Wednesday 30 December 2020

WOYWW - last days of 2020!


Well, here we are in the last few days of 2020.

Let's hope 2021 is full of good cheer!

Maxine gave me this lovely little collage kit - "Bluebell Garden".

I made a start on it. It has all the bits and bobs I need - plus I do have a fair stash of my own in case I want a few extras- lol!

I read the instructions thoroughly and cut out all the bits ready but, as yet, I haven't made a start.

The finished piece could be "framed" in an embroidery hoop but I fancy making it into a mounted, framed picture so need to think how I adapt it.

So, that will be keeping me busy into the new Year.

I wonder what the rest of my lovely WOYWW friends will be doing.

We have snow here so I shall be keeping warm and cosy indoors.

We walked around Attingham yesterday just before the worst of the snow arrived. There are floods way out across the fields but that is normal at this time of year.

Have a Happy New year everyone. Take care and stay safe.

xx Jo


  1. HNY Jo, I love a kit to get my teeth into. Yours looks very pretty. My sister in law lives in Telford and I’m sure she regularly walks around Attingham. I’ll tell her to wave to everyone who looks like a Jo, next time she’s out. 🤗 Take care with hugs from Sue #22

  2. What a lovely gift from your daughter. I look forward to seeing it completed and think I would frame it rather than put it in an embroidery hoop.
    We have only had a dusting of snow here but today it is cold, icy and misty so good to be tucked up warm
    Here's to a better year ahead than the one we have just had. Keep crafting, blogging and stay safe, happy and well.
    Hugs, Neet 13 xx

  3. I’ve linked you and written a quick blog. I can’t have everyone missing me. Now sat in my cosy chair reading a few blogs. I love your kit.
    Annie x

  4. That's a great gift from Maxine - I look forward to seeing the finished piece. I need to go make a birthday card for my brother, rather than leave it to the last minute like so often..... wishing you and yours a very happy and healthy new year and rol on the vaccines! Helen #5

  5. Lovely colours in that prezzie from Max, it’s going to look gorgeous when framed up and I know you’ll add some extras to it in your own inimitable way, lol! Here’s hoping that we all have a happy and healthy 2021 - can’t wait to meet up some time!
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxxxx

  6. What a lovely kit from Maxine Jo. Look forward to seeing how you adapt it for framing. Stay safe, Happy WOYWW and Happy New Year. Sarah #9

  7. Hi Jo, the collage kit looks just the thing to while away a few snowbound hours. I've been no further than my garden lately but it looks lovely with a hard frost - everything looks prettier when it's frosted up. And it's lovely to get back into our cosy house, and make a hot chocolate to warm us up. Take care my lovely friend. I wish you and yours all the best for 2021. Hugs, Elizabeth x #32

  8. Thanks for the visit. Really all these years, I notice you somewhat have the same weather pattern. Love the colors of your little kit. Have fun with it. We've no plans for the New Years Day or New Years Eve on the 2nd our favorite college is playing in a football bowl game. I only know 2021 I need to see my sons and families. This phone stuff just ain't cutting it. Happy New Year to you and yours. Stay Safe.

  9. That kit is intriguing, Jo. Looking forward to seeing it completed. Best Wishes for 2021 from our house to yours.

  10. Your collage kit looks interesting, I haven’t seen one like that before. I shall look forward to seeing it finished. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year Angela #14

  11. What a lovely looking collage kit - I look forward to seeing it finished. We had loads of snow here and it is still hanging around, although rather icy now. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. Praying for a happy and blessed New Year for you and yours. With love & God Bless. Caro x (#16)

  12. Hi Jo, I love the little kit, the colours are very springtime like. I'm not the biggest fan of winter - I don't like the cold, and we have snow at the moment. I think I would be making a start on that little kit straight away, willing spring to arrive! Have a lovely week and Happy New Year, hugs Heather xx #30

  13. Jo your kit looks lovely! I love the colors and can't wait to see how it progresses!! Here's hoping you have a very Happy New Year! Stay safe and warm! Blessings, Felicia #31

  14. Hi Jo that is a lovely gift. I just wanted to pop and say Happy New Year - well I hope it will be. I blogged but still struggling to link up :-( Take care, stay safe. Anne x

  15. What a beautiful gift from Daughter to Mother, look forward to seeing it in all it's glorious glory crafted my your clever hands.
    Wishing you and the family a happy & healthy 2021 WoywW HUgs Tracey 7 x

  16. Good call from Maxine, I suggest as you’re so skilled that it’s hard to buy you something that needs doing! I expect too that walking round it for a bit while you work out the adaptation is a part of the pleasure for you. Filthy weather, rampant Covid....yep, stay indoors and stitch!

  17. That kit looks lovely, Jo - I adore bluebells and for me, there is nothing more beautiful than a beech wood carpeted with bluebells in the spring. Heavenly!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #25

  18. Hi Jo, hope you will forgive me for being so late this week. Loving the kit and look forward to seeing how you get on with it. Sending New Year hugs and happy belated woyww wishes, Angela x17x

  19. Adore the collage kit. would love to do one of those myself, love the colours and patterns. You could always mount it in a circle mount and square frame if you get my drift. Happy New Year BJ#10

  20. That is a lovely collage kit!! Would love to do one similar...
    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Update on here in Victoria – after more than two months with no Covid cases we now have a handful again…
    Susan #15
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  21. Happy New Year!

    I apologize for the late visit. I had a few computer issues.

    Looking forward to seeing the completed project!

    Stay safe and be well,
    Chana Malkah, #1

  22. Happy New year,

    Thought I had commented on your blog, but maybe I didn't
    Thats a lovely cross stitch card, and the twiddle mitts are lovely great colours,

    Take care and stay safe
    Lilian B #12


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.