Wednesday 21 April 2021


 Well - here we are - another day, another Wednesday and I am sharing What's On My Workdesk with you all again.

This week I have been mostly card making. Not papercraft - you clever papercraft artists know I am hopeless at that. No, I love using scraps of fabric to create little collages for my cards.

So, firstly a little anniversary card for my much younger sister and her hubby.

I needle felted little woolly fluffs onto the card and then added a few hand stitches too. I love the pretty lace that I put on as a base for it all.

And then, this week it's my lovely daughter's birthday so I created a mini seascape with an oystercatcher stalking through the foam. She loves birds so I hope she approves.

My little sis very kindly donated this gorgeous bagful of chunky yarn for my twiddlers. I think it was that lovely coral pink that inspired me to make the one below.

I know you love to see them and just to make Neet's day.......

My latest "Coral Reef" twiddler.
I enjoyed using my very basic crochet skills to make the coral and even devised two colourful fish too. I guess it's just a bit of free form crochet really but it kept me amused for an hour or two.

Well that's it for this week.

I hope you are all well and enjoying a little more freedom to get out and about.
I loved seeing Helen's photos of Kew last weekend and Jan's gorgeous coastal photos too.

Take care and stay safe.

xx Jo


  1. Love the cards Jo and it’s good to see you’ve put the wool to good use already.
    Annie x

  2. The thing is, it doesn’t have to be completely perfect to have maximum impact and that is the most corally coral there could be! You do have a genius for nailing the designs and free form crochet sounds a lot of fun :-D. Love the cards you made, the oystercatcher is fab, we have hundreds of them down on the beaches here, in fact the estuary is a haven for birds and about 5 miles east is Penclacwydd, a bird sanctuary like Slimbridge. Enjoy your gadding out and about!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  3. Hi Jo, your cards are beautiful. They seem so much more you, if you know what I mean, than paper would be. I love to
    Ur corally coral as Jan called it. Your twiddle mitts are great.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lynnecrafts 11

  4. Hi Jo. The cards and twiddle muffs are stunning. Such talent. Everything looks perfect to me. Anne x 18

  5. Your needle felting pictures are so beautiful. How was the oystercatcher done? Also what is the material behind him? Both are really lovely. I noticed your name on Flat Susan, has she been and gone? Another lovely twiddler. Happy WOYWW and have a great week Angela #3

  6. Ooh Jo your cards are beautiful - I love Oyster catchers, they are stunning birds and yours looks fabulous. I also love the twiddle mitt - what glorious corals and fish too - very tropical and very clever too!
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #16

  7. Jo, your cards are absolutely stunning! You have such an eye for detail and there's always so many yummy things to draw the eye around whatever you make. Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #5

  8. Jo, those cards are GORGEOUS!!!!! I'm pretty hopeless at paper craft AND card craft....ha ha, but sometimes I give it a whirl. But I love yours. Some day I want to try felting! I love, love what your daughter does and have studied up a little on it, but haven't given it a go yet. It would be yet MORE craft "stuff" in my stash if I took that up too! LOL Your twiddler is so stinking cute! I think you pulled that corral off pretty darn good! Thank you for stopping in on my blog and your well wishes! Blessings to you! Felicia #21

  9. Mot really doing much venturing out. In a couple of weeks I might give the local garden centre a try - when it will be less busy (if there is such a day). However, who needs to go out when they can feast their eyes on Jo's Twiddlers. This one is lovely and how clever of you to think of crochet for the coral.
    Love the cards you have made, they must take ages, especially the one with the oyster catcher on. What fabulous "keeps" they are.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx
    ps I do walk around the garden for exercise and will be spending time walking later

  10. Your cards are amazing! so are the latest mitts, of course. Glad you enjoy the Kew photos, I love taking them! Helen#4

  11. The cards are beautiful and the twiddle mitt too. You take care and have a very happy creative woyww, Angela x12x

  12. I’m mightily impressed with your cards Jo. I’m drawn to the lace one as I’m taking part in a group that this months prompt is lace. Well I would be if I could drag myself away from our garden resurrection for long enough to do something about it haha.
    As usual I will hurtle through it at the last minute unless we get a deluge of rain that keeps me indoors.

    A little update on my friend Julia. Instead of having to spend hours at the hospital every three weeks having her drugs through the pic line they are going to use a new treatment that means she will have an injection in her leg with the same cocktail of meds. Which means she will only be there for 10 minutes each visit. The wonder of research and our NHS.
    Have a good week Jo
    Lynn xxx 19

  13. Stunning cards Jo and so different to papercrafted ones. Love the latest twiddler too. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  14. Jo, your fabric cards are absolutely brilliant - I especially love the oyster-catcher one. Fantastic use of materials and I love the texture you've achieved on them. They are real keepsakes, for sure. Love the latest twiddler too - I adore anything to do with the sea.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #20

  15. Beautiful cards!
    Love the twiddle too.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #14

  16. Evening Jo! yes I'm very late for last weeks WOYWW! But, you could say I'm very early for this weeks! By the time I get the plants in every night, I fall asleep! Wish this frosty/sunny weather would make up its mind! The fishy Twiddler looks lovely and the mini seascape is perfect! See you in the morning at the next WOYWW ((Lyn)) #8


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.