Wednesday 13 January 2021


 Good morning all!

Another week - another Wednesday.

In the spirit of lockdown - apart from a couple of short walks near home- my week has been very much like last week.......

I have risen to my challenge and managed to create a few more Twiddle mitts.

Spring and The Garden


Autumn colours and The Farm

My email from the Dementia nurse at the hospital said " Thanks for the Christmas bagful and keep them coming!" So, that's all the encouragement I need.

It is certainly good to be doing something useful that might just help things a tiny bit for staff and patients up there. I just don't know how they are coping with all the problems at the moment - it's a nightmare.
Thankfully we are all well and let's hope that's how it stays.

I hope you are all staying safe and well.
Of course, we are all thinking of Shaz and sending her our love and good wishes.

Take care but make the most of each day with a bit of crafty fun!

xx Jo


  1. Morning Jo
    Yes I’m thinking of Shaz too. With us lot behind her she should be fine.
    While I’ve been clearing out this week I came across a file and inside was a copy of a pattern for twiddle mitts.
    What a coincidence. I’ve kept it safe for future reference.
    I love the brightness and textures of yours. What a thrill to be gifted the,.
    Stay safe dear Jo.
    Lynn xx 16

  2. Morning Jo. I love all those twiddle muffs. What fun - such glorious colour to brighten even the dullest of days - it being a day today when I can barely see half a mile across the valley bottom! The message from the Dementia nurse was lovely - such an encouragement.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  3. Gorgeous twiddle mitts Jo. You really put your heart into making each one and I'm sure they will bring many smiles to those that receive them....keep up the good work.
    I've linked you :-)
    Annie x

  4. What a great email to get, it’s good to know that they really do love the twiddle mitts and want more - why wouldn’t they, they’re gorgeous!! The rainbow ones in particular caught my eye this morning, really heart warming and happy!
    I’m glad my wobbly legs cause you some amusement this week, I’ve been doing my best :0D
    Hugs LLJ 15 xxx

  5. Yep, my weeks look pretty much the same too, but there seems to be plenty to do! Believe me Jo, the dementia patients that are benefitting from your twiddle muffs will benefit even more from there being different ones to play with, especially whilst visitors aren’t allowed and the staff are stretched for activity time. Not only that, they are the most creative muffs I’ve ever seen!

  6. You are doing a wonderful job and helping so many people, and it's lovely to get an appreciative email from the hospital too. I can relate to your comment about the weeks being very much like the previous ones - I can't imagine not having art and craft to help me through this.
    Have a good week and hope you enjoy you little bits of arty fun each day!
    Diana xx #25

  7. Aah the lovely twiddle mitts they are always so bright and colourful! I do feel those in the care homes, or for those caring for elders at home in this time - it must be so hard. I am generally a bit of a homebody but not being able to go out this last week is a different mindset - I usually get out to the postbox most days!! Yes we are all thinking of Shaz, she has had such a rough few months - but she's pretty tough and hopefully on the way to getting sorted. Happy WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy #14 xx

  8. So nice of them to acknowledge your work. The latest ones are fab stay safe . Helen #4

  9. Those latest twiddlemitts are absolutely super. I love seeing them and want to enlarge them so I can take in every little detail. No wonder they are a success with the nurses, I bet they sneak them on, for testing purposes of course, as soon as the bag arrives.
    Hugs - Stay safe and well
    Neet 17 xx

  10. They are another beautiful set of mitts Jo. Glad that your work is so appreciated by the unit. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  11. These are soo sweet ~ I'm sure they're thrilled to receive them. stay warm and keep creating ~ Love, Karen#30

  12. Jo, what a bright light you are to those in need!! God is using you right where He needs you and you DEFINITELY are doing "something good!" I always love your Twiddle mitts, they are simply gorgeous! Blessings to you! Felicia #33

  13. I so love your twiddle mitts. They are gorgeous - so colourful and tactile. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#13)

  14. I so love the mitts and all the different designs you come up with. Take care and have a lovely creative week, Angela x23x

  15. Hello Jo, without a doubt, we are thinking of Shaz. Hope she is keeping better now she's home. Your designs for the mitts are great fun and all different too. My heart goes out to all medical staff and carers of the elderly during this time. It must be worrying trying to keep their charges healthy. Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie x #32

  16. Your twiddle mitts are wonderful, obviously much appreciated. Have a great week Angela #10

  17. Rainbows are my favourite this week, Jo. The pavements have been so treacherous that we’ve hardly been out at all but I’ve been doing some exercise online. Hope learning at home is going well- we have a Hub opposite our house for children of key workers and it’s wonderful to hear them out in the playground. We have a big snowfall again this morning so I may be forced to do some housework!! Take care.

  18. I had to look up what 'Twiddle mitts' are but once I found the translation... aaaah, that's so nice and sweet of you to create them! The Autumn one is my fave, the colours I like best! Have a nice week dear, stay healthy and safe! Big hug from the Netherlands. Marit #31

  19. More gorgeous twiddle mitts, Jo! I am glad they are going down so well, but not a bit surprised. They are lovely.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #28

  20. So love the twiddle mitts!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #26

  21. I love those Twiddle Mitts! The Farm is my favourite of the three. So nice for you to be able to do something to help, and that your help is so much appreciated! Have a great week, sorry to be so late, Lindart #35


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.