Wednesday 19 May 2021

WOYWW 12th anniversary!



Well here we are. 
Can you believe that we have been linking up our crafty work desks for 12 years now?
Thanks to Julia and her glamorous assistant Jan, we have kept going through thick and thin, feast and famine and... yes we are still going!

What a year we have had. We missed our annual get together last year due to the pandemic and I don't think we will manage it this year either. So, our annual online celebration is all we have.

My little ATCs, which I will be sharing with those who have sent me details, are like a little wish list of places I would like to see when we can get out and about more - sea and rolling hillsides!

Thanks to all you wonderful WOYWWers for sharing your desks and crafty activity, for your encouragement and lovely comments but most of all for your friendship. Long may we keep going.

Lastly, a little word of remembrance for our special friend Shaz, who we lost this year.
She always made such beautiful ATCs to share with us and always had a kind word or funny comment for us all. We miss her and Annie and I decided we would send Doug an ATC just to keep up the tradition. I know she would like that and loved our little offerings each year.

So, as we roll into another year of desk sharing and because some of you would suffer withdrawal symptoms if I don't... here is my latest twiddler for your enjoyment!!

Best wishes to all.

xx Jo


  1. Oh my goodness, that twiddler has to be one of my all time favourites. What an imagination you have Jo.
    Heehee I see I’m your ATC buddy. Can you let me have your address please so that this northern lass can send you a bit of our part of the country.
    Much love Lynn xx

  2. Happy 12th WOYWW!! I’m eternally grateful that our paths crossed via the desky madness, you enhance my life with your brilliant crafting, generosity and sniggering! I’ve never been a Glamorous Assistant before, will see if I can find some feathers in the stash, I’ve got sequins aplenty, lol! That twiddler is genius (again!), I loved the character so much, the girl on the trapeze is my favourite!
    Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

  3. Ooh I love that twiddler, it's enormous fun - I love the strong man - he looks just like Sam Simmons the comedian, and the clown has my lock down hair-do! I am certain that it will give so much pleasure when it's given to the recipient.
    Your little felt masterpieces are just exquisite, I am so delighted to be on your swap list!
    Happy 12th Anniversary
    Diana xx #18

  4. Happy 12 years of WOYWW and thanks for welcoming me in two years ago. Your ATCs are little works of art and the twiddle mitt is just joyful. Happy crafting.💕

  5. Hi Jo, your ATC is on its way with Annie’s. Thanks so much for all you share.
    I love your twiddle mitts. Today’s circus one is brilliant.
    Stay safe and happy WOYWW anniversary
    Lynnecrafts 3

  6. Although I occasionally see you on Friday Smiles, it's been forever since I saw your desk. As always, I love the beautiful felted ATCs you make. I'm not sure when you started making those twiddlers, but they are incredible. I saw some you made earlier and your work is genius. Happy 12th Anniversary from # 10.

  7. Oh my! That circus twiddler is wonderful! There's so much dimension on it that it feels like we could walk inside it. I love the machine embroidery you do too so I'm looking forward to swapping ATCs with you - hopefully it won't be long before I can get mine done and sent out! Anyway, happy anniversary! Lisa-Jane, #2

  8. It really is quite astounding how long this has been going on isn't it? I can't imagine how Julia finds the drive to keep it going week on week but I'm very glad she does. Oh the circus twiddle mitts are adorable! Every time I think they can't get any better you pull another one out of the hat. Happy Anniversary, ATC(s) are aon the way. Love n hugs Cindy x

  9. That twiddler is fantastic! I really hope we can meet in person in the not too distant future. Happy 12th WOYWW Anniversary. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#15)

  10. Hi Jo, love the Twiddler but can't say it's my favourite because I love them all! The ATCs look gorgeous too. Have a lovely creative WOYWW Anniversary. Hugs, Angela x25x

  11. Happy 12th anniversary! Thanks for inviting me and visiting my place. Here’s to 12 more! I too was thinking dearly ofnShaz, and the many we loved and lost this year
    Robyn #6

