them all together. That would make quite a display.

    I am glad it is now a bit cooler. That heat flattened me.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #15


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.