Wednesday 10 February 2021


 Scrap challenge!

Good morning all.

This week I have challenged myself to use up some of my yarn scraps to make my twiddle mitts.

I always end up with small amounts of Chunky and DK - not enough for any substantial chunk of one colour.

So, I drew a little plan of one of my "Shropshire Hills" twiddler and then decided I would make it more "Yorkshire Dales" by adding a dry stone wall across the front (a good way to use up bits of textured yarn).

The Sirdar "Snowflake" yarn came in handy for the flock!

Instead of adding beads or buttons on the outside I have put extra texture in the finishing stitching etc. Note the blackberries and streamside yellow flags!

All in all, I think it worked well and certainly cleared out some of my yarn bits.

Yesterday I decided to work on a "Sunflowers" twiddler.

This is where I was up to when I started getting this post ready........

Then I had a lovely couple of hours finishing it off....

I just need to stitch some twiddly bits inside. I usually add some knitted twirly bits and large buttons or beads with a nice smooth feel to them.

At the end of last week, I made 9 scrub hats for the NHS sewing group. Fab bright orange fabric with pink "ice creams" for the crown.

And finally...

In honour of the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore, I made a little one to go in my window with my rainbow and "Nurse mates".

I hope you are all staying safe and that the snow isn't too bothersome. We haven't had more than a few flakes this time.

xxx Jo


  1. You've had a busy week Jo. Love the latest twiddler creations and the Sir Tom nurse mate is just perfect.
    Love you lots.
    Annie x
    ps you're linked x

  2. You have had a busy week Jo. Love the scrub caps - so bright and cheerful and your tribute to Captain Sir Tom is fabulous. Stay safe, Sarah #5

  3. Jo, your post makes me sigh with gratitude for folk like you and your wonderful talent and generosity.
    You’ve put a big smile on my face.
    Love Lynn xxx 15

  4. Jo, you are so nimble fingered. You know I love your Twiddlemitts and now I am torn between them and the figures, especially of Tom. Guess I love them all as much.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  5. Actually, your twiddle muffs are really knitted art. I love the movement from Shropshire to Yorkshire, and the doll of Captain Sir Tom, you really are some clever. And you’ve had a busy week. I often wondered where the fun scrubs came from, I think I sort of assumed that the staff who wore them probably made their own. I love the ice cream crown, something jolly to see as the anaesthetic knocks you out!

  6. Oh Jo, what a lovely idea fir the passing of dear Sir Tom, they all look grand indeed well done. He was a real British trooper wasn’t he? Lovely work on the twiddle mitts too, there is so much love in each of those stitches. Not sure if you wanted snow but dries pit easier with no snow..
    Will email you late..
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  7. I haven't seen the rainbow before and I absolutely love it! Of course I love the mitts again too - the first one has such beautiful restful colours. It was lovely to see the sunflower one in development to really appreciate all the layers. Definitely hugs all around today, Lisa-Jane #10

  8. Oh I LOVE the Sir Tom knitted figure, that’s just fantastic, you’ve really caught him right - isn’t it amazing how you can capture so much detail in a relatively simple pattern. Julia is right, your twiddlemuffs are Knitted Art, the sunflowers and drystone wall are fantastic!
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  9. Hi Jo, I adore your Yorkshire Dales twiddle mitt with little sheep and the sunflower one is very bright and cheerful. The woolly decorations work really well.
    Great Captain Sir Tom, too!
    Stay safe and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 7

  10. Morning Jo. What a week you have had! Busy, busy. The twiddle muffs are great - as is Captain Tom!! Your window must cause so many people to stop and gaze!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  11. Sir Tom is just fab! They all aee though . Have a good week Helen #2

  12. Oh Jo you are creating works of art - they are so gorgeous they could be framed for the wall! The sunflowers are so cheerful and a definite reminder that Spring is round the corner (thank goodness!). Lucky we haven't had any snow, just a few pretty flakes in front of the window but it's certainly bitter and windy out there - our walks are noticeably shorter and quicker!
    Hope you have a good week, stay safe and well,
    Diana xx #21

  13. Jo, as usual, you have some beauties on your craft desk. I love the twiddler out of your leftover bits. We should all do the same with half our stash! LOL Your mitt is gorgeous and you can almost imagine the scene! You thought of every little thing with this one! So pretty! The Sunflower one is just as stunning! I love, love the flower bits finishing touches! Soooo pretty! I love your little guy in honor of Captain Tom!! I have to read up more on him, but from the little bit that I read, he seemed like an incredible man! What a great tribute! Stay safe and healthy and many blessings to you Jo! Felicia #30

  14. Loving the twiddle mitts such fun and your little Captain Tom is wonderful. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#20)

  15. So adorable ~ I love the tiny people and twiddle mitts this week ~ Blessings to you! Love, Karen #28

  16. Jo I just love everything you make they are so sweet. We've been for the vaccination today and it went well, they were very organised and no queues so very relaxed too. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x18x

  17. love the little Captain Tom and his friends, what a lovely idea and as always just really love your twiddle mitts 'specially the one with the tiny sheep!
    Stay safe, keep crafting and a very happy WOYWW!?

  18. All works of art Jo. The scrub caps are so bright during these dark days. You are a very creative family.

  19. Wow they are beautiful. Stay safe and blessed

  20. Your Captain Tom doll is just precious, a wonderful reminder of a wonderful person. Angela #12

  21. Oh Jo what fun this post is. Your twiddlers are so imaginative - I looked at your latest post too and loved the Beatles themed one! - and making a little Sir Tom Moore is brilliant! I am sure he would be really chuffed at that.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #25

  22. What can I say - all fabulous makes!! Lovely idea to put Sir Tom in your window but I LOVE your twiddlemits!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Update on here in Victoria – we are in a snap lockdown again – hopefully only for a few days – but 5k limit, no visitors or gatherings, only leave the house for the 4 special reasons, only essential shops open…
    And the rainbow lorikeets are eating our peaches!
    Susan #22
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.