Wednesday 2 June 2021


 Happy WOYWW - I hope it's a lovely sunny day where you are.

We have had a few sunny ones which have been really beautiful and quite uplifting.

My work desk hasn't seen much action - too nice to be indoors.

However, I did snap the last of my wonderful ATC packages that came through the post this week. ..

I do hope I haven't forgotten anyone. It's been so good seeing what you have all done and now I need to think how I can display them best. Thank you to all.

And then WOYWW wouldn't be the same without one of these....

It is part 2 of the "What did you play with" twiddlemitt collection!

So that's it for this week.

Enjoy your week.

xx Jo


  1. Happy sunny Wednesday Jo. I think a lot of us will be taking desk breaks while we can get outside, isn’t it glorious.
    You’ve got some lovely ATC’s. I’m sorry I couldn’t find a postcard of Whitworth, our old postmaster used to sell them.
    Have a lovely week
    Lynn xx

  2. Like seeing Annies Memory Bears, seeing those twiddle mitts is a real welcoming sight, even with the warmer weather they are such a comfort. Lovely Happy mail, so sorry I was not around to celebrate with you all.
    Take care and enjoy that sunshine, I agree it's totally uplifting.
    Hugs Tracey #5 xx

  3. Ah dear Jo, truly those ATCs are all so different and imaginatively made. WOYWW folks are such a clever bunch!
    And as usualjust adore yoyr twiddlemitts,you'reso imaginative in thd way that you make them.
    Well its cold and daark here, as 21st is our shortest day, the days are drawingin early. Must go have shower and get tea.
    Lovely to have time to pop in though. Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. Pardon typos on sml screen mobile phone.. plus fried brain doesn't help! 😁🤣🤣🤣

  4. Oh Jo, that twiddle mit immediately took me on a journey...that hoop!! I’m so glad you’ve had such lovely ATCs, it’s been really great to see them all, so different considering they all follow the same basic rules!

  5. Fabulous ATCs Jo and part 2 of the latest twiddle mitt designs is fantastic! Brings back memories all right. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #14 (I had a lie in for the holidays).

  6. I love this twiddler too, Elsie LLJ the flying pigtails and the rope in action, you’ve really caught the movement of them both so well! Love to see all the different ATCs too, people are so clever! Enjoy the lovely weather, we’ve got thunderstorms forecast for today!
    Hugs LLJ 3 xx

  7. Love all the little treasures we have had through the post Jo and your latest twiddler is great....I'm off for a game of Jacks now.
    Annie x

  8. Gorgeous twiddle mitt, your designs are fantastic and I'm sure this will evoke all sorts of memories and recognition in the recipient. Lots of gorgeous ATC's too - hasn't it been fun getting happy mail!
    Have a great week,
    Diana xx #18

  9. What a lot of lovely ATCs! And extras!
    The twiddler is beautiful and I love the theme!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #17

  10. Love the atcs you've had . The twiddler is fab too. Don't blame you for being outside where you can. Helen #1

  11. Greetings ! Thanks for sharing all your beautiful ATC's It's amazing work on a tiny space. I always love the yearly fun. Here too has been such fantastic weather, 70's no humidity or wind. I don't plan on doing anything in the house today, as was yesterday. Sat on the deck with fun mail and enjoyed every minute of weeding and walking. HEAT will be here Fri/Sat and things will change. Thanks for your ATC. I treasure them.

  12. WE all need to have a break from crafting when the weather is nice, Do love your twiddle muffs very clever

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #7

  13. Hi Jo, I have to be honest I've been out Lol! We have a friend who is going into hospital soon and our little group of retired teachers just wanted to wish her all the best so we sat and had coffee but I'm back now. Great collection of ATCs and a gorgeous new Twiddle mitt, perfection. Wishing you a very happy woyww and a lovely week too. Angela x13x

  14. Happy WOYWW, love your twiddlers. You put such detail into them. Lovely gifts through the post Angela #15

  15. Beautiful ATC'S and the twiddle muffs are stunners. Love them. Take care. Anne x 22

  16. The ATC's are brilliant I think ever Twidder I see is my favourite until I see a new one! Its amazing!
    Stay Safe, keep crafting and knitting! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)#19

  17. Love the twiddlemitt - so much work goes into those, I doff my creative cap to you!

    Happy WOYWW
    Morti #31

  18. A great collection of ATCs and cards, Jo, and a really fun twiddler this week!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #11

  19. Hi Jo, thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog and for your best wishes for my health. I know from previous experience that I am in very good hands at our local hospital and am hoping for the best.

    Shoshi x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.