Wednesday 9 June 2021


 Hello all!

I hope you are enjoying this fabulous weather.
We had a day in Shrewsbury yesterday and it was like being abroad - traffic free town with tables and chairs around the cafes, folk sunbathing in the park by the river, boat trips and such a happy, brilliant vibe!
I also called into 61Mardol which is where Maxine is selling her artwork at the moment. It is a real treasure trove of wonderful local artwork of all descriptions. So, if you are in Shrewsbury at anytime pop in. I have my eye on a beautiful hand crafted pendant and matching earrings!!

On Friday we sailed down the Llangollen canal and over the Froncysylite aquaduct with Ben and enjoyed a lovely day out. It's such a treat to spend time together and get out into the world (albeit very cautiously) again. 

Needless to say, my desk hasn't seen much action.
However, I did receive a lovely pack of goodies and ATCs from Spyder. She included gorgeous bits and bobs and buttons for me to use on the Twiddle mitts. A big thank you, Lynn - I have already used much of the wool and some of the buttons.

Lynn also sent me this little gnome card. Ben loved it!
Along with it came the hilarious poem that she penned about making it.
We all had a chuckle at that. Thanks Lynn.
And this is my ATC from Christine - Bishopsmate.
Thanks lots - it's lovely.

Lastly - here are the 7 latest twiddlers that will be going with the 3 themed ones.
I try to put colours, textures and twiddly bits together to make them eye-catching and cheery.

So that's it for this week.
Enjoy your week.

xx Jo


  1. A lovely blast of colour in your last pic Jo. You have been busy.
    Annie x

  2. What an amazing gift from Lyn. She is such a sweetie. And your Twiddlers are out of this world. So different from anything anyone else is making. Happy WOYWW from # 3.

  3. How fun to hear of all the great things you were able to get out and about to do! It gives us all great energy to get more down to our real way of loving life. Being with friends and family ! Some more great ATC's and fun mail!
    Your Twiddlers are always a delight. I always love the bright colors. Enjoy a lovely week

  4. I bet you held on tight to Ben as you went over that aqueduct! It’s so beautiful up there, a good place to escape to. I love Shrewsbury, it’s such a pretty and interesting town, I bet it was fab in the sunshine. The twiddler are fantastic, love em all!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  5. I'm so glad to read you have been able to get out and about in this glorious weather and spend time with family, what a treat. Those twiddle mitts are a burst with colour Jo. Enjoy the sunny days ahead & Happy WoywW Tracey #13x

  6. aw, thank you for the shout out and sorry I'm a useless smeller, I have no idea why I put four instead of for. I think it might have been because I wanted to add another gnome, peeking out from the top of the tree, but then it was too big for the envelope! Your twidders are brillaint! and I did have some tape ribbon put by, and that was another thing I forgot! There's always another time! Stay safe-Happy woyww!? ((Lyn))#26

  7. Lovely happy mail, Jo, and a great collection of cheerful and brightly coloured twiddlers! Thank you for your sweet comment and good wishes on my blog. I'm glad you are enjoying my crochet. I have my grandmother to thank - she taught all the girls in our family and I've been doing it since I was very young. As for any shortcomings you may have with your crochet, they are more than made up for by your skills with the knitting needles! - and behind it all is your wonderful imagination - the results always bring such a smile to one's face, and I can imagine the joy the twiddlers bring to all who receive them, and their families.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #9

  8. Those twiddlers are indeed very eye-catching! The full rainbow there! What a lovey poem to go with the card - so many talented poets in WOYWW - so delightful - and a lovely ATC from Christine as well! I remember walking around Shrewsbury two years ago when we stopped by - so I can very much imagine the atmosphere you've just painted and it brought back lovely memories! Have a happy week! xx zsuzsa #28

  9. well, you say you've not done much - but the twiddles look lovely as always. Sounds like you had a great time in Shrewsbury and with Ben too! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  10. Those Twiddlers are gorgeous - what beautiful bright colours and I love the twiddly bits.
    Glad you had some time out with Ben and Maxine, can't think of anything nicer than a sail down the river.
    Take care
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  11. Eye catching and cheery? A complete success x happy WOYWW Angela #12

  12. A busy week all round Jo. My latest little treasure arrived from Maxine so my collection has grown to 6. Enjoy the weather and time with Ben. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  13. Well I think you’re going to exceed the number of twiddle mitts this year, and I should also add that you do a great job of putting colours together, they are incredibly appealing and I know how much the visual appeal means to a dementia patient, it certainly is what encourages them to pick something up to investigate further. Glad you’re getting out a bit now, and seeing Ben, it’s been a hard slog these last few months. We are really enjoying restriction easing. Still not licking people though.

  14. How funny is that poem! Brilliant! I love the idea of being on a canal - did you hire a barge? We don't have any canals near us but a couple of people live in houseboats on one of the many rivers nearby and I'm rather envious! Bye for now, Lisa-Jane #8

  15. Hiya - just popping by to say Hi. I am like everyone else this week - "Flat out like a lizard drinking" to use an Aussie expression LOL!
    Your twiddlers are so bright and cheery - Have a great week - Stay safe & well - Cheers Maurs xxx #35

  16. Glad you had a good day out! Lynn’s poem and happy nail were lovely.
    Love your bright twiddle mitts
    Lynnecrafts 11

  17. So glad you had a lovely day out. and what lovely Gifts you received. The twiddle muffs are so colourful,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #10


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.