Wednesday 14 April 2021


 Don't you just love getting something lovely through the post!

This week I had two beautiful "Thank you" cards from Lisa- Jane and her daughter. 

It was wonderful to receive some feedback from someone who has enjoyed having one of my "Tiddler Fiddlers". That's what it is referred to in it's new home and the way it has been put to good use brought tears to my eyes. And just look at those two gorgeous cards. The drawing of hands knitting a twiddler is beautiful and Lisa- Jane's card is perfect. Thanks lots both!

This week I thought you might like to see my twiddler in progress. I always start with the picture half and then quickly whizz to the end of the 22 inches with stocking stitch for the inside.

Here is the finished seaside twiddler.

AND then, to save the mess on my new ironing board cover, I created a crafty cover for the end so that I can Bondaweb safely. I also find starching small items tends to clog up the iron a bit so I left my spray out to remind me that I should use my cover for that too.

Well, we celebrated our wedding anniversary this week and had two sets of visitors in our back garden - wonderful!!! We even managed an al fresco haircut for my little sis who said she was desperate and couldn't get booked in anywhere. There's no end to the talent in this crafty household!

That's it for this week.

Stay well and stay safe all.

xx Jo


  1. I remember making a cover for the ironing board cover once and getting lots of giggles Jo. Thanks again for the al fresco hair cut yesterday...I almost feel human again this morning 😀
    Annie x

  2. What a cracking idea for the ironing board. I may have to pinch that. Don’t want himself chewing my ear off when I ruin the proper one. He’s the ironing maid in our house.
    My Julia said that not only is she enjoying her twiddle muff, husband Harry keeps having a twiddle as well.
    Ignore the fact that I put the same comment on Jan’s blog Jo. I have a mental blockage with you two haha.
    Have a good week lovely lady
    Lynn xxx 16

  3. I always wondered how you made your Tiddlers, and now, not being a very good knitter, I know, sort of! This beachy one is a work of art! Love it! Glad the fish story was okay...completely true, I can still see that frog runnung round the pond with the fish tucked under his arm! Just wish I'd had a camera! Thanks for your visit, Stay safe, keep Twiddling! Happy WOYWW? #21 ((Lyn))

  4. Lovely cards from L-J and her gal, it’s a lovely touch to say thanks for your generosity. I adore the seaside twiddlemitt, have to say it’s my outright favourite of all that you’ve ever done. It was interesting to see how you constructed it, I had no idea! Hooray for coffee in the garden and cutting your sister’s hair (bet that hasn’t happened for a few years!). Congrats on your anniversary too. Gorgeous weather here today, I think more fence painting is on the cards....I know, too much excitement eh?!
    HUgs LLJ 5 xxx

  5. Well, congratulations on your anniversary. So glad you got to spend it with others as well - great timing Boris!
    Love the latest Twiddle Mitt - if my friend in America had lived and needed one that would have been perfect for her - and what beautiful cards to thank you.
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx

  6. Your twiddlers are so gorgeous and an art form in themselves, what a brilliant idea to have a craft cover for the ironing board- on which I am going to copy. Much easier than rushing round trying to find something each time. Happy WOYWW and have a great week Angela #9

  7. What wonderful timing! As I clicked on your blog, Miss B wandered into the room and she was so pleased you liked her drawing of your hands. I hadn't taken a pic myself in all the chaos, so thank you. I ADORE the seaside one scene - I'm definitely a coastal girl and I can't wait to get back beside the sea. Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #8

  8. Happy anniversary Jo. Love the seaside twiddle mitt and the cards off Lisa-Jane and her daughter are lovely indeed. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  9. That twiddle mitt with its 3D seagulls is sensational! So glad you could have a little party in the garden for your anniversary. I’m desperate for a haircut; can I post my head to you please? No? Ah well, I have an appointment next week.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 10

  10. Thanks for showing how you construct the twiddle mitts and it was lovely to receive the thank you cards. I used an old tshirt to protect my ironing board cover after Bondawebgate last week! Happy crafting.x

  11. Happy belated Anniversary. Love the twiddler and the cards you received. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#15)

  12. Having had my haircut (thank you!) I know how great your sis must feel! Happy anniversary too, and glad you were able to have some (small) gatherings! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  13. Lovely to see you working on your twiddler and how nice to receive a thank you too. I'm late today as we've been sorting mum's second vaccination and hearing test so at least we've got that done. Have a very happy and creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x17x

  14. Hi there, love the new twiddle mitt, that's super cute - I really like the seagull at the bottom! Well done you for celebrating your wedding anniversary, I hope your visitors were well wrapped up! Have a good week, stay safe, stay well, love n hugs Cindyxx #12

  15. Well congratulations on your anniversary, and how marvellous to have’s strange to start suddenly planning for more than two! I love the way you whizz through 22 inches of stocking stitch, if you could imagine the pain it would cause and the time it would take here...knitting is not a second nature thing here. I’m beginning to think you were taught to knit at birth!

  16. How lovely to see a twiddler in progress, Jo. I hadn't realised they were lined with stocking stitch. Lovely thank you cards, too. I love the knitting one - such a gorgeous drawing, and the yarn spelling "thank"! I gave up using spray starch as it tended to go everywhere, and once, I slipped and fell because some got on the floor and it made it lethally slippery! I love the old-fashioned starch you mix with boiling water and I always use it for our table napkins. A good idea to have a special cover for your bondawebbing - I have an old tea towel that I use for that.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #18

  17. Lovely to see the Twiddler in progress.
    I am afraid I have two ironing boards - one for crafting, one for clothes.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #26


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.