Wednesday 28 April 2021


 Just a quickie today...

One of my latest twiddlers, inspired by all the lovely Spring colour around at the moment.

This week, I am trying to get my head round an idea for my WOYWW12 celebratory ATCs.

It's such a shame that we can't all meet up - yet again.

I hope that maybe later in the year we might be able to manage a get together but at present it doesn't look too hopeful.

I did manage to see  LLJ in a zoom meeting this week. It is so lovely to catch up and to know that even with all the misery of the past year, our friendships are as strong as ever. That's what 12 years of WOYWW has done for us so we will be forever grateful to the lovely Julia for keeping us all on the straight and narrow (well maybe some of us!).

If you think you would like to swap ATCs with me let me know. I usually make about 20 so, first come first served, I suppose. 

It is always a delight to receive your tiny works of art and Julia's idea of adding a local picture postcard is brilliant.

Well that's it for this week.

Take care and stay safe all.

xx Jo


  1. Straight and narrow. *snort* that’s because I set such a fine example!!! Love the spring twiddler, love how everything around you is such an inspiration.

  2. Gorgeous knitting as always and hoping the better weather lets you see more of family. 💕

  3. Hi Jo. Lovely twiddler. Yes I would love an ATC from you. I must get my thinking cap on! Takd care. Anne x 19

  4. Beautiful twiddler Jo.. I do love lots of colour. Fingers crossed for some sunshine again this week. We had a real deluge of rain last night.
    I’m looking forward to the day I can meet up with everyone for the first time. Fingers crossed again that it won’t be long
    Lynn xx 13

  5. What a fab twiddler Jo...they get better and better. Keep it up.
    Annie x

  6. That’s a gorgeous twiddled, I think I have a favourite and then every week you produce another masterpiece!! I would like to swap ATCs please, I’ve made 8 but might do a few more. IT was fab to catch up on Monday, lots of laughs and fun :-D
    I’d love to stick to the Straight and Narrow but, being Welsh, am afraid that being Wibbly Wobbly is built in, lolol!
    HUgs LLJ (Hon Sis) 6 xx

  7. Beautiful twiddle Jo, I love the rainbow above it all, and the flowering cherry, they really balance the design.
    I’m very happy to stick to the wibbly wobbly front as well!
    Lynnecrafts 7

  8. love the rainbow on your latest Twiddle, its lovely. Lady Pam still sends her love and was ssure you called in, in the week! She has been spending time in her small garden (with her carer)and was thrilled to find a blackbirds nest with five eggs in it. I'm still thinking of what postcards to pick for the WOYWW swap, as we are in The Forest, near the sea and not too far away from large towns too. Stay Safe, keep crafting and have a lovely Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#8

  9. Ah... cherry blossom and rainbows, how perfect!! I'd love one of your ATCs, I have an embroidered one in my box but I can't recall now if it was you or Annie. I've never done one before so I'm quite nervous! Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #5

  10. Once again the twiddler is gorgeous, such amazing attention to detail and so beautifully colourful. I would love to swap ATC's with you please, I've just made a start this morning - it's nice to making something that's not a birthday card for a change!
    Have a good week,
    Diana xx #23

  11. Good Morning, it's a cool, gloom here. I enjoy seeing your FB posts and your daughter has a lot of your talent. Beautiful pieces you both create. I would love to exchange ATC's I might need an up date address....and I'll mail off as soon as Julia posts this week, I've got mine started. Have a great week. #24

  12. Jo, LOVE the latest twiddlers for sure!! They really do say "spring" to me!! Love the rainbow and the budding tree and all the flowers! So, so precious!! I hope to participate in the ATC swap, but I won't be able to play along to the extent you guys do, due to the price of postage to go across the pond. We shall see how it plays out for me!! So glad you got to do the Zoom with Jan. I agree with you, it seems the friendships have lasted through the years of WOYWW and what a great brainchild of Julia's! Lovely memories for you guys that have been in since the get-go!! Have a gorgeous rest of your week! Felicia #27

  13. Great twiddlers

    Have not posted so have to find out about the ATC's and postcards but love to swap with you,

    Take care

    lilian b #10

  14. As always, your spring twiddler is beautiful I haven't even thought about the atcs yet, but will do soon!! Helen #4

  15. Lovely twiddler, very pretty. It’s my first ATC swap so I am not sure what’s involved yet. Happy WOYWW Angela #16

  16. Hi Jo, loving the new Twiddler. I'd love to swap with you. I must get round to starting them though. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x14x

  17. I'd love one of your ATCs Jo if you don't mind a tag in return. I shall have to send out some that I have already made as I am busy with samples again. Love the twiddle mitt. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  18. I love the latest twiddler, Jo, with a spring theme. My favourite time of year.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #18

  19. Beautiful Spring Twiddler!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #17


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.