Wednesday 23 December 2020

WOYWW - Christmas 2020


Happy Christmas to all my WOYWW friends around the globe and anyone else who drops in to see what I am up to!

Rudolf and Rosy are two little reindeer chocolate orange covers that I knitted this week.

I saw similar ones on Pinterest but couldn't find a pattern so I invented one. I think they will be well loved - well at least the chocolate orange will!

Below are some of the beautiful handmade cards that I have received this year. Thanks lots to everyone who sent them - I love them and really appreciate all the effort that goes into their making.

And lastly - I had a request for a Santa sack. 
It was a bit last minute so I had to delve into my fabric stash and make the best of what I found.
I think it's fine and will be just right for baby Evie.

Well that's it for this week.

I hope you have a lovely Christmas - however you are able to celebrate it.

I always think that life is what you make it.

It may not be the Christmas we would choose but we are fit and well and have a roof over our heads. We will see our family, if only for a short Santa sack swap. We will have a Christmas lunch - just the two of us. Our thoughts should be with those who are not so lucky.

Keep safe and stay well.

Best wishes.

xx Jo


  1. Happy WOYWW. Amazingly I am not a chocolate orange fan, but I do love your Rudolph covers. Such a sweet Santa sack for Evie. Giving me inspiration to make some for our grandchildren next year. I think me and my little sewing machine may be able to tackle those. Merry Christmas. Ali x #5

  2. Love the reindeer covers Jo and I am sure that Evie will love her sack too. Great collection of handmade cards that you've received. Merry Christmas and here's to a better 2021 for all. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #11

  3. I love the little reindeers and I'm sure Evie will love her sack too. Here's hoping this virus b******* off very soon and we can get back to a near normal life. We are missing out on so much.
    Annie x

  4. Have a super Christmas Jo
    Thanks for your friendship
    Stay safe and well
    Love Lynn #23 xxx

  5. Morning Jo. I reckon the reindeer as well as the contents will be well loved! Fabulous. That sack seems just right - lots of space for anticipation of lovely things.
    How true. We have a warm home, loving family (even if we won't see them), food on the table... how very blessed we are.
    Have a happy Christmas the pair of you.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  6. Well done on the Rudolphs, they are brilliant and made me smile! You’re a clever lass xx The Santa Sack is fab too and a great make from the depths of your stash, lol! You’re so right, I’m very grateful for how our Christmas is going to pan out, so many others aren’t so fortunate. Merry Christmas lovely gal and thanks for all the fun and friendship this year.
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  7. The reindeer chocolate orange covers are just adorable, and I'm so impressed that you made the pattern up yourself. The Santa sack is so cute too and I'm sure will be very much enjoyed on Christmas morning!
    I hope you have a lovely Christmas and stay safe and well,
    Diana xx #18

  8. How cute! I love the pompom reindeer nose :) Beautiful cards from wonderful friends too ~ Enjoy the season! Love, Karen

  9. The reindeer are cute! I never acquired a taste for orange chocolate but know some who do!Beautiful cards and a cute sack!
    Merry Christmas and God bless!
    Carol N #29

  10. Jo, Your reindeer covers are lovely. They will be a good excuse to buy more Chocolate oranges to put in them! Cute Santa sack as well
    Have a happy Christmas
    Lynnecrafts 22

  11. Oh loved to be greeted by those 2 reindeers. Adorable. Such pretty little card grouping also. We have had a great December weather 40's/50's and I guess to keep us all home and safe we will be blessed with forecast of ice/wind/snow and blizzard conditions. Wondering if it will happen !!! Never mind my time at home. No doubt phones/zoom/skype will keep us in tune with family. Wishing You and Yours a very MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS.

  12. Those reindeers are gorgeous and would make a chocolate orange even more delicious! Have a lovely Christmas x Angela #19

  13. I love those chocolate orange covers! I am sure they will keep the chocolate snug... well done on setting to with the little sack too. Hope you have a happy Christmas and happy WOYWW and here's to a much better and nicer(!) 2021 xx Helen #1

  14. Hi Jo, your reindeer cosies are fabulous and will be cherished long after the choc oranges have been scoffed. Lovely cards - mine must still be in the post. Hope you have a happy, though different, Christmas. Hugs, Ellie x #35

  15. Sorry I'm late it's been crazy here today, leaking washer and then fetching the Christmas order even the dogs didn't get their walk today but I'm here now. Loving Rudolf and Rosy they are so sweet. Nice card collection and the bag is perfect. Wishing you the best Christmas possible. Hugs, Angela x10x

  16. oh they are sooooo cute! Rosie and Rudolf! and such a lovely little keepsake! Have a great rest of the week and a very Merry Christmas and happy New Year! Stay safe, Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) #24

  17. Well, I was impressed with the reindeer covers but when I read that you had made the pattern up yourself I was even more impressed. Is there no end to your talent Jo? I am so lucky to know you and I thank you for the friendship we have had over the years.
    Here's to a Wonderful and Very Happy Christmas to you and yours - and above all, Stay Safe and Well
    Neet 8 xx

  18. The reindeer covers are super brilliant.
    Have a Happy Christmas, Love BJ#17

  19. cute,...I love your little reindeer.... and, good for you inventing your own pattern...
    I've been scrolling backwards through your posts... you stayed busy as usual..good for you!
    I got lazy, ticked off and now my eyes are giving me grief after cataract not doing much close up stuff at all.
    But, I've been baking...exercising and trying to stomp forward... hahah...and, hopefully now that I'm able to log in to my blog and show up as "me" .. maybe I'll remain a bit more motivated...


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.