Wednesday 24 February 2021


 More whacky twiddlers for you!

I am dropping off a dozen of them at the hospital this week but thought you might like to see these......

This is the front and back of my "Songs from Children's Favourites radio programme". Runaway Train, Nellie the Elephant, Windmill ( and tulips) in Old Amsterdam, Owl and the Pussycat, The Bee Song and of course My Old Man's A Dustman.

And then I decided a snooker one might be fun...

Maybe you can even recognise a few of snooker's golden oldies......
Dennis Taylor, Ray Reardon, Steve Davies and Willie Thorn.

I hope that has brought a smile to your face - thanks for all your lovely comments about them. I'm not sure how many more I will do. They have certainly helped keep me smiling during lockdown.

Let's hope that, as we ease up on restrictions, life can get back to normal.

In the meantime, take care and stay safe and well.

xx Jo


  1. They do more than bring a smile to my face, they warm my heart. I love seeing them and yes, I recognise the snooker players. I can imagine the recipients fighting over one anothers as they decide they want a different one. I hope they have brought you as much pleasure in making as we have had iln seeing them.
    Please never stop making them, they are a delight and such a work of art.
    Stay safe and well, Hugs, Neet 21 x

  2. Oh those twiddle mitts are so, so good Jo. will certainly bring a smile to a lot of faces. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #11

  3. This made me smile all over! You’ve nailed Willie Thorne’s moustache and My Old Man’s a Dustman is a genius song. All together now...
    Oooooooh, my old man’s a dustman
    He wears a dustman’s hat
    He wears cor blimey trousers
    And he lives in a Council flat!
    etc etc
    Absolutely love the twiddles, they are works of art!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  4. Your twiddle mitts are amazing and I hope they are well received. Such clever ideas and beautiful craftswomanship.
    Sandra de @24

  5. Morning Jo. yes - a smile was indeed brought! Great twiddle muffs. I just don't know how you keep coming up with all the new ideas. Well done.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #9

  6. They always bring a smile to my face Jo and make me want a pair myself, how sweet are the little snooker boys hee hee. Best wishes this WoywW Tracey #4 x

  7. Yes, smiling here too ! Have a good week Helen #10

  8. Back again Jo, please send me your address via my contact form on my blog and i'll send you a card for your BIL gladly, no pennies required. Hugs Tracey xx

  9. You must be able to make these with your eyes closed, Jo! Very quirky and unusual! Hope you have a good week and thanks so much for your visit! xx zsuzsa #27

  10. I think they are both definitely age tests - if I admit to remembering and recognising the snooker players then that shows I am of a certain age indeed! I really do love that cute dustman!! Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #14

  11. It’s amazing how you keep coming up with different themes Jo. The mitts make me smile every time I see them
    Lynn xxx 22

  12. They always make me smile. I know I shouldn't be but I'm a bit jealous and would like one of these myself they are gorgeous and I can image twiddling with these would take all the pressures of life away. Have a lovely week and happy woyww, Angela x19x

  13. Your twiddle mitts are so brilliant. It’s good to have them for people who like snooker as well as flowers!
    They are so inspired.
    Stay safe, and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 23

  14. I’m loving the latest twiddlers Jo and am certain many an old man will love to sit playing with their balls...snooker of course.
    Annie x

  15. These are really lovely Jo! Thank you for calling in eariler. Lady Pam would love anything! I did try to email you but the link leads to outlook, and I haven't opened outlook in about ten years, because I used to get so much spam and my old laptop couldn't cope! There'd be hundreds of spam emails every day! (There'd be millions by now!)She loves Downton Abbey (we took her!) cream teas, the beach, children, and little dogs and she used to work for the police. She'll be 90 in June! My email is dragonsmore at googlemail dot com then I'll be able to contact you!! without having to open a new outlook! as always your makes are amazing!!
    Happy WOYWW!? Stay Safe! ((Lyn))

  16. Jo they are wonderful. I wish I was so talented. I want to do a square that shows my experience of Covid. I I cod only add people as you have. I am in awe. Anne x 37

  17. You have turned these twiddle mitts into an art form. They are fabulous x Angela #31

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  19. Love your makes and they are such fun and know they will be loved. Love the snooker muffs they are clever,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #16

  20. Look at that Snooker one - my Mum would have loved it! Mind you she would have wanted Ronnie on there!
    Happy WoYWW! Susan #8

  21. Great twiddlers! They always make me smile, and I always enjoy your sources of inspiration too. The snooker one really reminded me of my dad who adored watching it, so the names were familiar to me.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #15

  22. Sorry I’m late. Perfect antidote to how I’m feeling this morning Jo, to see your art in yarn. The songs take me right back - Stewpot’s programme was broadcast on BFBS radio (British Forces Broacasting) and my Mum was a big radio fan, so by choice or not, all of those songs flood me with memories! The Snooker Club is genius, all these mitts are so so relatable, I bet the staff just love to be able to share them with the residents. I think you should tackle a Lockdown work, like a knitted Bayeux Tapestry!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.