Wednesday 16 June 2021


 Good morning all!

I collected my last little ATC this week - thanks Julia.

We seem to be flying through the year don't we.

As expected, we will not be free to roam completely for another few weeks, but it won't make a huge difference to me. I am happy doing what we can at the moment and would like to think there was a lot less Covid about before we completely let our hair down!

My sewing desk has remained almost empty this week.

Maxine did mention making a pair of paper bag shorts like they made on The Sewing Bee so I had a look through all my patterns to see if I had anything we could adapt.

I found this one which I think will do nicely. We just need fabric and measurements and then we can get going on it. A quick and easy make, I think.

These are my boxes of patterns - many vintage of course, as I have been sewing for over 50 years!

I love browsing through and reminiscing about the clothes that I have made for myself, Mum, Annie Maxine and even aunts, nephews, nieces and grandmas over the years. Many a happy hour spent at the machine.

I have made a couple of twidders but I will group them together for a snap next week.

So that's it for this week.

Enjoy the sunshine and stay safe.

xxx Jo


  1. Oh what a fab rummage you will have had through your patterns.....I ought to get mine out at some point.
    Thanks for yesterday.
    Annie x

  2. I have pattern envy, BUT you would not like what I would do with those patterns. Let's just say they wouldn't look the same if I had them. I can already see some real beauties there, Happy WOYWW from # 4.

  3. Hi Jo-I was given two enormous boxes of patterns for R:evolve dating from the seventies and we hope they will sell well in our new haberdashery. I don’t sew any clothes nowadays as I find it very difficult to fit them on myself. Happy sewing and knitting.

  4. There’s some history in that pattern box! What great memories it must bring back, I love things like that, they make me quite emotional, a bit like finding a recipe in my mum’s handwriting. Max will look amazing in the paper bag shorts, I thought the Sewing Bee folks did a grand job. Who do you think will win the final tonight? My money is on Raph, he’s got that certain flair.
    HUgs LLJ 6 xxx

  5. What on earth are paper bag shorts? You can tell I don't watch the sewing bee. Hope we get to see them when they are done - please.
    Oh dear, no twiddlers for me today, sob sob.
    Love the atc you got - a fab colour.
    Take care and stay happy.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  6. I must admit that I have never heard of some of the expressions they use on that programme - paperbag shorts, buffet dresses . . . .
    I have been using some of my old patterns in my artwork, felt a real traitor but better than throwing them out!!
    have a good week
    Christine #24

  7. Yes ma'am the year is leaping along for sure!! And....I don't think I have accomplished ANYTHING in the time it has gone by! LOLOL Paper bag shorts? I have never heard of such!! So now...I am going to have to look them up and see what they are all about!! Love your stash of patterns! I would love to browse through those! I don't sew, but patterns always interest me!! My mother always sewed for us growing up. She tried to show me, but I got frustrated, so it didn't take! Sounds like you have been a blessing to MANY!! I was hoping you had gotten yours and Annie's ATC's from me by now, but hopefully, it will come this week sometime! Blessings to you! Felicia, #26

  8. Well I have no idea what paper bag shorts are but I assume you shouldn't wear them out in the rain!! You can probably tell I don't watch the sewing bee! I do love the vintage patterns.
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #17

  9. I so admire -wow how can sew, never been one of my talents, my stitches are not neat and tidy enough. Have fun making your shorts Angela #18

  10. I must have missed that bit about paper bag shorts - though I've watched every episode! Good luck and do show the results! Helen #2

  11. That box of patterns brought back a lot of memories, Jo! I used to do loads of dressmaking. I haven't got many original ones left now. I have kept my Folkwear ones, though - love the ethnic styles from around the world.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #8

  12. I love looking at old sewing patterns such great memories. Nice ATC too. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x14x

  13. What a great collection of sewing patterns Jo. I have a few and find the empty 4l ice cream tubs the perfect size to hold them. I must have a look through mine lol. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  14. That sounds like a nice project Jo.
    I’ve booked myself on a dressmaking course being held locally at the end of June. To say I’m terrified is putting it mildly but at least I will have give it a go and if I don’t take to it at least I’ll have tried.
    If it’s anything like my crotchet attempts the teacher will have her work cut out haha
    Lynn 13 xx

  15. What a super collection of patterns! I used to have sewing/crochet/knitting patterns but moving around the world has meant I no longer have them. I so regret losing some of the baby patterns...
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #12

  16. Ah dear Jo sorry late but here now read it Wed night then life happened.. A great ATC, how nice that it keeps on giving isn’t it?
    And memory lane there, I’ve patterns like that, dear Jo, and used lots too some from 50, 60,s mums, and 70,80s mine. Haven’t bought any this century I think as I’ve enough to readapt to do what I want. Why get new if it ain’t broke why fix it?
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.