Wednesday 5 May 2021


 My desk has seen a bit of action this week but I won't be sharing it until our WOYWW 12 anniversary.

I have been making my ATCs - well, should I say I have been trying to make them. My first lot weren't very successful so I had a re think and decided to needle felt again this time. I am quite happy with the result - never perfect but fun to do.

So, my only item to share is this...

I thought our Scottish friends might like this one.

My next one is a Welsh one but I am finding making a tiny dragon flag a bit tricky!

I hope you all enjoyed your Bank Holiday - Monday was pretty wet here so a day for crafting and snooker final.

Don't forget to let me know if you want to swap ATCs - it's always fun getting little delights through the post!

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. I love your Highland twoddle, its really lovely! yes...I'm making the backing of my ATC's, but so far that's as far as I've got. But hopefully will make enough just in case! Happy WOYWW!? Stay Safe! ((Lyn)) #6

  2. Sorry!!! Having a silver keyboard is rubbish, I can't see the letters! the words I write are nothing like what I actically think I'm writing! I did of course mean, Twiddle! ((Lyn))

  3. love those twiddle muffs, and the tiny kilt! wonderful!
    I have my backing sheet made ready to swap so I'm up for a swap with you.
    have a good week
    Christine #18

  4. I love the latest twiddler and it was lovely to see it in real life too....and you of course. We will be gathering quite a list of ATC swaps between us 😀
    Annie x

  5. Most certainly want to swap! Loving the new Twiddler and can't wait to see the dragon as I love them. Happy creative woyww, Angela x19x

  6. Amazing all of those Twiddle mitts you share. Have fun with your ATC creations. #22 I'll check to see if I can find your address. Dis array here remodel in a small space is really my biggest challenge. Dealing with frost tonight again Have a great week

  7. Hi Jo, another great Twiddle-Twoddle! I love the little Scottish details in it (I'm glad you didn't put Nicola Sturgeon on it though!) - How on earth are you going to do the dragon for the Welsh version? Surely it's too small to show such detail, but I'm sure you'll come up with a great idea. I'd love to swap with you. I'll put my email on my anniversary post (so I can delete it later) so we can exchange addresses. I still have to make mine though! I'm sure I'll get there in the end! Happy WOYWW! xx zsuzsa #20

  8. It’s the Highland Cow!! That made me smile all over this morning, you have the knack of taking a jumble of orangey yarn and it’s instantly recognisable as a Morag Moo. And the bagpipes, genius! Good luck with the Ddraig Goch (Red Dragon), I still have the one you made me on the JanCave bookshelves. You could always put Wally the Walrus on, he’s a legit citizen of Wales now, seemingly very happy on the RNLI slipway in Tenby!!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  9. Fab twiddle ! Good idea to craft away a wet bank holiday x Helen #4

  10. Wow, fabulous twiddle mits - I love the bagpiper, you are so clever getting such amazing detail into your work. I would love to swap an ATC with you please, but I don't appear to have your address although I know we've swapped in the past.
    I hope you have a good week and I'm looking forward to seeing the Welsh creation!
    Diana xx #24

  11. Your highland twiddle mitt is wonderful! I haven't even started my ATCS - that is something for the weekend if we don't have to do too much prep work for the boiler/central heating company. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#9)

  12. Yes, Jo, I would love to swap atc's with you and Annie. Wouldn't be the same without the fabric ones from your nimble fingers (and Annies). Didn't mention it to little Sis as I was letting you know for both of you.
    Love that TwiddleMitt - the piper is fantastic! And I love the Highland Cattle - he is majestic. Guess you have had lots of practice with sheep so they would pose no problem for you. It's fab - now Wales - leek, daffodil, - oh heck - surprise me.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  13. Hi Jo. A Highland twiddle - well done. Glad your next project is the Welsh one. Yes... a small dragon...hmmm. Have fun That snooker final was good - Shaun did his best... but was rather ground down in the end, wasn't he.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  14. Good gracious. But why am I suprised to read that you’ve done your ATCs. And your idea of not perfect just makes me giggle helplessly! Loving the bagpipes and the big Angus on the twiddle muff, honestly, I think you need to make two each time now so that we can start a proper exhibition.

  15. Loving your Scottish Twiddle mitt. Needle felting ACT’s - I wish I had thought of that, it’s about time I made use of my stash in that department. Alas, I didn’t pack any of that in the caravan. I was going to start mine today, but my husband has decided on a shopping trip. I am supposed to be jumping into the shower while he is walking the dogs, but it’s so nice sitting here with the sunshine all around - sigh! Angela #23

  16. Love the Scottish twiddle mitt Jo. Hope you manage to solve the Welsh flag issue! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  17. How cute is that twiddle muff? (I just like writing 'twiddle' lol it makes me smile). Always up for a swap if you are taking names. Have a good week, stay safe, stay well, love n hugs Cindy #14

  18. Oh Jo, I adore your Scottish twiddler! What fun! Nessie looks particularly fetching, I must say! I love the humour you introduce into these fun little works of art, and the joy they must bring.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #16

  19. LOVE this twiddler! I can't wait to see the Welsh one (seeing as how I arrived in Wales just a couple of hours ago) - I can imagine that the flag is very tricky! I only properly realised the other day that the Welsh flag isn't represented in the Union Jack - how awful!? Late to the party this week - stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #8

  20. Trying to catch up on commenting - it is already Friday! The problem is because we are 9 hours in front I can't manage it on Wednesday and then the time just flies!
    Lovely Scottish Twiddler! I look forward to the dragon...
    I have various things to have a go at felting - just not had a spare minute yet. I watched various videos in the Australian online craft show and it does look fun.

    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #25

  21. Hi Jo, Just popping by to say Hi - love the Scottish knitted piece - gives me the warm fuzzies as I am Scottish by birth by we moved to Australia when I was 6. Anything Scottish gets in my blood LOL! Hope to see you again Cheers Maurs #33 xxx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.