Wednesday 6 January 2021

WOYWW -2021 Things can only get better!


Happy New Year to all my blog buddies and anyone else who pops in to see what I am up to.

Well, with another lockdown being upon us, the answer to "What is she up to?" might be "Not a lot!"

But, of course, I don't let a lockdown stop me from keeping busy and enjoying what I do.

The lovely LLJ sent me a gorgeous cross-stitched Christmas card which was just too beautiful to put in my Christmas box along with all my other "saved, handmade beauties". I found one of Tilly's little IKEA Tysslinge frames and popped it on top of the little grey storage drawers in my sewing room. Now it just makes me smile every time I go in there. 

The happy robin card that Annie made for me is also saved for another occasion - sometimes cards are just too nice to part with aren't they!

Below is my New Year challenge to myself.......

I am going to try to make as many twiddle mitts as I can during lockdown.

These are just basic ones using odds and ends of chunky yarn (thanks lots LLJ).

I am going to design a few more themed ones - I think "Spring" would be good as I could put Spring flowers, sunshine, rainbows, new life etc on them - very uplifting for me to do and the recipient to receive.

So, keep positive - that's the main thing. If we let things overwhelm us then we are all losers. Take each day as it comes. Do something you enjoy every day no matter how small. Contact folk who make you laugh - even an email or FB message can lift our spirits.

Sending you all a big virtual hug!

xx Jo


  1. What a great idea to frame Jan's gorgeous card, I am afraid mine is just in the saved card pile! Good luck with your twiddle mitts challenge! Stay safe and take care Helen #2

  2. I've saved all my beautiful hand made cards too Jo....just not sure what to do with them yet. I'm sure I can find you more wool for your challenge if you need it Jo.....Keep knitting and smiling.
    Annie x

  3. Wow, that's a challenge you are setting yourself that I will love. I so enjoy seeing your Twiddlemitts and the promise of seeing some each week is wonderful music to my ears.
    How lovely that you had a card which you felt merited framing, that is a lovely idea - glad you had the right frame too.
    Happy New Year to you, stay safe and well,
    Hugs, Neet 17 xx

  4. Good morning Jo, what a lovely post to start of the new year on woyww.
    I’ve just said to Jan I’m so happy we have woyww to come to each week.
    What a joy to be with everyone and how lovely are your twiddle mitts missus.
    Love Lynn xxx 20

  5. Aww, how lovely to see the card in that perfect frame, I’m, really chuffed by that! Funnily enough I mentioned you and the chunky wool on my blog today, truly it is better with you being knitted into those fantastic twiddlemuffs than it was stuck in the JanCave wardrobe. You’re so right about being positive, I’m really trying to contact many people as I can, if only to annoy them, lolol!!
    Hugs LLJ 16 xxx

  6. Great post! Just what I needed to read, I am in recovery from minor surgery and DDC has gone into hospital with suspected broken ankle, your post has really lifted me. Thank you
    Take care and stay safe
    Christine #28

  7. Happy New year

    what a lovely idea to frame a card, I have one from Sweden with elves on it and I am going to frame,

    Take care care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #11

  8. I have a few cards framed - some are Christmas, one is not, and is up all year round. When someone puts the effort in, it easy to cherish.

    The twiddle mitts look lovely - would they normally be inside out, so you can twiddle while your hands are inside them?

    Happy WOYWW!

    Morti #23

  9. Love LLJ's card and so cool that you framed it!
    The twiddle mitts are so pretty!
    Have a great week!
    Carol N #30

  10. lovely cross stitch card, another keepsake! Love the little house box too! Happy New Year Lets hope 2021 is better! Happy WOYWW Stay safe, we aren't going anywhere! Keep crafting ((Lyn)) #25

  11. Hi, Jo!

    Your mittens are awesome! I absolutely love the colors. Great designs!

    Chana Malkah, #5

  12. What a sweet card you received and it looks terrific framed. I see your twiddle mitts are in full production ~ I like the idea of a Spring theme for all the bright colors and happy blooms ~ maybe a St. Patrick's day one would be fun too ~ Happy Crafting! Love, Karen #32

  13. I often find it difficult to let the handmade cards go they are so special. The biggest surprise I had was a friend of my husband that he used to work with has kept every Christmas and birthday card I made for her she just needs a bigger box Lol! Take care and have a happy woyww, Angela x19x

  14. Doesn't Jan's card look absolutely splendid in the frame, and it is perfect on top of the little cabinet! I agree with you about the special cards - you can't just put them away. I'm keeping mine p on the mantelpiece and too bad about the tradition of taking them all down at Epiphany! I enjoy looking at them and thinking of the people who were kind enough to make them for me.

    Your latest twiddle mitts are gorgeous - lovely bold colours.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #18

  15. Hi Jo, Jan's card looks lovely framed, and looks perfect on the drawers. Good luck with your challenge- my challenge to myself is see how long I can keep up with the daily journal I have started. Since we are in lockdown once again, and we can't go out and enjoy the garden since it's cold - I may last longer on the challenge than I thought! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #14

  16. A lovely card from Jan indeed Jo. Good luck with your twiddle mitt lockdown challenge to yourself. Happy New Year, stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  17. Thank you for the hug, I miss hugging everyone. Did you dream up the twiddle mitt idea, it is such a great one. Have a great week Angela #13

  18. Lovely card from Han and it fits the wee frame perfectly. It’s good that you are designing and making twiddle mitts during lockdown as they will be needed more than ever during this time. Hope you are both well.

  19. Super words Jo, and absolutely right, we mustn’t let it beat us now, we’ve come a long way! All of LL’I don’t make cards’J’s were gorgeous and like you, I keep a lot, rotate them on a big peg on the wall in my workroom. Find them very inspiring and cheering, any time. Your twiddle mitt challenge is a great one, I predict many, I’m going to stick my neck out and say more than twenty!

  20. The frame sets of the cross stitch beautifully and I love the twiddle mits. Sorry I'm late. Wishing you a happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#10)

  21. Always love your twiddle mitts!
    Sorry for the late visit!
    Happy New Year and happy WOYWW!
    Susan #6
    Calling All Crafters! – My personal Blog!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.