Wednesday 12 May 2021

This week I managed to finish off my Welsh twiddler. Living near the Welsh border, I thought it was appropriate as lots of the patients at the hospital come in from just over the border.

 I loved making the little Welsh lady and embroidering a tiny red dragon on the flag.

 No comments about my leek please - I got a bit carried away and it is a rather large one!

I have finished off my ATCs and Annie and I have co-ordinated our efforts so that we can save postage and post together. Anyone swapping with us is welcome to send ours to one or other of us and save your postage too - we don't mind and will have a sharing out event when we can.
I will be asking Annie to link me to Julia's blog with an asterisk so that I can do my PIF ATC anyway.


If you have asked to swap ATCs with us, don't forget to let us have your address.

So, that's it for this week.

Looking forward to a bit more "safe socialising" next week.

xx Jo


  1. OMG, that twiddler is brilliant, I adore everything - you have got the details spot on, the Welsh costume, the flag (brilliant dragon btw) and of course when it comes to leeks, then size matters......*wink*
    I got back to band last night, it was wonderful, so I hope that your safe socialising goes ahead, it’s good for the soul.
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx
    PS I’ll swap with you and Wipso xx

  2. I took mum to a craft fair n Sunday and one of the stall holders was making twiddlers for charity.
    I like your lovely colourful Welsh one. It’s gorgeous
    Lynn xx 13

  3. Yes please to swapping with you both! I keep forgetting to say to anyone that I'd love to swap so I'm just going to make loads and see what happens. Of course I love the Welsh twiddler - you did an amazing job on that tricky dragon. And absolutely NO-ONE is going to snigger about "a bit of big one", nobody at all, LLJ I'm looking at you!! Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #4

  4. Wow a Welsh Winner! What a fabulous Twiddlemitt that is. I just love that tiny dragon. You are so skilful and so clever.
    I have put my name down with you for an atc (or two) - do you need my address? It hasn't changed.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  5. Wow, that is fabulous - I just love the little flag, and can't believe you embroidered it yourself - I honestly thought you had bought it. Had to laugh at the leek, I guessed Jan would have a comment to make on that!!
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #16

  6. I'm amazed that you managed to pull off that dragon - and so well! Lovely twiddler all around! Will be send your ATC to Annie! Have a lovely week! xx zsuzsa #22

  7. Another amazing work of art, love it. Sending lots of woyww hugs, Angela x17x

  8. Jo, love your Welsh twiddler this week! She's a super cute little gal on there and......I even like your leek! LOLOL Your attention to detail on these little guys is just fabulous!! You don't miss a thing and I love each and every one! Thanks for stopping by my desk! :) I would love to swap with you and will email you my address. I will be after the fact however because I am amidst wedding planning at the moment and it will never get out in time. I look forward to it!! Stay safe and have a beautiful rest of your week! Felicia #25

  9. Love your twiddlers and the leek and the tiny dragon. Have a good week Elle #27

  10. I so love your twiddlers - the little dragon is perfect! I would love to swap with you and Annie... I think Annie already has my address. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#19)

  11. I think that Max Boyce would certainly approve of your latest twiddle mitt - leek and all Jo. It's fabulous! Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  12. I’m rather late in the day joining in the fun this week. I’ve been head down all day making two very special little bears full of emotions but am thrilled with the results so it’s been very rewarding ( I may share next week).
    I’m loving the latest twiddler and just knew Jan would comment on the size of your leek!!
    Annie x

  13. Hi Jo, oh my goodness - your twiddler brought back a dim and distant memory for me. M nan used to bring me a different Welsh doll when she came to stay with us - (she was a Yorkshire lass but spent much of her life in Wales). The dolls looked exactly like the one on your twiddler! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #23

  14. Stunning twiddler Jo! The dragon, daffy and Welshwoman are great and your leek is magnificent!
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 3

  15. Another stunning twiddler, Jo. I really liked last week’s but I guess I am biased!

  16. HI Jo, Love your flag with the dragon - it worked out fabulous - and your leek is just the right size LOL! See you next WOYWW - Stay safe & well Cheers Maursxxx #11

  17. I thought I'd commented yesterday - sorry!! Just love the Welsh twiddler, it is beautiful. I did leave a message with Annie that I'd love to swap atcs with you - will try not to send to the wrong address this time!! So if it's not too late, please count me in. Helen #5

  18. Your twiddler is, as always, amazing. I love the Welsh lady and the tiny flag, as for your leek, it’s brilliant - you wouldn’t want it mistaken for a spring onion! Your work should be on the front cover of a magazine. I think you should send some photographs to one. Angela # 10

  19. I love your Welsh twiddler, Jo! As for the leek, only positive comments - it's fabulous! I love the little roots on the bottom - such attention to detail.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #24

  20. WOW those twidders are amazing well done, The leek is am,azing as well,

    Take care stay well and safe,

    Lilian B #14

  21. Fantastic as always - are you going to do all the countries of the world? Have a good week, stay well stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx

  22. I thinkn thats a really great leek! The little lady is fabulous too!! Fabulous Twiddles as always! Sorry so late. Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) Stay safe, #12


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.