Wednesday 27 January 2021


 I am really pleased to say that the staff at the hospital loved my last bag of twiddlers and "Nurse mate" dolls. Now I am well on the way to getting another bag of ten ready.....

Annie gave me few suggestions for themes (some were not totally suitable!!!).

However, here are my latest designs..

"Fairy Sparkle"

"The Golf Club"

And this is the front and back of another countryside one with a rainbow added for effect!!

At least it brings a bit of joy and colour into someone's life and I really enjoy making them.

Thankfully our snow is slowly going - we had about 3 inches over the weekend.

The bulbs are popping up so at least we know Spring is on its way.

I hope you are all managing to stay safe and well.

Our love and special thoughts go to Shaz and Doug this week. It's awful to be poorly at the best of times but it must be a total nightmare under present conditions. Let's hope for the very best of outcomes for the treatment Shaz is having. 

xxx Jo


  1. You know me Jo....I'm full of good suggestions ;-) I will think up a few more for you soon.
    I've linked you just in case you've still not sorted out the problem.
    Annie x

  2. Love this latest batch of Twiddlemitts. What a lovely idea to add a fairy, my fairy is still sitting there helping me through these dark days.
    Love the golfing one, I hadn't thought of men with these but what a good idea - now I think you need some football matches depicting. My 90 year old cousin sits there in his little flat with only the odd visit, phone call and his tv to watch so he looks forward to footie as I am sure many old men do. Yes footie is one that would go down a storm.
    Take care and stay safe and well, Hugs, Neet 9 xx

  3. You are giving us a lot of pleasure as well with your lovely creations Jo.
    They really are amazing.
    Lynn xx 19

  4. I do love your mitts! They are all wonderful but I really loved the countryside one. I could look at them for hours so I bet they are even more wonderful in person. Love the little fairy too. Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #10

  5. Lovely lovely twiddlemits, dear Jo, hard to pick a fav but think it might be the last one. Thanks too for news re Shaz, I don’t know what’s wrong but will pop over to her blog now as it’s bedtime. I must head there soon after prayer and will pray for her and Doug and yourselves too of course all the crop folk are in my list and some others from WOYWW too.
    Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  6. I can just imagine what sort of comments your much younger sister would have made, lol!! Suffice to say, you’d probably need large quantities of pink wool!!! The ones you’ve shown today are fantastic Jo, you put so much detail into them, they are mini works of art. I particularly love Fairy Sparkle’s pigtails!!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  7. Hi Jo, somehow I can imagine just what Annie's unsuitable suggestions might have been. Love the ones you did go with - the golf course is going to make some man very happy. And the rainbow is a lovely touch on the countryside one. My thoughts are with Shaz and Doug too and, like you, I'm hoping for the best. Have a lovely crafty week. Hugs, Ellie x #30

  8. Our snow has completely vanished Jo. So glad you managed to avoid the floods. Love the latest twiddle mitts and not at all surprised how well your previous delivery went down. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  9. Lovely as always - maybe I should make one - might stop me eating when I'm watching tv!! We had qute a bit of snow in London, most unusual and pretty much gone now thank goodness!! Hope to be back out for my walks again tomorrow and want to check the garden for new growth - though it has been pretty cold, any sensible plant would have gone back to sleep for a few days! You are cracking those scrap pages! Happy WOYWW, stay safe, stay well, Cindyxx #8

  10. Jo, I love to hear successes! I am positive that they relish the goodies you bring!! Love your latest designs. Fairy Sparkle is such a cuties! But my fave is the Countryside! LOVE, LOVE!! Every cute little aspect from the rainbow to the scarecrow to the tractor is simply awesome! You are so, so talented! What better way to bring joy to someone! :) Staying safe as I hope you are and safe! Blessings to you! Felicia #28

  11. You always make such fantastic twiddle mitts. the top one is beautiful (I love purple!) It's good to know they are appreciated too. take care and stay safe.. Helen #1

  12. Loving the latest twiddle mitts they are so gorgeous! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, with love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#14)

  13. Oh my! these just get better and better! Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x18x

  14. Just had a thought. Have you done a Twiddler with snowmen and snowballs. Know it's a bit late now but bet it would look brilliant xxx

  15. These are so absolutely adorable! fairy sparkle is precious :) and the rainbow and sun over the farm?! Love it! You're so imaginative and sweet ~ speaking of sweet...maybe ice cream cones?! Enjoy your week ~ Love, Karen#32

  16. Hi Jo! Bulbs???? Wow, you guys stat early! We are lucky to see bulbs coming up by the end of March! I love your new designs, if I were to choose, I would take the Fairy Sparkle! But they are all awesome. Have a great week and stay safe! Lindart #34

  17. I think I lime these best so far, Jo. Apparently they are also being used in Covid wards to help with agitation when people are really poorly. Hoping for a sewing day tomorrow.

  18. Your new twiddlers are amazing, love the fairy one and the country scene. -erhaps I should put my order in now so they are ready for future use :). Have a great week Angel #15

  19. Fairy Sparkle is my most favourite, love purple and pink and fairies and sparkles, super job. BJ#11

  20. A great set of twiddlers this week, Jo. I love how you choose a theme for each one. So much thought goes into them.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #24

  21. Well Jo, I haven't been around for a long time and was thinking of WOYWW today...dropped by to see what you've been up to and oh my golly gosh...your twiddle mitts are amazing and your little 'folk' too - actually I've never heard of them before and looked it up, it's great idea and use for all those yarn scraps we have.. I see there's a call for them in Australia - who knows I might have a go. I looked back over a few months of your posts -- all your work is just gorgeous and I'm so pleased that you are able to keep busy in these trying times with Covid. You might see me around now... enjoy your craft, it brightened my day, stay safe Robyn


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.