Thursday 11 February 2021

Just a little bit of cheer!

My latest twiddle mitt is a conversation piece!
Someone suggested songs from the 60s and 70s so I thought this might be fun.
How many Beatles songs can you see?

I attached titles on tapes down the side for reference.


I hope you had fun trying to find them all. I certainly had fun creating it.
I'm not sure how long it will last, although I have stitched each item on tightly.

I wish I knew how many twiddlers I have made "In my life"!

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. I certainly didn’t come up with anywhere near the right number, but it is a fabulous twiddlemit. Happy WOYWW Angela #12

  2. Love it Jo. are sooooo clever.
    Annie x

  3. Love it thats very clever, so bright,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #10

  4. Awesome what a fab and fun twiddler! I didn't get Fool on the Hill or Norwegian Wood so you snuck those in!
    Just brilliant, made me smile xx
    LLJ xx

  5. Absolutely fabulous - I bet the nurses/carers won't want to let this one go.
    Hugs, Neetxx

  6. You are so good at thinking up different themes that will really bring joy to people-certainly will bring great comfort to a Beatles fan especially while listening to the music. 💕

  7. Brilliant! I recognised the yellow submarine instantly - the others took a bit longer, but I think I got them all!

  8. love this one! I think I got all of them! everyone needs a twigglet!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.