Wednesday 20 January 2021


 So, where did the last week go??

The time has just flown by and I can hardly say that I have been so, so busy!

We have managed walks and a few video calls to friends and family but that's about it.

Well, apart from my knitting and sewing of course.....

Can you tell what they are yet??

Yes - a few more little "Nurse mates".
I used up odd scraps of DK yarn and popped them in the bag with 10 twiddle mitts for the hospital.
They might bring a smile to someone in need of it.

Below are my latest twiddlers.
Over the arm of the chair is the knitted piece that will become a "Woodland" mitt.
The pink one is just a textural one.
The other two are... Treasure Island and Gone Fishing.
They have lots of bits and bobs on the outside to twiddle and maybe stimulate a thought or two.
Also I always put 3 or 4 bits inside each one that can be twiddled - big buttons, knitted danglers, silky ribbon etc.

So that's me for this week.

I hope you are all managing to stay safe and well and that you are not too fed up with the lockdown.

With floods on the horizon for many, I just count my blessings.

Stay safe all!

xx Jo


  1. Oh, those nurse mates are fab! I am sure they would put a smile on some faces. Glad you are staying safe. Helen #4

  2. I love the little nurse mates and well done you with the latest're so creative. I've linked you just in case you've still not sorted the problem.
    Annie x

  3. Fabulous nurse mates Jo, I bet they brought a smile to many faces along with the twiddle mitts. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  4. Good morning Jo
    I’m giggling because at first I thought the first pic was something rude. I must have a mucky mind. But then to see them as nurses just took my breath away, they are wonderful and are sure to be treasured.
    Your twiddle mitts are always so beautiful. I found a pattern for them when I was sorting stuff last week. I’ll go and have a look at it later.
    Have a lovely week and take care.
    Lynn xx 7

  5. I’m the same, time flying by but I’m not sure why!! I had no clue that the figures were knitted as one piece, how clever! As for your twiddles, to be honest Jo, they are works of art. I love your ingenuity with the themes.

  6. Well done with the twiddlemitts and the nurse/doctor dolls I am sure they will make someone very happy. Ani#11

  7. Morning Jo. Love the little nurses - they are great. Erm... thought you said you hadn't been busy?? Certainly looks like it - the twiddle muffs are fun. Well done.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  8. Your twiddle mits look like beautiful little pieces of art, they really do. I love how you have different themes, something for everyone. Your little Nurse mates are so cute but it took me a long time looking at them to figure out how the flat ones turn into the 3D ones! Very clever!
    Hope you have a good week and stay safe and well,
    Diana xx #15

  9. Thank goodness I’m not the only one who spat out my morning cuppa when I saw the first pic!! I knew I liked Lynn Holland :-D. It’s amazing the difference a bit of sewing up can make because the first shot could have been very very different, snigger. There could be a market for muffs for gentlemen too you know!!!!
    Those twiddles are brilliant, I do love the detail you put into them. Keep warm and safe lovely gal, I hope the Severn behaves itself in Shrewsbury.
    Hugs LLJ 16 xxx

  10. Love the Nurse mates and the twiddle mitts. They are designed beautifully.
    Stay safe and keep well.
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #12

  11. Sorry, Jo, my i pad had to be wiped too when I saw the first photos. The finished nursemates are lovely. As always, I am in awe if your twiddle muffs-so thoughtfully constructed. We’re at home too for safety.

  12. Awww, your little nurse mates are so cute - I never realised they started like that before stuffing them. The twiddlers look very detailed with all those interesting bits on them - so quirky! Thanks for your visit, Jo, hope you're keeping well. xx zsuzsa #18

  13. Jo, ALWAYS love looking at what treasures you have on your desk as I KNOW it will ALWAYS be some selfless craft for a very fortunate and blessed receiver! Such a gift you have and love how you are so quick to share it with others! The Nuse Mates are too stinking cute! and the twiddlers are without a doubt yummy! I always love the mix of colors and you seem to put together so effortlessly! Hope you are staying safe as well in your area and hope we will all see an end coming soon! Blessings, Felicia #27

  14. Oh the nurse mates are cool, first time I've seen them, what a great way to knit and sew a figure. Your twiddle mitts are great too, love the colours and themes. BJ#13

  15. Loving your nurse mates but the twiddlers are still my favourites. Take care and have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x14x

  16. Your tiny nurses are wonderful, just the things to bring a smile to someone in hospital, nurse or patient. Twiddle mitts brilliant as always. Have a great week Angela #6

  17. Happy WOYWW. It is getting late in the day now and I did wonder what on earth you had been making! The finished dolls are genius, and the twiddle mitts must bring so much joy. Ali x. #26

  18. Hello Jo. I love the nurse mates and the twiddle muffs are works of art. Take care. Anne x

  19. What you sew in a week is amazing! The nurse mates are adorable and I love all the twiddle mitts in fun colors and themes ~ our numbers keep climbing here in VA after the holiday ~ More friends and loved ones coming down with the Virus ~ One loss and one very ill, the others are recovering as if from the flu. I pray this will go away soon!! blessings and well wishes sent your way, Love, Karen #33

  20. the nurse mates sure made me smile!
    robyn 32

  21. Jo, you are so generous with your time - love all your makes as always. You are really a Good Samaritan.
    Stay Safe & Well, Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  22. Your little nurses are soooo cute! Love the ongoing twiddle mitts project too - so much variety and pretty colours.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #23

  23. I love the little nurse mates and the latest twiddles are lovely. Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#8)

  24. I love your little nurses with their masks, and it looks like they've got their little hands in their pockets they are such a lovely idea and of course love your twiddlers, I could do with some of them to twiddle with! I've followed you, very surprised that I wasn't already from years back, before I left blogland to go off to walk dogs and sit on pets! Have a great crafty week, stay safe and Happy late WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #17

  25. Love those izzy dolls, I have the pattern but want to finish my preemie clothes first.

    Take care, stay safe
    Christine #35


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.