Wednesday 21 October 2020



Last week I promised you some of my knitting - well these little snowmen are waiting to go off to a friend's charity donation. 

I think she is filling them with sweets and a poem and handing them out as little gifts to folk in hospital over Christmas. A lovely idea as I am sure there will be many who can't even have visitors over Christmas and these might give them a smile.

Below is the fuchsia fest that is in my garden at the moment.

They will all be gone with the first frosts but just now they are glorious.

This one below is  "Tom Thumb" - still going strong Jan!

And lastly just a little bit of crafty activity from the craft room....

I made a few more lavender bags (still trying to use up that 500g bag of lavender!)

And..... having found a nice piece of navy fleece in my stash, I decided to make a snuggly throw to go on the end of Ben's bed. I trimmed it with lime green fleece to match his feature wall and cut out a few motifs from his left over blind fabric. He was thrilled with it.

Never a dull moment here.

I just wish I could get together with my crafty buddies a bit more but we are all trying to be so careful as the virus is slowly picking up - even here in rural Shropshire.

Well that's it for this week

I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe.

xx Jo


  1. Love the little snowmen Jo and that fleecy throw for Ben's bed looks fab...I'm sure he will love it....there's something special about being cosily wrapped in Nanny's love at bedtime.
    Annie x

  2. Wow, I'm so pleased to see that Tom is still going strong, that's brilliant!! In fact all your fuchsias are doing well, what's your trick? Lovely to knit the little snowmen ready to set off on their journey too, they'll be so appreciated by someone, you are a star! G thinks that the problem is a pop up ad on Julia's blog that's upsetting the BT, he turned off out web protect (apparently we are well covered by every firewall known to man!) and that seemed to do the trick. Weird as it's never happened before. IT'll be interesting to see if there's a repeat next week.
    Keep safe and well lovely gal.
    Hugs LLJ 17 xxxx

  3. Ah wonderful lot of fuchsia I used to have three different which you have one .. but lost lot over years they took more care than could give, in sick times they just died.
    Those snowmen are really brilliant, love Ben’s blankie too, wonderful! And am impressed by lovely lavender!
    Gotta go now 10pm time for prayer and bed, will specially pray for Annie’s diabetes, it’s no fun at all.
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  4. Hi Jo, your fuschias are gorgeous, one of my favourite plants. I have a couple in our front garden, and they seem to be fairly well protected there, as they flower long into winter.Love the blanket for Ben, looks so snuggly. The knitted dolls are such a lovely idea, I agree it's going to be a difficult situation for visitors in hospitals this Christmas. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

  5. Just love, love those snowmen and what a lovely idea!
    The season of snugglies is almost upon us so well done for getting in early.
    Have a good week
    Christine #14

  6. The snowmen are so cute and the fuchsias are gorgeous. I used to collect different varieties years ago but the grower retired and closed all his greenhouses to the public so nothing now. Sadly I've not been to the Craft Club either though they have been allowed to keep it pen here in Lincoln but we'll see. Wishing you a lovely week and a very happy woyww, Angela x20x

  7. Those delightful little snowmen are a wonderful idea - I can't see things getting very much better by Christmas so I'm sure they will be well needed and appreciated. The Fuchsias are looking lovely, I bet they are a joy to look out on, especially on grey, wet days like today! Love the blanket you make for Ben, very stylish and I bet it looks good with his co-ordinating wall.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #19

  8. You’ve been very busy this week, Jo, and all your makes look lovely. Ben is a lucky boy to have such a lovely personalised blanket for his bed. I’m now making a scrappy Christmas throw for the sofa after my papercrafting activities! Happy crafting! !

  9. Jo, I love your snowmen and what a brilliant, lovely thing to do! I know those children will be so appreciative and blessed! Ohhh the Fuschia and Tom Thumb, what a gorgeous fest that is!! How beautiful! I love lavender bags in the sock drawer....smells so yummy! Ben will love his snuggly throw, it's too cute!! Blessings for the rest of your week. Felicia, #32

  10. Love those snowmen, so cute . Love the snuggly throw . Have a good week stay safe Helen #2

  11. Long time no visit!
    Your little snowmen look fabulous and your array of fuschias is really impressive. Seeing the lavender bags has reminded me that I bought some dried lavender to make bags and I still have loads left. Maybe I should look it out. Does it go off? May lose some of its potency I expect!
    DO stay safe
    Chrissie #10

  12. Those little snowmen look great and such a lovely idea to give them as gifts filled with sweets. Your fushia plants are gorgeous and must give you great pleasure. Have a great week Angela #36

  13. Lovely throw - I do like lime with navy.
    What a fabulous array of snowmen and what a lovely idea to use them in that way. It will be particularly awful for folks in hospital at Christmas with the no visitor rule. These should cheer them up a bit.
    Love your fuchsia. I have a huge one in the garden but over the summer it got burnt like crazy at the top third. I am so glad I had not cut it back as I normally do or I might have lost it. So not a good year for me and mine - glad yours have been particularly good.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  14. What a fab throw Jo, I bet Ben loves it. Super snowmen too. Great gift idea. Stay safe and happy OWYWW. Sarah #1

  15. I Love the little snowmen, and so will the recipients. Lot's of pretty blooms in beautiful shades to enjoy. I can't believe you still have lavender left ~ wonderful to think how many drawers are scented with your generosity! ~ Blessings to you ~ Karen #40

  16. Your little snowmen will certainly bring some cheer in the hospital, Jo! What fun. The throw is great. Aren't there a lot of different fuschia varieties? Yours are all so gorgeous! I love your little lavender bags, too. So pretty.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #22

  17. Sorry I’m late! The blanket for Ben was a great idea, especially now as the days are dark and afternoons on the sofa loom! How kind of you and your friend, the snowmen gifts is very thoughtful; lack of visitors is hard enough, but over a Christmas it will feel quite miserable. The top story tough for me is the Fuchsia fest. Oh my. My lovely neighbour has a lovely huge one outside on our teeny front gardens and I take pride in telling people to park by the fuchsia! I particularly love the golden green leafed one, and aren’t they flower prolific, just beautiful, like hundreds of ballerinas.

  18. Love the snowmen and all your crafty makes.
    Those Fuchsia are beautiful!
    Sorry for the late visit.
    #24 Susan


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.