  12. My goodness Jo, those felted ATCs are out of this world! Little miniature works of art! And the new twiddler is wonderful too with its cheery subject matter. And how lovely that you're sending an ATC with Annie to Shaz as well - she would have so liked to do this swap - I never would have thought our 2019 swap was to be the last one :( I'm so glad my ATCs arrived safe and well at Annie's - I'll look out for yours! So exciting! Happy anniversary and thanks for your visit! xx zsuzsa #17

  13. Fabulous twiddler,love your circus people. Happy WOYWW Anniversary Angela #23

  14. what a lovely idea to send Doug an atc; and your latest twiddler is beautiful. Thanks for being a friend for these years and let's hope we can meet up before too long. Helen #11

  15. Hi Jo. Happy anniversary. Glorious ATCs. Yes, sea and rolling hills are SO important - says she who merrily sits all the time next to both... Hope you will soon realize your dream. I love the circus twiddler - you are so good at these. However do you come up with all the different ideas.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #25

  16. Your Twiddlemitt is absolutely stunning. I would never have thought of a circus theme - it works so well and is so colourful.
    Yes, rolling hills, streams, and the sea. Those make me thinks of nice leisurely walks whether sunshine or rain - so enjoyable and so needed at the moment.
    Take care, stay safe and well
    Hugs Neet 1 xx

  17. Such a lovely thought from you and Annie to send Doug an ATC Jo. I must admit I was really hoping that by early September we might manage a belated get together this year - I seem to remember the first crop I made it too in Llandudno was in September rather than May. Love the latest twiddler you have such a great sense of imagination and design. Stay safe and happy 12th anniversary WOYWW. Sarah #9

  18. Happy Anniversary!

    Just love that circus twiddler, Jo!

    Happy WOYWW!

    Susan #31

  19. Hello again Jo, just popping back to let you know that your wonderful little felted ATC has arrived along with Annie's - thank you so much - I love it - it's so special! I must watch a video to find out how these are made as I have no idea! xx

  20. Hi Jo. Thank you for popping by. I am late as usual. Love, love,love the twiddle muffs this week. Take care Anne x 30

  21. Jo, your ATC's are stunning! I can almost imagine being there along with you! I hope you all get to resume seaside strolling soon! It's just a terrible spot in history for us all, I'm afraid!! I know that Doug anddddd Shaz, looking down, will appreciate the ATC tradition. She and her talent are so missed! Love the circus twiddler, so stinking cute! I will hopefully be getting out my ATC's next week. It has just been a frenzy with the wedding! So never fear, one will be coming your way! Thanks for stopping by my desk! Happy 12th and many blessings to you! Felicia #34

  22. Hi Jo, happy 12th Anniversary. Rolling hills, seaside.... all seem so dim and distant now! It will be great to get out and about again, whenever that happens! That's a lovely thought, sending Doug an ATC. Shaz always did make such good ones! Your circus twiddler is perfect! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #20

  23. Hi Jo, love seeing your creativity - your twirlers are so delightful.
    Stay safe & well - see you next WOYWW - Cheers Maureen #26

  24. I love your beautiful felted ATCs, Jo, and the circus twiddler made me laugh out loud! It's brilliant! Soooo much fun.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #29

  25. HAPPY 12th Anniversary! (sorry I'm late!) I have at last found Post Cards! So should be sending you both your ATC's etc as soon as possible! Thank you for mine they have arrived safely!! I love mine so much! Thank you again!! Your lastest Twiddler is amazing!!The circus was a really great idea! Happy 12th Anniversary! stay Safe!! ((Lyn)) #5

  26. Aw Jo, you contribute so much to WOYWW, it wouldn’t be the same without you, and I hope you know it. I’m late to comment because my girl is home and we’re in a spin of doing things together! Thank you so much for your lovely ATC, as usual, a work of art. Love it. And the card, I will enjoy investigating Lyn very much!

  27. Thank you for your return visit, Jo. I'm so glad you like the kitty throw - yes, a lot of work - it took me about 6 months in all! - but so worth it! He is thrilled with it. Glad you like the completed jumper, too.

    Shoshi #29


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.