Wednesday 3 February 2021


 Good morning to all my WOYWW friends around the globe - and anyone else who has popped by to see what I am up to during the latest lockdown.

The weeks fly by and although we are virtually housebound I have managed to keep busy and happy.

I am frustrated in not being able to get together with Max and Ben as I could have helped more with home schooling. However, he is doing well under Max's excellent tuition alongside all the school resources provided, so I should be pleased about that really.

She dropped off a few bits and bobs for me to finish and mount so that was a nice interlude. 

I neatened the edges of the bookmarks and stitch them onto cards.

Hopefully the shops will open up soon so that she can get selling again!

Neet suggested that I knit a football twiddler so I printed off some badges onto pelmet vilene and attached these to an appropriately coloured mitt. I even knitted footballs and a tiny scarf. (Mad but fun!)

The purple Fairy Sparkle twiddler went down well so I made another - pink this time.

I think they are getting a bit crazier each time but maybe that's more about me than the mitt!

I hope you are all staying well and safe. I have heard that a few of my over 70 buddies are getting vaccinated this week so maybe it won't be too long before we youngsters get ours!

That's it for this week.

xx Jo


  1. Great twiddle mits and gorgeous bookmarks of Max's Jo. Disappointed that the mighty Potters didn't get mentioned on the red and white one though lol. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  2. Beautiful bookmarks and it’s great that you can help Max when she’s involved in homeschooling. I really like the little fairy twiddlemuff and admire your skill im making the football one. Stay safe.

  3. Good morning Jo
    Max’s bookmarks are very lovely and so are your latest twiddle mitts.
    You’ve given me an idea for one. A friend of mine goes to hospital for cancer treatment every three weeks and is there for a few hours at a time. She always takes a basket of stuff with her to do and I’m thinking I could make her a twiddle mitt to put in her basket as well.
    I’ll have to have a root round and see what bits and pieces I can find.
    Philip has got his vaccine jab tomorrow and his twin sister and her husband and my mum have had theirs. It’s great we are moving forward.
    Take care
    Lynn xxx 14

  4. Definitely getting madder....but aren't we all? We blame lockdown but I have a feeling it's more to do with the age of the beast ;-)
    Annie x
    ps I've linked you x

  5. Love the bookmarks and your footie twiddler made me smile. I wonder what theme you'll come up with next!! Happy WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, love Cindy xx #19

  6. Those twiddle mitts are really developing a character and charm of their own. Hope you can have your "jab" as we say in OZ and be able to get out an about. Stay well.
    Sandra de

  7. Your imagination knows no bounds - these are fabulous and I just had a peek at last week's fairy too - they are just so cute.
    Hope you have a good week, stay safe and well,
    Diana xx #23

  8. Morning Jo. Crazy, fun, football twiddle muff there. Well done. have you thought about one for the 6 nations?? You obviously sprinkled the first pink one with fairy dust - so popular was it!! Hope the folks enjoy the second one, too.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #5

  9. Those footballs!! Such fun! I do love the fairy ones though. I might have to request an allotment one for myself! Loving the book marks too - they look very tactile as well. I've been hearing about ladies reading and colouring with their grandchildren over zoom / skype etc and it sounds such a lovely way to keep in touch. My children are past that stage and they only have one grandparent that's really available to them but it sounds a lovely idea for those the right age. Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #2

  10. Awesome twiddlemuffs again today, the footie one made me smile but it’s Fairy Sparkle 2 that wins the show for me hands down! I really feel a kinship with her, oh to have blonde pigtails and be able to carry off a lovely tutu.... ;-). The bookmarks are fab, you did a great job of finishing them off and I hope that Max will be able to sell her glorious stuff very soon.
    And I’ve got everything crossed for the vaccine for you!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  11. Loving the bookmarks and the twiddle mitt too, great fun piece. Have a lovely creative week and happy woyww, Angela x16x

  12. now the football twiddle mitt is just great! good to see the liver bird in full view!! shame you can't help with Ben's schooling but sounds like Max is doing a great job. Her book marks are just fabulous. Take care and stay safe and here's to a speedy vaccine!! Helen #3

  13. Your twiddlers are really great. Those bookmarks are beautiful too. Have a great week Angela #17

  14. Everything is so amazing, but those bookmarks had my jaw on the floor! WoW!!! These are beautiful!

    Stay well,
    Chana Malkah, #32

  15. Cute twiddle mitts again! And the bookmarks are lovely - a true collaboration. Fingers crossed she does indeed get to sell in a shop again soon.

    Morti x #24

  16. What stunning felted bookmarks, Jo, and your twiddlers really made me smile this time! Such fun. It must be great fun choosing different themes for them.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #15

  17. Terrific projects ~ Love the pink sprakle fairy :) Enjoy the weekend! Love, Karen#27

  18. Sorry to be so late but the internet packed up its surprising how I missed it

    Love the bookmarks really looks like I am looking out over the flowers, the twiddler's are great as well so much work it them, not mad just very talented.

    Take care and stay safe ,
    Lilian B #12

  19. Those are lovely bookmarks!
    But I do love your mitts - especially the fairy!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well.
    Susan #8

  20. Still loving those Twiddlers! My Hubby would like the football (soccer here!) one! The bookmarks look really lovely, hope the shop opens up soon! Have a great week, Lindart #33

  21. The little purple Fairy Sparkle twiddler is sooooo more-ish...if it were candy it woud be gobbled up! Love the book marks! Hope you're well. Happy Crafting -Happy late WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#20

  22. Those twiddle mitts get even more amazing every time I see them, makes me want to start knitting.. but no I must not. Max's book marks look fantastic, your such a talented duo. You bring out the creative sunshine in your posts.
    Wishing you safe & well Hugs Tracey #36

  23. How did I miss this one? Was just showing the other half some of your Twiddle Mitts and telling him how talented you are - he was amazed at what you do and said "by heck, she doesn't half bang them out" (that is indeed praise from him).
    Love the footie one and the little fairy is so pretty. I love your Twiddlemitts.
    Hugs, Neet xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.