Wednesday 17 February 2021


 Welcome back to my little blog page where I share my latest crafty activity with my WOYWW friends and anyone else who pops in to see what I am up to.

It has been a very sad week for us all, hearing the news of the sad loss of Shaz, one of our longest serving blog buddies. We only met about 3 times in real life but Shaz was always a great supporter of my crafty fun and so very kind to Tilly Tea Dance. 

She came to our Craft Shows and loved Maxine's work, kindly sharing her art with friends and family. I know Maxine appreciated that and she was so sad to hear about Shaz and was keen to pass on her sympathy to Doug, friends and family.

When we can eventually get together for our Crop we will certainly be celebrating the life of that lovely lady.

Below are a few pictures of my latest "Nursery Rhyme" twiddler. It brought a smile to my face as I was making it.

If you want to see the Beatles one I finished last weekend, just scroll down to my earlier post.

I know I am bonkers and my ideas are getting a bit wacky but who cares - I enjoy dreaming them up and making them and that's all that counts really.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. Wow, just wow. You can create anything with your needles Jo. I’m seriously impressed with your talent.
    Biggest hugs,
    Annie x
    Ps you’re linked x

  2. You’ve brightened a sad day with your mitts Jo. I like your Beatles on too.
    What an imagination you’ve got.
    Lynn xxx 12

  3. Amazing twiddle mitt Jo. We will certainly all miss Shaz. Stay safe. Sarah #6

  4. Never ever stop dreaming about what you can do next with your Twiddlemitts. They obviously bring such joy to the recipients but they bring much joy to others, me in particular. A post without one is just a post and this week I was over the moon. Just what I needed to brighten me up a bit. They are fantastic!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  5. There’s nothing you can’t do. I’m thinking that really some of these twiddles should be for display only, they are absolutely wonderful. I think that since we’ve lost Shaz, we’re all feeling the need for a get together rather badly aren’t we. All the sweeter when it can happen, I am counting on it!

  6. What wonderful twiddle cuffs, and what an imagination, they are fabulous. Well done, thanks for sharing
    Chris #15

  7. The joy is in the making! You have such great ideas but, more impressively, bring them to life so cleverly! Julia is right, they should be on display really but then I suspect you get a kick from them being used, I know I do with the stuff I make.
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxxx

  8. Oh JO, the blogging world is saddened. It's hard to lose the fun and supportive friends. I scrolled thru your posts, I've missed and your creations, brought many smiles. Love the bright and cheery colors. But your tiny details are simply true talent. Just gorgeous. Stay safe and warm, my happiness will truly come with Spring.

  9. Your twiddle mitts have really brightened a sad day - I love them and I hope you never stop coming up with your amazing and whacky ideas. I love the Beatles one too - just fabulous!
    Have a good week,
    Diana xx #22

  10. Those mitts bring sunshine to the saddest of days, Shaz will be so missed, she directed me over to Tilly Tea Dance many times. Hugs Tracey #3 xx

  11. Hi dear Jo, I want to thank you for your kindness in keeping me in the loop via email re our precious Shaz and yes I’ve a photo on my blog of you Annie DH and Shaz at the crop, so grateful to have met you and tried your dumfing that day, funny bit it was but trying was the point.
    Twiddlemitts are simply amazing (as is Maxines work, I love them). The details on one here and below are really intricate ...chuckled at the octopus’ garden
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, prayer hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  12. Oh my life! What a couple of fantastic ideas!! Do you find when you get an idea that loads more come from that? You could do various through the times ones and various song themed ones and never run out of inspiration! Much love on this difficult day, Lisa-Jane #7

  13. Morning Jo. What fun. Your twiddle muffs are like something never seen anywhere else - totally unique! Bonkers? No - just full of fun.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #29

  14. Fabulous twiddlemitts again Jo-I’m sure they bring such comfort to the recipients. Take care.

  15. I think you should have an exhibition of your unique twiddle mitts. You could start a new trend in crafting x Angela #21

  16. Wow - you are so clever - they will be loved. Take care xx Soojay 32

  17. So many details in those twiddlers! Just the base would be a real challenge for me to knit! I'll defo check out your Beatles one as well! We will all miss Shaz very much - it will not be the same without her... Hope you're well Jo, thanks so much for your visit. xx zsuzsa #31

  18. Jo, your ideas may be bonkers and wacky, but I LOVE THEM!!! That's what creative minds are all about right??? For you, it's just awesome that you can get that thought in your mind and make it play out on these twiddlers! Super cute!! I love the Beatles one too! As you said, I know when you guys can meet up again for a proper crop, you all can reminisce about special Shaz and share the crafty bond that you all had with her!! It will be a joy. Blessings for the rest of your week! Felicia #34

  19. I love your ideas! I did not know Shaz, but from her posts and all the things that have been written about her by fellow WOYWWers, I feel she would have advised you to "do you!"

    I don't make cards like my fellow card makers. I am all over the place but it is my happy place and when I am there, I love going bonkers!

    Be well,
    Chana Malkah #36

  20. Love love love them! I love them all! Such great ideas, go bonkers anytime, the result is amazing! Stay Safe, keep crafting! WOYWW? ((Lyn)) #13

  21. oh Jo, what gorgeous twiddlers these are (and I love the Beatles ones below, too) thanks for your visit. We really will miss Shaz so much. Take care. Helen #2

  22. Amazing twiddle mitt and your creations would brighten up any persons day. Sad indeed about our dear Shaz but also lovely to read such beautiful words on everyones post. Have a lovely week as you create.
    Sandra de @28

  23. Hi Jo, your twiddlemitts are great - keep coming up with any whacky or bonkers ideas for them, as they are works of art, and look fantastic. Everyone is feeling the same this week, so very deflated at the loss of such a wonderful lady and crafter. We definitely need to celebrate her life at the next Crop. Take care, hugs Heather xx #19

  24. I started off okay today with the visits, walked dogs and went into the cabin and now I don't know where the time went to! Loving your new twiddlers today. Shaz will never have really left us because her blog will keep her alive for us and I can tell you it wont be the last time I pop over there for some ideas when I get stuck, God Bless her. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela,x18x

  25. Hello Jo. I am late commenting. Those twiddle mitts are works of art and just looking at them has lifted my spirits. Take care Anne x 32 ( I think) :-)

  26. Wonderful twiddle mitts Jo, they bring sunshine to my day
    Stay safe
    Lynnecrafts 330

  27. Wonderful twiddle mitts Jo, they bring sunshine to my day
    Stay safe
    Lynnecrafts 330

  28. Such a sad time, Jo. We shall all miss our Shaz so much... Your latest twiddler is adorable - I don't know how you do it - such skill, and also thinking up all the ideas! They are brilliant.

    Have a good week.
    Shoshi #25

  29. You have excelled yourself this week, Jo. All he twiddle mitts are fabulous and I am sure they will be much appreciated. Happy knitting!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.